We got a error report from the customer, so please investigate it.Details: It suddenly get to don't work. Surely it is connected.Is it possible to order 50 of product A?Could you let me know the total amount if I order 10 and 50 and 100 for product B?The product C is recently featured in various media.
U4ic archives lightweight for it.This is excellent at cushioning properties and achieved much lightweight with Midsole U4ic.U4ic archives lightweight for it.Midsole pursued "softness" to obtain soft textures .
In addition to the last order for today,we would you like you to send other today's order to the address we requested.
Which order do you mean by previous order? Could you let me know in details?
Maybe he let loose at the party. I accepted his opinion, but I asked him for not doing what you've been pointed out before. Sorry for causing you causing you trouble.
I'd like to ask about the charge details for credit card. I see the credit card with the4 digit below ◯◯◯◯ gets charged USD 63.48. I checked the order details, but couldn't confirm the order for the same amount with that. Could you let me know what this order is for? I will wait for your reply.
We would like to buy 10 of this item. We need a discount since this is bulk purchases. If you give us a discount, please let us know the price and shipping fee. If this contract goes well smoothly, we will constantly purchase this item on yours. We hope we get better each other. We wait for your positive reply. We hope we can be good partner. Regards,
下記の操作で、Inputを変更してみて下さい(1)SHIFTキーを押しながらパッド6(UTILITY)を押し、“Utilty Rec”に する(2)ENTERキーを押す(3)◀︎▶︎のボタンで“Input”を表示(4)-1、+1キーで“Mic”または“Line”を選ぶ。 (5)EXITを2回押すとプレイモードに戻る。• MIC INPUTに接続して使用できるマイクは ダイナミックマイクか、電池内臓のコンデンサーマイクですこれで録音できませんか?
Please change the input as indicated below.(1) Press pad 6 while still pressing the Shift key, change to "Utility Rec".(2) press enter key(3) choose "input" by ◀︎▶︎(4) choose"Mic"or"Line" by +1or-1key.(5)Exit-double click put back to playing mode.•Dynamic mike or condenser mike has built-in battery are available for using MIC INPUT.
We understand that a order needs to be more than $750 at least.We are ok with that and the quantity as below.We will make the payment into your account once you let us know the bank account's details.Below is details for our DHL account.We would like to make the page for ours on Amazon better. The Amazon page we take care of is fancy, as you can see.That's why, your corporation to avoid selling to other Japanese directly would be really appreciated.We think the next order will be more smoothly processed.We hope we can import a full of container soon, if possible.
Thank you for your agreement on our company plans. I have a favor to ask. Could you set the price of RT800 up as $170 on Amazon we manage?Our offer could be much trouble for you. That's why we are planning set the period for this busses plan.If there are no any changes in coming over-a-year, we don't mind changing the price back to reasonable price for you. Please let me know if you need much shorter one, regarding the period.
We suggest setting the prices for our RT800 order make our trade smooth.Could you please check and consider below price.Please let us know when prices are decide.•order one for RT800•order 5 for RT800•order 10 for RT800We would like you to send us them with box by EMS.Also, is it better to order RT800 by e-mail next time?We can pay with PayPal.
今年も残り1日になりました!今年は今までにない環境で、色んなことにトライし、色んな人に出会えた年でした。そしてこうして大好きな人にも出会えました。まだ付き合って2ヶ月しか経っていませんが、3年ぐらい付き合ってるような安定感があります。笑 これからもよろしくね。 年が明ければもう大学4年生になります。大好きで大好きで大好きなスキーができるのももう限られた時間しかありません。しかし、就職活動という大きな壁があり正直スキーができていないのが現状です。
We have only a day to next year!This year I have tried so many things in the environmental I've never had before and I had opportunities to meet a lot of people .Besides, I was able to meet you.Although It passed only two months since we started dating, I feel steady as if we are dating for 3 years :)I will be a 4th grade college students when new year starts. So I am sorry that the left time is too short to do skiing that I love so much.However, I need to face a job hunting, which is a lot trouble for me. That's why I don't have much time to do skiing now.
販売促進循環の内容は下記の通り。① 厳選施設(大学病院等)に在籍している著名なJに製品評価をタイアップしてもらう。可能な限り評価文献作成を依頼する。依頼時は、「A製品は世界で販売実績がある信用のある製品」であることを強調し、海外での製品評価データは提示できるが、日本での実績・評価データがないため、使用評価を協力してほしいと依頼する。
The Below are details for sales promotion cycle.1. We ask prominent J who belongs to selected institutions (college hospital etc)to help us to tie up the product evaluation and make as many evaluation texts as he can.We need to stress when we ask him."A product has sales history and confidence in the world.Although we can show the data in the world, we don't have that in Japan . That's why we need your corporation for the product evaluation."
現在出張中の為、メールベースでのやり取りでお願いします。添付ファイルの通り、Subscription Booklet の必要な入力項目を記入しました。記入漏れの箇所、記入誤りの箇所があれば具体的に指摘してもらえないでしょうか。来週金曜日にSubscription Booklet の原本を御社にお送りしたいと考えております。以下の点について教えてください。今回のファンドの運用期間の開始日と終了日を教えてください。また、何年まで延長可能かにつきましても教えてください。
I'm on the business trip right now, so please contact with me by email. As attached file, I filled in required item of Subscription Booklet.Please specifically point out if there's blanks or errors.I will send the original Subscription Booklet to your office next Friday.Please show me about the below.Let me know the start date and the end date of the functional period for this funds.Also, let me know how many years we can extend.
Our company would like to be a best partner which offers what customers need in a perfect style.Our company pursuits manufacturing with honor of "special technology ", which is Japanese tradition, make production in an integrated system, including mold and design, produce.With keywords of "high quality product", "reasonable price" and "high quality service", we response several parts-processing by cutting-edge facilities and high-skill. Also, we implement to delivery finished products in a short period of time by the system, from treatments of the surface of processed product to inspections and packing and delivery.There's a chance to get what you have wanted.
We would have to charge you the following cancellation fee to guaranteed minimum if you canceled them.