直子(Naoko, ZhiZi) (nao_zhizi0202) 翻訳実績

8年弱前 女性 30代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 中国語(繁体字) 中国語(簡体字)
化学 文化 サイエンス 音楽 技術
nao_zhizi0202 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

The Department of Health in the UK advises people who spend a lot of time sitting to get up from their desk every 30 minutes.
Last year another study found that too little exercise, combined with sitting too much, doubles our risk of an early death.
This is defined as less than 150 minutes of exercise a week and more than seven hours of sitting a day.
Meanwhile, a study in May showed that eagerness to impress at work prevents more than half of employees from leaving the office during the day.
It found that half of workers have never even left the office for lunch or a lunchtime walk, despite employees saying spending time outside helps them feel healthier and happier.



nao_zhizi0202 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Now for a more detailed breakdown on what’s already happened and what’s to come. According to the National Institute on Aging, life expectancy increased by around three months per year between 1840 and 2007. In East Asia, the life expectancy at birth has increased by almost 30 years since 1950, growing from 45 to 74. As for the future, the Los Angeles Times mentions life expectancy in Japan will increase to 90.9 years in 2050 from 82.9 in 2000.
The story is similar for Europe and the U.S. The Atlantic notes Sweden saw an increase from 45 years to 83 years for women from 1840 to 2014. The same story said Americans saw their projected age of death rise from 47 to 79 from the beginning of the 20th century to today.



nao_zhizi0202 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

If the current growth trend continues, the American life expectancy at birth by the middle of the 21st century will be nine years more than our current one, raising the number to 88.
But keep in mind, with the possibility of medical advancements in the future, these numbers can shift. In fact, universities and research centers have already begun investigating ways to add more healthy years to our lives. The Buck Institute, a biomedical research institute in California, is one of them. They focus only on research related to aging and chronic disease. In a study published in 2013, scientists at the institute were able to increase the lifespan of worms by five times.



nao_zhizi0202 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Similarly, in a recent study by Mayo Clinic, researchers were able to increase the lifespan of mice by 35% by removing senescent cells, which slows the rate of wear and tear on organs and tissues that naturally occurs over time. Although neither of these studies have been replicated using humans, they offer a glimpse of what may be in the future.
This might sound great, but the possibilities of radical life extension bring a lot of debate about what advancements could mean for society. Pew Research Center conducted a survey of more than 2,000 American adults in 2013, and more than half of those surveyed had never heard about potential life extension before.



nao_zhizi0202 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Health chiefs say average commuter adds 767 calories a week snacking
The habit could be damaging the health of millions of commuters
Findings emerged in report published by Royal Society of Public Health
Grabbing a croissant on the way to work may seem convenient – but it could be adding inches to your waistline.
Health chiefs calculate that the average commuter adds 767 calories per week to their diet by snacking to and from work.
The habit, which adds the equivalent of three Mars bars weekly, could be damaging the health of millions and even shortening commuters' lives, according to a report published today by the Royal Society of Public Health.

