I'm sorry for the late reply.The price on Amazon includes the purchase price and $10 shipping fee.The price on our website includes the purchase price discounted by 20 dollars (We can discount the price because the site is our own one) and $30 shipping fee.I'm so sorry, but you can only use PayPal on our website.
In your translation this time, some sentences that should be connected as one sentence were separated and independent in themselves.Those sentences I mentioned are 13, 14, and 15 as in a source number.Connecting these sentences, it would be as follows:As for Japanese, these expressions should be correct.If there are someone who speaks Japanese around you, I think that the best way is that you compare them with the others.Please confirm.
I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable.I checked the shipping log again, but it was already shipped from our company.It should be stopped at customs or get lost somewhere during being shipped.Since it was shipped via SAL package that doesn't provide the trucking service, I am afraid that I couldn't truck it anymore and couldn't inform when you will receive it.As you claimed, I am concerned that a few month has passed, and I will refund you.
北海道 摩周湖 日本国内の死ぬまでに一度は行きたい観光名所日本でもっとも透明度の高い湖の一つで、世界ではバイカル湖についで第2位、2001年には北海道遺産に選定された。急激に深くなっていることとその透明度から青以外の光の反射が少なく、よく晴れた日の湖面の色は「摩周ブルー」と呼ばれている。世界一級の透明度を誇るカルデラ湖は、刻々として変わる湖面の変化が訪れる人々を魅了します。
Lake Mashu, HokkaidoThis is the sightseeing spot that you would like to visit some day before you die.It is the one of the clearest lakes in Japan, and the second clearest in the world only after Lake Baikal in Russia. In 2001, it was registered as a Hokkaido heritage site. Because Lake Mashu is surrounded by steep crater walls and the transparency of the water, the reflected light quantity aside from blue is small. That's the reason why the color of the surface of the lake on a clear day is called "Mashu blue."The crater lake that has the world-class transparency of the water changes the surface of the lake every moment, and attracts people who visit there