Nao (naokey1113) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
naokey1113 英語 → 日本語

Something perhaps some of us never knew was that the process leading up to the HungryGoWhere exit was not smooth sailing for Dennis. At the start, Dennis assumed that they had the right product for the right audience. However, for the first two years, he could not communicate well with merchants. Despite having a large userbase, they were close to shutting down the site. We often place so much emphasis on the product that we neglect educating stakeholders and their mindsets. Merchants could not understand the HungryGoWhere model and Dennis found the learning curve of that really steep. Through this, he learned the difference between users and customers.



naokey1113 日本語 → 英語



MICE markets are projected to grow significantly hereafter.
This IME deals with the development of MICE, regarding it as an industry. IME will have taken place 22 times this year and became an representative event in Asia which approximately 3,000 people including MICE organizers and involved parties.
Nikkei BP is going to participate into the event in a position of a planner and an organizer from this year and new programs and instituion will be introduced.
Prize-giving for organizers who made significant contribution for attracting and holding the international conference is going to take place. In addition, there will be a memorial seminar and a panel discussion among award winners.
It will be a great example of selection and management of a site and sleection of supporting entitties.

naokey1113 英語 → 日本語

Justin says that any app or game can already integrate with WeChat to make it easy for users to share info via the messaging app. But that’s not quite the full social gaming platform that we at this blog reckon will eventually spawn from WeChat. But time will tell. Justin reckons that WeChat “will be more open next year to gaming,” though that’s not an admission that it’s a coming feature.

As for the next update to the app, he promises it’ll bring new features – “We have new ideas every month” – so that the app will “become more comprehensive.”

What features would you guys like to see in the app? What can persuade you to ditch Whatsapp, or Facebook Messenger, and get you and your friends onto a new service?



次のアプリのアップデートまでに、彼は新しい機能を生み出すと約束する。 -「私たちは毎月新しいアイデアを持っている」-だから、そのアプリは「より包括的」なものになるだろう。

みんなはそのアプリのどのような機能を見てみたいか?What's AppやFacebook Messengerを置き去りにし、あなたや友人に新しいサービスを使ってもらうには、何が必要か?