How to write a cover letter.Now that you've worked out your resume to an almost staggering perfection, what's next for you to do is to create a powerful cover letter.HR professionals have often suggested that the cover letter is what really gets read.This means that your cover letter should be just as compelling as your resume.Remember that you're about to submit an application package, so your cover letter should match your resume in presentation and style.Also, make an effort to get the name of the hiring authority you'll be addressing your letter to.This sends out a message that you're genuinely interested in joining a particular company rather than just finding another job.
カバーレターを書く方法。履歴書が完璧に近い状態になったところで次にやらなければいけない事は力強いカバーレターを書く事です。HRプロフェッショナルが何度か言っていましたが、実際ちゃんと読まれるのはカバーレターだと。と言う事はあなたのカバーレターはあなたの履歴書と同じぐらい説得力がないといけない言う事です。忘れてはいけないのがアプリケーション パッケージを提出するのであなたのカバーレターは履歴書と同様のスタイルとプレゼンテーションが合わなければいけません。それと出来れば提出する会社の人の名前を調べてください。名前を事前に調べる事で会社にあなたがちゃんとその会社に興味があり多くの中の一社ではないと伝わります。
Try not to put in those details already in your resume.Instead, pack your cover letter up with statements that grab attention.Candidates often forget that their application is supposed to meet a need in the company.Your cover letter should focus on their requirements and how your qualifications can meet them.Employers should realize that hiring you is the solution.Lastly, your cover letter and resume are two different playing cards.Even if your cover letter should summarize your resume,......make sure to use it as an added means to express your value to the organization.
4月18日に購入した Item nunber 310393904117 について質問があります。このブーツのレザーについて詳しく教えてください。購入希望者から、「このブーツのレザーには艶がないのですが、ブルハイドレザーで間違いないでしょうか?」と、問い合わせをうけました。このブーツのブルハイドレザーは、特別な仕上げなのでしょうか?当方に深い知識が無いので、ご回答をよろしくお願いいたします。画像を添付しましたのでご参照ください。
I have a question regarding the item number 310393904117 that I bought on April 18th.I would like to know the details of the leather on this boots.I had a question from one of the buyer asking me that "The leather on this boots appears to have no gloss. Is it made from a bull hyde leather?"Is the bull hyde leather on this boots have a special finishing touch?I have no knowledge about this item and it would help me a lot if you could answer the question.I have pasted a picture of the boots with this mail.Thank you very much.
I recieved the package yesterday. Thank you for packing it very neatly. But unforunately it appears that one of the plate has been repaired. The edge is broken and there is a crack which is repaired and repainted. Before I successfuly bidded this item, I have checked with you if has been repaired. I will pay for the shipping fee so please allow me to refund the plate.
what do you mean exactely with "there are no clogs"?Thanks for your reply and have a nice day,
I would like to purchase the items as soon as possible.I would like to purchase 24 of A ($1032) and 12 of B (1080).* Please send the items for free to California as written in mail.In the mail before, you said that if I buy 48 of item A then it will be $43 but since you don't have enough in stock, I would like you to sell me the items for $43.I will pay through paypal so please send the bill to the address below.Please send the items as soon as the payment finishes.I am looking forward to buying your products in future.Please reply soon.Thank you for your time.
今回は2つ問題を報告します。Aのjib back sectionsをつなぐパーツがありません。送付した画像のような状態です。1本のBのjib front sectionsに問題があります。そのBには大きな傷があったり、黒くリペイントされているような長い線があります。次のメールで送付する画像を確認してください。黒くリペイントされた跡は、発送前からの状態だと思うので同じ価格でこの商品を販売することができません。次の注文時にこの商品の損害金として、いくらか値引きしてくれませんか?
I will like to announce 2 problems.The jib back sectons for A is missing a part for connecting.Please check the picture I have sent with this mail.There is also a problem with one of B's jib front sectsions.It appears to have a huge scar and it has a long line as though it has been repainted black.Please check the picture in the next mail.I think the black repainted line existed before it has been sent to me.Therefor, I can not sell this item at the same price.For the next order, will it be possible to have a discount as a conpensation for the damage?
作業を始める前にこの指示書を最後まで読んでください。このビジネスの考え方としては、私がリストにした商品を、マーチャントランを使ってeBayに出品をしていただくことです。1. 私がオープンオフィスを使って、ebayで出品されている商品URL、仕入れ先のURLをリストにして、1日1回10商品を送信します。2. そのリストを1日〜2日の間に出品してください。3. 50商品を出品してもらった時点で報酬をお支払いします。もしこの仕事に関する質問がある場合は遠慮なく連絡を下さい。
Please read the following instructions until the end before you start.The process of buisness is for you to place the items on eBay from the list that I have provided using Merchantrun.1.By using open office, I will create a list and send you 10 items each time, everyday. The list includes URL of the items placed in eBay, and the URL of the supplier. 2. Please place the items on the list within a day or two.3. After placing 50 items, I will pay the fee.If you have any questions regarding this job, please feel free to ask.
Thanks always50 of itemA and 10 of item B arrived safetly. Thank youBut again I ordered 10 of item C and they have not arrived.Also, I still have not recieved the replacement for the 2 main units that I sent back as defective products.When will the items be send?I will also like to purchase 3 of Item D. Do you have it in stock?I am waiting for your reply.I heard that there was a discount in July if 50 or more items were bought. Will there be a discount in August?I am planning to purchase around August 5th so if possible please have your stocks ready.
1. にアクセスして、以下のFacebookアカウントでサインアップしてください。username:fugapassword:fuga2. にアクセスしてください。本番では 以下のページが対象ですが、今回はテスト用の で動作をチェックしてください。3. "Hoge"ボタンをクリックしてください。あなたのFacebookタイムラインに"Hoge"アクションが投稿されます。
1. Please access and sign in with the Facebook account below.username:fugapassword:fuga2. Please access For main performance, pages below will be used but it is a trial so please check the movements at Please click the button "Hoge". Action "Hoge" should now be shown on your Facebook timeline.
billing addressは以下の住所です。【住所】fedexの関税はbilling address宛に請求されますか?今までは配送先の住所に請求がありました。配送先は以下の住所です。【住所】アカウントに登録されている配送先を、今回の注文の配送先に変更して下さい。
The billing address is as below.(address)Will customs duties be charged to the billing address?The bill usually came to the delivered address.The delivery address is as below.(address)Please change your delivery address in your account to the current address you are ordering from.
ある夜ひーちゃんとママは窓から細い三日月を眺めていました。「ひーちゃんみたいなみかづきさん。」ママにそう言われたひーちゃんは、毎晩三日月を見守ります。細かった三日月も、やがて大きなまんまるお月様に。「ママみたいにおとなになったんだね。」とひーちゃん。でもまんまるお月様、今度はどんどん細く欠けていくみたい。ひーちゃんはとっても心配。そしてついにお月様は消えてしまいました。「ママ おつきさまがきえちゃった。ママもいつかきえちゃうの?」不安で泣き出しそうなひーちゃんにママは…。
One night Hi-chan and her mommy was looking out the window at the crescent moon."That crescent moon looks like you Hii-chan"After her mommy said that, Hii-chan stared out at the crescent moon every night.The crescent shape eventually became a big round moon."It grew up like my mommy" said Hii-chan.But the big round moon became smaller and thinner.Hii-chan became very worried.Then one day the moon dissapeared."Mommy, the moon dissapeared. Are you going to dissapear too?" Her mom turned to Hii-chan who is scared and about to cry.