「王様のブランチ」(末吉・伊藤) ※AAA Cafeコメント出演http://www.tbs.co.jp/brunch/※地域によって放送日時が異なる場合がございます。
King's branch(Suekichi・Ito)*AAA Cafe Commentatorhttp://www.tbs.co.jp/brunch/Broadcasting date and time may be different depending on locations.
Equity and debt crowdfunding is already legal in several European countries, and the next 18 months could see it legalized in a number of new regions, including Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Chile, and Mexico.The deal flow going on in this space is quite exciting. The primary categories of fintech companies we’re seeing are:1. Platform technology that enables larger numbers of knowledgeable angel investors to gain access to quality, vetted deal flow from trusted sources. Examples include Asset Avenue, AngelList, OfferBoard, and SeedInvest.2. Access to asset classes that once required a seven-figure investment. Examples include InvestX, Propellr, and SlicedInvesting.
公平性とcrowdfunding(ビジネスのお金を投資家から援助してもらうこと)とがヨーロッパの幾つかの国で法律化され、これから18ヶ月後にはマレーシア、シンガポール、タイ、台湾、チリ、メキシコなどといった多くの国で合法化されるだろう。こういった場所での取引の流れはかなり面白い。今主流の財テク会社の分類としては1. 頭脳明晰なより多くのエンジェル投資家が、信頼性が高い質の良い取引にアクセスすることができるプラットフォーム技術を採用している会社例としてはAsset Avenue, AngelList, OfferBoard, SeedInvestである。2.かつて、七種類の資産の投資をアセットクラスに運用する会社例としてはInvestX, Propellr, and SlicedInvestingである。
BIAS ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES FOR "MODEL-100"First, open the chassis, use a red probe of a multimeter to connect the eighth foot of the tube socket of "JP-100"Second, use the black probe of the multimeter to connect the grounding post or chassis or the 0 ohm binding post.Third, use a screw drive to contact a 33K adjustable resistor ( round, gold and blue color on the top ), and then adjust it to make the multimeter to show 0.95V.It will be better if the procedures are done under connecting speakers without music in them. If there is hum in speakers, you can make the value shown in the multimeter a little bigger or a little smaller.That's all, thank you !
Language ArtsLanguage Arts or the Art of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking is instructed through a balanced literacy approach. Reading, writing, listening, speaking, spelling, word study, and handwriting are studied in an integrated style through use of a variety of quality literature. Students work with leveled texts and learn to decode, develop comprehension strategies, and increase their independent reading level at an increasing degree of complexity. Students also focus on non-fiction texts as they acquire the skills to interpret information, research, and question material presented. Writing is focused on engaging students in meaningful context for the purpose of communicating their ideas on paper.
Students are guided through modeling, reflecting on model examples, sharing their own work and peer editing the work of others. The 6 +1 Traits provides a consistent framework for student understanding of what good writing looks like through focus on ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions and presentation. Students are encouraged to publish their written work in various formats for the genre produced.MathematicsStudents study mathematics through a focus on the Common Core 8 Mathematical Practices. The practice of ‘Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them’ as well as ‘Attend to precision’ are consistently emphasized as applicable to all areas of mathematical study.