niche (niche) 翻訳実績

英語 フランス語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
niche 英語 → 日本語

The firm was established in Birmingham in the late 19th century (the first known sterling silver hallmark was entered in Birmingham Assay Office in 1882). The founders were Thomas Henry Daniel (died 1897) and Thomas Richard Arter (died c. 1915) and was active at Globe Nevada Silver Works, Highgate Street, Birmingham as makers of brass, nickel-silver and electro-plated spoons, forks, ladles, etc. (1892).
The firm had also a London showroom at 62 Holborn Viaduct (until 1896) and later at 98 Hatton Garden.
Sterling silver hallmarks were entered in Sheffield Assay Office (1906) and London Assay Office (1913). Both these hallmarks were scarcely used.



niche 英語 → 日本語

6.When the LED on the left correctly indicates the string you are tuning.fine tune the string using the LED display on the right,loosening or tightening the string as needed.The string will be in tune when the LED No.6 turns green.
7.After getting all the string in tune,go back and double check each one.You may find some of the strings are slightly flat.As you tune-up,pressure from the strings naturally bends the Ukulele neck by a very small amount.This in turn,makes some of strings which you have just tuned slightly loose again.Tuning all the strings in order two or three times is a good way to solve the problem.
2.Please take the tuner off your Ukulele when you do not use it and store it in a safe,dry place.


6. 左側のLEDがチューニング中の弦を正しく表示したら、右側のLEDディスプレイを見ながら必要に応じて弦をゆるめたり締めたりして微調整してください。6番のLEDが緑色になったら、チューニング完了です。
7. 全ての弦のチューニングが終わったら、弦を一つ一つ再確認してください。少し音程が下がっているかもしれません。チューニングしているうちに、弦の力でウクレレのネックが自然とごくわずかにたわみます。同様に、チューニングしたばかりの弦がまた少しゆるむことにもなります。全ての弦を順に2、3回ずつチューニングしていくとよいでしょう。
2. 使用しない時はチューナーをウクレレから取り外し、安全で乾燥した場所に保管してください。