chidokoko (naoko_horigome330) 翻訳実績

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naoko_horigome330 英語 → 日本語

The beneficiaries of that violent process, dominant in every order of society, were in no way disposed to share their new privileges.In a Senate of a thousand members a preponderance of Caesarians owed status and office,if not wealth as well, to the Triumvirs;and a mass of Roman knights,by their incorporation in that order, reinforced the bond between the higher classes of the holders of property.Veterans by grant,and freedmen by
purchase, had acquired estates,sometimes with improvement of social standing, actual or in prospect: after the Sicilian War Octavianus accorded to his centurions on discharge the rank of town-councillors in their municipia. Hence certain symptoms of consolidation, political and social.



naoko_horigome330 英語 → 日本語

From the beginning, the faction of Octavianus invited those who had nothing to lose from war and adventure, among the 'foundation-members' being Agrippa and Salvidienus Rufus. Octavianus himself had only recently passed his twentieth birthday: Agrippa's age was the same to a year. Salvidienus, the earliest and greatest of his marshals, of origin no more distinguished than Agrippa, was his senior in years and military experience. His example showed that the holding of senatorial office was not an indispensable qualification for leading armies of Roman legions. But Salvidienus was not unique: foreigners or freed slaves might compete with knights for military command in the wars of the Revolution.


最初から、Octavianus派は、結成時のメンバーにAgrippaとSalvidienus Rufusという、戦争や冒険で失うものを持たない者たちを引き入れていた。Octavianus 自身は最近やっと20歳の誕生日を迎えたばかりだった。Agrippaも同年だった。Salvidienusは、Octavianusの最も早期のかつ最も重要な司令官であり、当初からAgrippaと区別されることはなかったが、年はいくつも上で軍隊経験の上でも先輩であった。彼は、元老院事務局の掌握がローマ軍を率いる必須条件ではなかったことを例証した。しかし、Salvidienusは無比の者ではなかった。外国人や解放奴隷らが、革命の戦いにおいて、軍司令のために騎士と競う恐れがあったからだ。

naoko_horigome330 英語 → 日本語

CBGB closed its doors seven years ago, but Hollywood is looking to keep it alive forever--at least in film.

Today XLrator Media announced that it has acquired all U.S. distribution rights to the film CBGB, a rock ‘n roll true story of the legendary New York City club that launched dozens of top bands and is known globally as the home of American Punk Rock music. The film will be released theatrically to coincide with the CBGB Music Festival, which takes New York City by storm October 9-13, 2013 with over 500 bands performing on 175 stages across the city including Times Square and Brooklyn’s Barkley Center.



今日、 XLrator Mediaは、同社がCBGBを映画化するにあたり、米国内全ての配給権を獲得したとアナウンスした。ニューヨーク市にある伝説的なロックンロール・クラブの真実の物語で、CBGBは数多くのトップバンドを生み、アメリカ・パンクロック音楽の母屋として世界的に知られている。映画は、CBGB Music Festivalと同時に劇場公開される予定だ。CBGB Music Festivalでは、2013年10月9日から13日、500以上ものバンドがタイムズ・スクエアからブルックリン・バークレイ・センターまで、ニューヨーク市内を嵐に巻き込みながら175のステージで演奏する予定だ。

naoko_horigome330 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

CBGB tells the tale of the famed punk venue and its iconoclastic founder Hilly Kristal, portrayed by Alan Rickman (Harry Potter series) and directed by Randall Miller (Bottle Shock). The film also stars Malin Akerman (The Numbers Station), Ashley Greene (Twilight franchise), Johnny Galecki (The Big Bang Theory), Rupert Grint (Harry Potter franchise), Justin Bartha (The Hangover franchise), Joel David Moore (Avatar), Freddy Rodriguez (Six Feet Under), Stana Katic (Castle) and Taylor Hawkins of the Foo Fighters. With 16 on-camera musical performances, the film features more than 60 classic songs by Talking Heads, Ramones, Blondie, Patti Smith, Iggy Pop, the Police, the Dead Boys and more.



naoko_horigome330 英語 → 日本語

The union of Antonius and Lepidus cleared the situation; messages may then have passed.They were instruments rather than agents. Of his lieutenants, Laterensis in shame took his own life; P. Canidius Crassus and Rufrenus were fervent Antonians; M. Silanus, who had carried his messages to Antonius, soon fell away to the cause of the Republic. The others were of no importance. Lepidus himself, however, was to have a second consulate in the next year, with Plancus as his colleague. For 41 B.C. were designated P. Servilius Isauricus and L. Antonius; for 40 B.C., Pollio and Cn. Domitius Calvinus. The Caesarians Servilius and Calvinus were consulars already, and nobiles at that.


AntoniusとLepidusの連合軍は、状況を一掃した。伝言はその時伝わったのかもしれない。彼らは仲介人というより、道具であった。彼の副官Laterensisは恥じ入り自殺した。P. Canidius Crassus と Rufrenusは熱心なAntonius派で、M. SilanusはAntoniusに伝言を届けたが、間もなく共和国の運動から遠ざかった。他の者たちは取るに足らなかった。 Lepidusはしかし、翌年にはPlancusを同僚として、第二執政官の地位を得る予定であった。紀元前41年はP. Servilius Isauricusと L. Antoniusに、紀元前40年はPollioとCn. Domitius Calvinusに割り当てられていた。カエサル派のServiliusとCalvinusはすでに執政官であったし、貴族でもあった。

naoko_horigome330 英語 → 日本語

Razor & Tie have partnered with AltPress to announce that CHIODOS have signed to the label and are well into the writing process of their upcoming album, which is set for release through the band's brand new Razor & Tie imprint.Vocalist Craig Owens comments, “We're very excited to be working with Razor & Tie.The label is one that we as a band have looked to as a source of integrity filled rock music for some time now.Having our own imprint gives us the opportunity to be as creative as we choose, while also giving us a way to get it to the fans in a direct and focused way.This will be the first time we have released music together, since 2008.To say that we are anxious isan understatement.”


Razor & Tie は、 AltPressと提携し、CHIODOS(チオドス)が同社と契約し、近日発売アルバムの作曲プロセスに入る予定であると発表した。アルバムはバンドのブランドを通して新しい「Razor & Tie」商標のリリースに向けて準備が進められている。ヴォーカルのクレイグ・オーウェンズは「Razor & Tieと仕事ができるので、わくわくしている。この会社は、バンドの俺たちがここ数年、誠実さに満ちたロック音楽の源として期待を寄せている会社だ。俺たちの商標を譲ったことで、俺たちも自分たちが選んでクリエイティブになる機会を得られるし、ファンに対して直接、焦点を絞って届ける方法も得られる。これが2008年以来、俺たちが曲を一緒にリリースする最初の機会になるだろう。気になってるどころの話じゃないよ。」

naoko_horigome330 英語 → 日本語

Keyboardist Bradley Bell also comments, "There needs to be more labels like Razor & Tie out there.I feel like they actually understand the bands motives and will do what it takes to help us present our vision.It's going to be a fun adventure that we are about to embark on with them.”In a letter to their fans posted last week, the band--original members Craig Owens, Bell, Derrick Frost, Matt Goddard and Pat McManaman along with ex-The Fall Of Troy/Just Like Vinyl guitarist Thomas Erak--announced that they were working on new material and wished to progress, not only as a touring band but as a creative one, a direction that was still unclear when we spoke to them for AP #290 last year.


キーボードのブラッドリー・ベルは、「Razor & Tieみたいなレーベルがもっと必要だ。彼らは実際、バンドの真意を理解しているし、俺たちのビジョンを表現する手助けになることをしてくれる。彼らの船に乗り込むのは、面白い冒険になるだろう。」とコメントしている。先週、ファンにあてた手紙では、バンドのオリジナルメンバーであるクレイグ・オーウェンズ、デリック・フロスト、マット・ゴッダード、パット・マクマナマンは、昨年AP #290のために取材した折には、方向性はまだ定まっていなかったが、旧フォール・オブ・トロイ/ジャスト・ライク・ヴァイニールのギタリストのトーマス・エラックと、ツアーバンドとしてのみならず、クリエイティブなバンドとして、新しい題材で仕事をしており、進歩したいと言っていた。

naoko_horigome330 英語 → 日本語

As Cicero wrote late in May, the Senate was a weapon that had broken to pieces in his hands. Octaviantis did not intend to be removed; and the emphasis that open enemies and false friends laid upon his extreme youth was becoming more and more irksome. He would show them.It had ever been Cicero's darling notion to play the political counsellor to a military leader; and this was but the culmination of the policy that he had initiated in the previous autumn. there was nothing to choose between Dolabella and any of the three Antonii; only practise a salutary severity. The plea of Brutus was plain and dignified. It was more important to avert the strife of citizens than wreak savage vengeance on the vanquished.

