今日と4日前にメールを受信しました。審査完了には、更に追加の情報が必要なのですか?もし必要な場合、追加情報の提出というのは、○○の△△の欄に入力をすることでOKですか?しかし、現在 Seller Account Informationの各項目が、編集が出来なくなっているのでとても困っています。編集できるようにしてもらえますか?それから、追加情報を入力する際、パスポートの情報を求められますか?もしそれを 取得していない場合、それに変わる証明書は何ですか?
I received your males today and four days ago. Do I need to submit any other information to complete the inspection? If so, is it enough that I fill out only the △△ column? Also, now I'm in a trouble because I cannot edit my Seller Account Information.Could you please make it available for me to edit it?I have another question. When I imput the imformation, am I going to be asked to imput my passport number?If I don't have a passport, what can I subsutitute for it?
Thank you for contacting us. The reason you want to return the product is you have 67 camera, and you purcesed a lens that is for 645 type.In this case you just purcesed different mount products, so you do not need to pay the shipping charge for returen. When we receive the product, we will refund the money for the lens after we deduct the shipping charge. from the price.Thank you
Why is the unity between store and internet required? Fujimoto explains the issue that today's clothing industory faces. The cloth retailing industory such as Uniclo produce new commodities each seasons and sell large amount of them. Then, inevitably they are required to sale them cheap. On the other hand, when customers go to Uniclo close to them, sometimes they cannot find one that suit to their size, or colors that they want. That is to say, customers cannot get things that they want when they want to. That is today's clothing industory. Therefore, it is required to unite inventory management between store and internet-sales, and establish a structure that improve its efficiency.
Additional information is required for your Amazon Payments Europe account to remain active. Please provide the requested information immediately in order to continue selling on Amazon. The additional information required is highlighted in red. Learn moreOnce we have received and been able to validate your data, we can open your Selling on Amazon payment account. Otherwise we might ask for additional information. For more help, Contact Us
Andy Johns, now Head of Growth at hot financial services company Wealthfront, but formerly one of the three-person team at Twitter who uncovered the company’s overlooked opportunity), defined the role for me:“[Growth Hackers] are the next generation of Chief Marketing Officers — a fundamentally different skill set.” He pointed to Best Buy CMO Greg Revelle as an example, hired after successfully leading digital powerhouses AutoNation and Expedia.
もとはTwitter の3人の創設チームの一人であり、見過ごされていた会社の好機を発掘した、現在一番成長し、また注目されているファイナンシャルサービス会社 Wealthfront の社長アンディー ジョーンズ氏葉私の果たす役割について定義づけた。Growth Hackers は次世代の Chief Marketing Officers であり、根本的に果たすべき役割が異なる。彼は例としてBest BuyのCMOでありデジタルの強豪であるAutoNation and Expediaを率いたクレッグ レベール氏を挙げた。
“These new marketers are statisticians and experimenters and technical product people before they are brand people.” Johns himself was inspired early in his career by Alex Schultz, head of growth for Facebook. Schultz is a scientist by trade, with a Master’s degree in experimental physics from Cambridge University.Applying the scientific, experiment-based approach to marketing, Johns claims, accelerates the trajectory of an already high-growth company.
この新しいマーケティング担当者達は以前は統計学者であり実験者であり技術者であった。ジョン氏自信まだ駆け出しの頃成長著しいフェイスブックのアレックス シェルツ氏に感化された。シェルツ氏は科学者でありケンブリッチ大学において実験物理学の修士号を修めた。科学的、実験に基づくやり方を応用し、すでに成長著しかった会社の即席を早めた。
Now every company is expected to have a resident growth hacker. Investors now refuse to fund young companies dependent on advertising spend to meet their projections. This leaves startups caught in a bind, even as the platforms continue to grow.I’ve talked to many young startups who listen to the top tier VCs on Twitter. And they’re convinced that growth hacking is all it takes to be successful. Meanwhile, they’re lost in a maze of underperforming advertising channels. They can’t get investment to fully optimize paid search, because the expectation is that product and social should be enough.
現在全ての会社にgrowth hackerが内在することが期待されている。投資家達は計画実現のために広告宣伝に頼る会社への資金提供はしない。これは動き出したばかりの新しい会社を行き詰らせてしまう。私はTwitterのトップに耳を傾ける多くの新しい企業の方たちに話してきた。そして彼らはgrowth hacking が成功の鍵であることに納得してきた。彼らは広告宣伝が十分に効力を発揮していない事に迷ってきた。彼らが調査を十分に生かすための投資を受けられないのは、期待されているのは製品であり、社交は十分であるとみなされているからである。