The use of social media to facilitate ecommerce is a huge opportunity for any consumer-driven business to think about before coming to Indonesia. The birth of local startups like LakuBgt and Onigi, which assist businesses selling on these social platforms, is another indicator that the archipelago’s social commerce sector is growing rapidly.
Who is the Indonesian shopper?Last year, Indonesia had 4.6 million online shoppers. This year, it has 5.9 million. By 2016, SingPost estimates the country will have 8.7 million local shoppers on the internet. 20 percent of Indonesian online shoppers prefer conventional shopping sites like Lazada or Zalora, while 26.4 percent prefer social media like Facebook or Instagram. 26.6 percent prefer online forums or classified sites like Kaskus or OLX, and surprisingly, the highest percentage of online shoppers in Indonesia would rather buy from messaging apps like Blackberry Messenger or Line.
どういった人達がインドネシアで買い物をしているのか?昨年、インドネシアには4600万人のオンライン買い物客がいた。そして今年は5900万人だった。インドネシアでオンラインショッピングをする人は2016年には8700万人になるとSingPostは見積もっている。インドネシアのオンラインショッピング客の20%はLazadaやZaloraといった従来のショッピングサイトを好み、26.4%はFacebookやInstagramのようなソーシャルメディアを好んでいる。26.6%はオンラインフォーラムやKaskusやOLXのようなクラシファイドサイトを好み、驚くべきことにインドネシアのオンラインショッピング客に最も好まれているのはむしろBlackberry MessengerやLineといったメッセージアプリでの買い物なのだ。
Indonesians are risk-averse and late adopters of new products and technology, according to McKinsey and Co. Their preference for channels like forums and social networking sites, which allow for interaction with sellers and other customers, is apparently so that they can ask questions and receive recommendations from a real human before committing to a purchase.
McKinsey and Co.によると、インドネシア人はリスク嫌いで、新製品や新技術のレイトアダプターである。フォーラムやSNSでは、買物をする前に質問したり実在の人からレコメンドを受けたりできるのだから、彼らがそういった売手と買手を結びつけるチャネルを好むのは明白である。
While Indonesians shop across multiple categories, the most popular one is by far clothing and apparel, with 61.7 percent of the nation’s online shoppers making a purchase in that category last year. Females reign supreme in the archipelago’s ecommerce space, with women having higher purchase rates, and the highest spending amount on clothing, mobile devices, travel items, laptops, and accessories.
Decentralized consumptionLast year, of Indonesia’s US$363.42 billion spent in the retail sector, only US$1.8 billion was online. This year, of the nation’s US$411.29 billion in retail spending, Indonesia saw an uptick to US$2.6 billion spent in ecommerce. By 2016, SingPost projects Indonesians will spend US$543.07 billion on retail and US$4.49 billion on ecommerce – still less than one percent of the total.
分散した消費昨年、インドネシアの小売部門で支払われた3634億2千万米ドルのうち、オンラインのものはたった18億米ドルだった。今年、インドネシアの小売部門で支払われた4112億9千万米ドルのうち、Eコマースで支払われたのは26億米ドルに上昇した。2016年には、インドネシア人は5430億7千万米ドルを小売に消費し、そのうち44億9千万米ドルがEコマースで消費される、とSingPostは予想している -- それでも全体の1%にも満たないが。
Despite Jakarta initially being the driver of ecommerce growth, both Rakuten and Zalora say that as of 2014, 70 percent of their Indonesian orders come from the nation’s rural areas. Some of these areas still lack shopping malls, which presents a largely untouched segment and an opportunity for online companies to reach customers looking for more convenient shopping solutions where brick-and-mortar stores are not easily accessible.
1CAK1CAK is a Bandung-based Indonesian humor site similar to 9gag. The portal offers silly jokes and memes that are hyper localized for an Indonesian audience. In February, founder Aji Ramadhan claimed the site had nine million pageviews per month from about 560,000 unique visitors. Ramadhan added that 1CAK is a profitable company, currently supporting itself on Google AdSense alone.
1CAK1CAKはバンドンに拠点を置くインドネシアのお笑いサイトで、9gagに類似している。このポータルはインドネシアの閲覧者向けに特化した、ばかげたジョークやミームを提供している。2月、設立者のAji Ramadhan氏は、このサイトには56万人のユニークビジターと1か月あたり900万ページビューがあると述べた。Ramadhan氏は、1CAKは利益につながる会社であり、現在はGoogleアドセンスのみで賄っている、と付け加えた。
NontonNonton is a site that allows Indonesians to watch and upload video content, not unlike YouTube. The site has been live since October 2013 and now, one year later, it has around 45,000 videos available to stream. Since it began promoting itself in January, Nonton has gathered a daily average of over 70,000 visitors and more than 300,000 pageviews. The site has more than 40,000 registered users who watch over 50,000 videos per day. Nonton aims to make money through in-stream video advertising and banner ads on the website.
I am really sorry to ask you this but I just received a lens for Christmas that is just like this one. After you really worked with me on this would it be a problem to ask you to refund it for me? I am not going to need it now. My apologies!
A: Are you two-timing me, aren't you?B: No way!A: Really? Look into my eyes...Well, looks true. Sorry, just kidding.Lots of things happened to them last year, so we miss them so much.But we would like to keep on supporting them as a team.Thanks for always being my friend.
I wish I can set the default value on the administration page (e.g. check ABC on the initial state).I would appreciate if you look into implementation.
WiTownWiTown is a wifi marketing system consisting of hardware and accompanying software. The company’s enterprise routers provide public wifi and push advertisements to users. Alibaba invested an undisclosed seven-figure RMB round in the startup in August.The business model is similar to rival WiWide, which Tencent backed in December.
AutonaviAlibaba already bought a 28 percent stake in Autonavi last year, but decided to buy it outright in July for US$294 million.Autonavi is China’s fourth most popular mapping service and is the official Apple Maps source there. Autonavi and Alibaba will have to combat front runner Baidu Maps and fellow contender Tencent Maps if it wants to make a serious dent in the navigation sector.
AutonaviとはAlibabaは昨年、Autonaviに対して28%の投資を行ったが、7月には294百万米ドルで完全買収することを決定した。Autonaviは中国第四位の地図サービスで、中国でのApple Mapsの公式ソースである。AutonaviとAlibabaは、ナビゲーション部門で大きな爪痕を残したいと考えているのであれば、この分野のトップランナーであるBaidu Mapsや同じく競争相手のTencent Mapsと競う必要があるだろう。
KabamAmerican game developer Kabam soaked up US$120 million from Alibaba at the end of July. The deal involves Alibaba distributing Kabam’s online and mobile games in China via Taobao and Laiwang, although Alibaba’s gaming presence in the country is nearly nonexistent compared to rival Tencent.Kabam will launch 10 games through Alibaba over the next three years. It already has over 35 titles with players in more than 150 countries.
Alibaba IPOThe big day comes. Alibaba set a world record IPO raising US$25 billion.MomentCamMomentCam, a photo app that transforms people into comic book characters, snapped up an undisclosed series A round of funding led by Alibaba in September, shortly after the IPO. Momentcam claims to have 160 million users, of whom 60 percent live outside mainland China. Alibaba will help monetize the app.
Alibaba IPO重大な日が来る。Alibabaは250億米ドルまで膨らんだIPOの世界記録を樹立した。MomentCam人を漫画のキャラクターに変換する写真アプリであるMomentCamが、Alibabaの主導するシリーズA非公開投資ラウンドに、AlibabaのIPO直後の9月に飛び乗った。MomentCamは1億6000万人のユーザがおり、そのうち60%は中国本土外のユーザであると言っている。Alibabaはこのアプリの収益化を手助けするだろう。
PeelUS-based startup Peel secured US$50 million for its mobile TV app. Peel lets uers control their TVs, DVRs, and satellite dishes through the app, with recommendations, reviews, and other social features built in.No plans to integrate Peel into Alibaba’s ecommerce or media ecosystems were announced. This was Alibaba’s second time investing in Peel following its US$5 million contribution to a US$20 million round in 2013.
LiuLiuThis social network for pets picked up an undisclosed six-figure dollar sum led by Alibaba in October. Besides making a profile for a cat or dog, pet owners can also find people to walk dogs with, discuss breeding, learn about adoption services, and search for foster care. Liuliu was one of the first companies to integrate Taobao shopping into its app as part of Alibaba’s Baichuan program. Alibaba invested an undisclosed series A round in October.
Huayi BrothersThis is one of very few companies in which both Tencent and Alibaba participated in the same round of funding. The Beijing-based TV and movie production studio raised RMB 3.6 billion (US$581 million) from the two internet giants and one other Chinese fund. Alibaba and Tencent are engaged in a land grab for licensed video content, both in China and overseas.
Huayi Brothersこの企業は、TencentとAlibabaの両社が同じ投資ラウンドに参加した珍しい企業の1つである。2つのインターネットの巨大企業ともう一つの中国ファンドから36億人民元(5億8100万米ドル)を募った北京に拠点を置くTVおよび映画製作スタジオである。AlibabaとTencentは中国および国外でライセンスされたビデオコンテンツの争奪戦を繰り広げている。
MomoMomo’s rebranding from sleazy hookup app to interest-based social network might be one of the greatest feats of marketing since Old Spice became cool, but it didn’t come cheap. Not only did Momo raise US$216 million in a US IPO in December, Alibaba and chipped in US$60 million in a pre-IPO round the month prior. In April, it raised US$187 million from Yunfeng Fund, Sequoia Capital, and Tiger Asia.V-KeySingapore-based V-Key received its US$12 million series B round from Ant Financial Capital, Alibaba epayment affiliate company Alipay, and existing investor IPV Capital. V-Key’s security technology will be used to protect Alipay’s services.
Momoインターネット上のソーシャルネットワークに接続するみすぼらしいアプリからのMomoのブランド再構築では、Old Spiceは格好良くなったが安っぽくはなっておらず、マーケティングが大成功を収めた一例だろう。Momoは12月にアメリカで2億1600万米ドルまでIPOが上昇しただけでなく、その1ヶ月前のpre-IPOラウンドでAlibabaと58.comは6000万米ドルを拠出した。4月にはYunfeng Fund, Sequoia Capital, Tiger Asiaから1億8700万米ドルを募った。V-Keyシンガポールに拠点を置くV-Keyは、シリーズBラウンドでAnt Financial Capital, Alibabaのe-paymentアフィリエイト企業であるAlipay, 既存の投資会社IPV Capitalから1200万米ドルを受け取った。V-Keyのセキュリティ技術はAlipayのサービスを保護するのに使われるだろう。
KTplayAlibaba teamed up with Yodo1, a Chinese mobile game publishing startup, to invest an undisclosed amount into mobile gaming platform KTPlay. Now in beta and only available in China, the social gaming network aims to turn single-player games into a social experiences.Do BiThis unique mobile game incorporates contemporary artwork into a photo editing app. Users can imprint their faces onto the artwork, and friends can join in to collaborate on the fun. The quirky app secured an undisclosed amount of seed funding from Alibaba in December.
KTplayAlibabaは、モバイルゲームプラットフォームのKTPlayに非公開額の出資をするために中国のモバイルゲーム販売スタートアップであるYodo1と提携した。現在はベータ版で中国国内のみで配布されているが、ソーシャル・ゲーム・ネットワークは1人用ゲームをソーシャルなものにかえようとしている。Do Biこのユニークなモバイルゲームは写真編集アプリに現代アートを組み込んでいる。ユーザは自分の顔をアートワークに刻み込んだり、友人ともコラボレーションして楽しむことができる。この突飛なアプリは12月にAlibabaから非公開額のシード投資を確保した。