I'm interested in purchasing this razor. However, I'd like to find out more details before making the purchase.Firstly, is there a certificate for the authenticity of the tamahagane?Secondly, I understand that the sharpness of the blade would depend on its condition. With respect to this particular razor, could you please let me know if it can be sharpened to the level of a new razor?Thirdly, would the sharpening service be able to remove the oxidation on the razor? especially on the handle where it seems most serious.Lastly, I'd like to know how long this razor would take to be shipped to me in the United Kingdom.I appreciate your attention to my enquiries.
Artists can do more than engineers to push innovation in techSome actors fully immerse themselves in their roles. They become their character for the duration of the shooting by adopting their accents, mannerisms, and personalities. Very rarely do they stay in character beyond the wrap party.And then there’s Ashton Kutcher. After playing Steve Jobs in the biopic of the late Apple founder, the actor was made a product engineer by Chinese technology company Lenovo. Many, including Quartz, dismissed the appointment as little more than a public-relations stunt and cast doubt on his technical capabilities.They shouldn’t.
アーティストは時にエンジニアよりも技術革新に寄与する俳優のなかにはその役にどっぷりと浸かる者もいる。撮影期間の間は、役の言葉づかいや身ぶり、個性などを取り入れて、その役になりきる。ごく稀にだが、撮影終了後の打ち上げの後でもその役になりきったままの者もいる。Ashton Kutcher氏も例外ではない。Apple社を創業したSteve Jobs氏の伝記映画で主人公を演じた後、彼は中国のテクノロジー会社であるLenovoにプロダクトエンジニアとして任命された。しかし、その任命は会社のPRとしては少し度を過ぎているし、Kutcher氏の技術的能力にも疑問があるとして、多くの者から(Quartzも含め)拒否されてしまった。拒否しちゃダメだ。