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When you step in the restaurant, there are rooms where make you experience life of military commanders and feel like you are the battle field.At the entrance, there are special ordered armors of the end of Edo era. On the center, the armor of " Yukimura Sanada" who has many braveries, on the other side the one of " Masamune Date" who was the general of the emery at Siege of Osaka, and on the another side the one of "Keiji Maeda" who was "Kabukimono( the crazy ones)". They represent "A phantom of soldier's chaotic time".At " The room of Honno-ji hell Incident" where was the last place of Nobunaga, a black warrior, there are a counter " Nobunaga Oda", 2 box seats " Mitsuhide Akechi" who betrayed and "Ranmaru Mori" who was loved by Nobunaga. They decorate the dawn of the severe fighting.
In the big room " The room of decisive battle, big battle of Sekigahara" where 50 people are available, both of east and west Japanese commanders concentrate! " Ieyasu Tokugawa" is also displayed there. And also in " The room of Siege of Hasedo" , there are the rooms of " Keiji Maeda","Kanetsugu Naoe" and " Masamune Date" who are popular by fans of generals. We provide Sengoku single room spaces where you can use for banquet parties.In the unusual space where you feel like you are in a battle field, we provide many kinds of ingredients and dishes likened to generals or battles.Like " Steamed package" of " Siege of Sekigahara" and " Siege of Osaka", and also" Rice of being steamed packaged" which contain speciality of local of famous generals. Dishes likened to other generals or sieges are packed.
Aさんの幼少期の体験幼少期のAさんの両親は、些細なことでよく 怒鳴り合い、物を投げるほどの大きな喧嘩が絶えなかった。しかし、その様子をAさんは、悲しい気持ちで黙って見ているしかなかった。「自分はお父さんや お母さんのようには絶対なりたくない」と反面教師にして、いつも冷静で穏やかな心でいることを心がけていた。そして得意な勉強に夢中になり、その結果優秀な成績をとった。家庭では両親の喧嘩を止められず悲しい気持ちでいたが、学校生活では周囲から認められ、自信を持つことができた。
Childhood experience of AWhen A was small, his/her parents had have no end of big fights such as shouting at each other in a trifle or throwing things. But only A could do was saying nothing and looking at them feeling sad. " I will never be like my father and mother." she/he thought and made her/his parents negative example. She/he had tried to stay always calm and quiet. And then she/he was getting deep in studying which she/his was good at, because of that she/he got excellent result. At her/his home, she/he had felt sad because can't stop fight of her/his parents. however people recognized her/him in the school life, she/he could get confident.
SMARTの法則下記の内容の頭文字を取ったものですSMARTの法則では、目標は「がんばります」ではなく…毎日腕立てをやります毎日10回やります毎日必ずやります本人が納得している他人が決めたものでない10回 =現実的100回やりますだと現実的でない期限がわかる今日中になどSMARTの法則では、 具体的な数字になっていることが特に重要ですそして、人にやらせる目標でなく自分でする目標であることですSMARTの法則を使ってまず、「数字で話す、期限をつける」から始めましょう
SMART lawThis word is made of an initial letter of these sentences as shown bellow.For SMART law, the aim is no " I will do my best."…I do a push-up everyday.I do it 10 times everyday.I do it everyday surely.The person has accepted.It is not a thing that other person decided.10 times is realistic." I will do it 100 times" this doesn't sound realistic. The limit is the end of the day or…For SMART law, it's especially important that numbers is concrete.And It's not a aim which force someone to do but do yourself.At first, using SMART law, let's start " talking by using numbers and fixing the term" .
「ハインリッヒの法則」 仕事における失敗の発生確率は「1:29:300」OSHMS(労働安全衛生マネジメントシステム)とは、事業者が労働者の協力の下に「計画(Plan),実施(Do),評価(Check),改善(Action)」の「PDCAサイクル」という一連の過程を定めて…。継続的な安全衛生管理を自主的に進めることにより、労働災害の防止と労働者の健康増進、さらに進んで快適な職場環境を形成し、事業場の安全衛生水準の向上を図ることを目的とした安全衛生管理の仕組みです。
It's a system of safety and health management in order to prevent occupational accident, promote worker's health, advance creating a comfortable working environment, and improve the level of safety and health in the workplace by promoting of continuous health and safety management voluntary.
匠を育てる風土・制度現場主義に徹した経営陣改善意欲に燃えた匠(作業者)人偏の活用プロセス重視主義(成果はその時の運によって変動する)日本の商家には伝統的に地道にやるという良き伝統があった。この地道とは最大限の努力を行うということで、成果は景気の良し悪しや運によって左右されるので、一喜一優しないというものである。「プロセス重視主義」 この日本の良き伝統を今に伝えているのが、トヨタ生産方式である。モノづくりの原点は「一個流し」後工程引き取り方式在庫ゼロ作業の平準化早く造りすぎない
A system and climate raising speciality upManegers doing field oriented policy thoroughlyA speciality(worker) improving eagerlyPractical using human resourcesA belief emphasizing process( results deepened on luck)Japanese merchants had a good tradition making steady effort."Making steady effort" means making as much as effort as possible, we shouldn't be affected because results depends on business conditions and luck.TOYOTA production system has handed down this good tradition "Field oriented policy".The starting point of manufacturing is "one-by-one production".Subsequent withdrawal systemZero stockWork levelingDon't make it too quickly
割れ窓理論(Broken Windows Theory)は、軽微な犯罪も徹底的に取り締まることで凶悪犯罪を含めた犯罪を抑止できるとする環境犯罪学上の理論。アメリカの犯罪学者ジョージ・ケリングが考案した。「建物の窓が壊れているのを放置すると、誰も注意を払っていないという象徴になり、やがて他の窓もまもなく全て壊される」との考え方からこの名がある。ブロークン・ウィンドウ理論、破れ窓理論、壊れ窓理論ともいう。初めてやる作業久しぶりに行う作業手順や方法が変更された作業責任の明確化
Broken Windows Theory is a theory of Environmental criminology that prevent crimes included an atrocious crime by controlling minor crimes completely. The theory was introduced by American social scientists George Kelling. This name is from the idea " When we leave broken windows of a building, it means no one care about it, other windows will be broken soon" It's also called " Broken window Theory, Yabure Mado Theory or Koware Mado Theory".Work for the first timeWork for the first time in a whileWork which changed order and methodMaking responsibility clearly
ムダの排除『ものを大切にする心』 『もったいないと思う気持ち』 が7つのムダを排除するための原点である。モノづくり用語・解説集「マネジメント」は、辞書では「経営・管理」 と訳されています。 その組織が所有する「マネジメント技術:ノウハウやマニュアルなど」によって、「経営資源:人・モノ・金・情報・技術・時間 等」を有効に配分・利用・統制して、 組織が望むべき方向(目標)に導いていくこと。企業に求められているマネジメントマネジメント技術(ノウハウ・標準・マニュアル等)頑張ろう!
Exclusion of waste" The mind taking care of a thing" " The mind thinking it's a waste" These ways of thinking are the beginning of exclusion of waste.The note of terms and commentaries for manufacturing " management" is translated to " governance or management" in dictionaries.We lead our organization to a direction they hope( aim) with sharing, using and controlling " management resource: human, thing, money, information, technique, or time" effectively by " technique of management: know-how or manual" that the organization own.The management which companies are demandedTechniques of management( know-how, criterions or manuals)Stick with it!
一品一葉の作業要領書に置換えが必要パッキン(146658-7720)欠品、破れ無き事具体的わかりやすい計測可能数字になっている 同意して!達成可能な現実的で結果志向 期限が明確今日やるなど…これらの作業においては、普段に比べ特にミスや失敗が発生しやすく、そこから事故や怪我といった災害につながることも多い。 そのため3Hにあたる作業を行う際は、十分注意して取り掛かる必要がある。問題発生時には対応策をとる正しく円滑に機能しているか確認致命的な失敗顧客から苦情がくる失敗
We need to replace with a work manual of one-part one sheet.There is a shortage of the Packing(146658-7720). It should be without a rip.concrete easy to understandunmeasurableWe get actual numbers( get results)Agree with me!achievablerealistically and result thinkingA time limit is clearYou start doing that today…When we do these works, it's especially easier to make mistakes or failures than usual, it often causes to disasters like accidents or injuries.So, when we do works such as 3H, we have to be careful.We work out measures when problems happen.Check whether it works precisely and smoothly.A fatal errorAn error complained from customers
The name of Ryogoku is associated with Sumo and also Sumo is associated with Chanko. " Chanko Kirishima", in front of Ryogoku station at holy ground of Sumo.This restaurant is famous because of the owner Kirishima, a past Ozeki and Mutsu Oyakata. Kirishima, was popular among women since he had a pretty face and good muscles. People said he was like japanese Hercules.At the chanko restaurant Kirishima produced, the soup of white misho with soup stock from chicken broth is very popular regardless of age and sex.When a honbasho, an official professional sumo tournament, starts, people come from all over Japan and the restaurant is always crowded.
There are Sumo wrestlers riding bikes, bronze statues of Sumo wrestlers in Ryogoku town. When you visit "Chanko Kirishima", you can enjoy filling real chanko. And you can also see Kirishima's photos when he was a wrestler and his mementos there. You can enjoy Sumo town.They have a popular menu, unusual Sumo korokke. It's amazingly huge.There is so huge korokke as the Dohyo, the sumo wrestling ring, on shredded cabbage. And also 2 meat balls as sumo wrestlers on it. We cut a korokke by a knife, even though it's too huge to eat by a person, and have it with salty-sweet sauce.
『日本百名山』(にほんひゃくめいざん)は、深田久弥の最も著名な山岳随筆。日本の多くの山を踏破した本人の経験から、「品格・歴史・個性」を兼ね備え、かつ原則として標高1,500 m以上の山という基準を設け、剪定したものが『日本百名山』である。これには以下のような選定基準がある。- "山の品格" - 人には人格があるように、山には『山格』のようなものがあるとし、誰が見ても立派な山だと感嘆する山であることを、第一の基準とした。
" 100 Famous Japanese Mountains" is a most famous book of Kyuya Fukada." 100 Famous Japanese Mountains" is mountains he selected based on his rules from his experiences climbing lots of japanese mountains. The rule is that mountains should be " dignity, history and individuality" and also more than 1,500m above sea level.There are some criterions as shown bellow.- " Dignity of mountain"- Each person has personality, Kuya Hukada thought mountains also their individualities. He made first criterion which mountain should be impressed by anybody.
- "山の歴史" - 昔から人間との関わりが深く、崇拝され山頂に祠が祀られている山であるというような山の歴史を尊重し、第二の基準とした。- "個性のある山" - 芸術作品と同様に、山容・現象・伝統など他には無いような顕著な個性をもっていることを、第三の基準とした。また、「深田本人が登頂した山であること」が絶対条件となっており、少年の頃から約50年の間に相当数の山に登っていて多くの山を知っている点に自信を持っていた。
-"The history of a mountain"- This is his second criterion. Because mountains have had a deep connection to people for a long time. He respected for mountain's history that people worship them and made shrines on top of mountains.-" Mountains having their individuality"- Third criterion is that moutons should have their unique individuality such as a shape, a phenomenon and tradition, other mountains don't have.And " Mountains Kuya Hukada have climbed in actuality" is an absolute necessity. He had have climbed many mountains for 50 years from his childhood and was confident to know a lot of them.
At Meiji Shrine Gyoen, there is " Kiyomasa no I" a well of spring water which is rare in city.The temperature is around 15 degrees in all seasons and water gushes 60 liters per 1 minute. The well has called " Kiyomasa no Ido" since long ago. Kiyomasa Kato sinked this well by himself when he owned his house here. He was a general and a professional of building castles or reclamations. He was called " The god of civill engineer".It had has not been cleared where is the source and how water is coming for a long time.
According to one view, people thought water have gushed by something special technique and it's a kind of structure which stop water once and water gush out naturally.And then, the legend has handed down, only Kiyomasa could make this unique well because he was called " The god of civil engineer".In 1938, it turned out that water is natural spring water by the research of the source. But it's not clear whether Kiyomasa sinked this well or not.However, there are many other legends of Kiyomasa in this area, people talk about there are some deep connection between Kiyomasa and the well.
Meiji Shrine, most amount people paying their first visit of the year, is a shrine that dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his wife.After Emperor Meiji's death, it was built by a national movement of his worshipers in 1920.The huge forest of shrine where an oasis for the center of city was not there originally, they were planted with hope to being a natural forest in 100 years when the shrine was built.2020 is the centennial of Meiji Shrine, but forest have grown quite fast pace, it has not taken 100 years yet but forest is complete. There are many votive picture tablets hang on the big tree with a enclosing rope.
This is quite natural, Meiji Shrine locates on the area where "Ryumyaku" from Mt.Fuji to Imperial Residence join. "Ryumyaku" power's routes inside in the ground. Meiji Shrine is the strong power spot where is full of the earth's energy. As a feature of Meiji Shrine, they don't have " Omikuji" with good or bad luck like other shrines have. People can't leave Omikuji tying up on the shrine precinct like usual shrine.Instead of that, people pick a ticket and get it as " Oomikokoro" , take it back to their house and read them.There are Emperor's poetry and waka which is japanese traditional poetry on it . And also there is their examination.