Besides their bank balance, another difference between Trippiece and Qiito is the language used on their sites – Trippiece serves the Japanese market, while Qiito is in English and serves the most of the world.Qiito is currently under development and will be ready for beta launch in October followed by a series of promotions. Even before the product is fully developed, Quiito has already established a partnership with the Taiwan Tourism Board to help promote travel across the region. I’m not sure how, but that’s probably the power of connections. And perhaps it hints that Quiito does have something special to offer.Here’s how Pei-Han describes Qiito’s service:
"Highly visual and intuitive, you can build up your day-to-day travel itineraries on based on location with simple drag-and-drops. With crowdsourced content, you will also benefit from first-person experiences and reviews on places of interest in your destinations. You can share your itinerary with your friends who can amend and comment all in real-time. All these at zero cost."It does sound good, though similar to what other online travel planners have to offer — especially Tripit, and Yahoo’s trip planner. We’ll await Qiito’s beta launch before providing you with a thorough review. Stay tuned.
179 Million Citizens: Asia’s 4th Largest Nation is Republic of Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.We’ve said much already about Facebook’s booming popularity in both Indonesia and India. But a fun infographic from the folks at Ogilvy attempts to put the growing numbers into new perspective. The graphic notes that Facebook has 179 million users in Asia, which — if it were a country — would make it the region’s fourth largest. Only China, India, and Indonesia have a higher population.
Social Gaming Network PapayaMobile Hits 25M UsersToday, PapayaMobile, the social gaming network for Android, is announcing a new milestone: it has topped 25 million users, which represents over 940% growth since the beginning of last year. The company attributes the increase to both the growing demand for mobile social games as well as the rapidly expanding Android install base worldwide.
Papaya’s Sharp Words for MobageIn addition, Papaya’s Head of Developer Relations, Paul Chen, provided his take on the recent Mobage deal from DeNA and ngmoco, which translated the popular Japanese mobile social gaming platform for Android into English and Chinese.
モバゲーへのPapayaの鋭い言葉さらに、Papayaのデベロッパー関連の長のPaul Chenは、日本の人気のモバイルソーシャルゲームプラットフォームをAndroidのために英語と中国語に翻訳したDeNaとngmocoからの最近のモバゲー取引での彼の利を提供した。
Says Chen, after analyzing a sampling of Mobage games: “There is little market traction for these apps four weeks after launch. This is especially surprising considering the original versions of these titles were huge hits with millions of downloads on either iOS and/or Android. Much of the reason for the initial lack of traffic to the Mobage network stems from the fact that, in order to play a Mobage game, you not only have to download the game, but also the Mobage SNS application. This is creating a significant barrier to adoption for the Mobage platform as users do not wish to download two applications to play one game.”
Except for Pocket Frogs (10,000-50,000 installs) and We Rule (5,000-10,000 installs), the apps Chen examined (Paper Toss, Ninja Royale, Haypi Kingdom and Paradise Island) all have 1,000 to 5,000 installs. In total, Mobage has 25 games running on ngCore, its Game Engine product.At the time of Mobage’s launch in July, DeNA/ngmoco said that it would release more titles, a Mobage iOS version and expand Mobage Global to more markets. Clearly there is some rivalry here, given each company’s focus on the mobile social gaming space.
Pocket Frog(10,000-50,000インストール)とWe Rule(5,000-10,000インストール)を除いて、Chenの考察したアプリ(Paper Toss、Ninja Royale、Haypi Kingdom、Paradise Island)は、1,000-5,000のインストールである。合計で、モバゲーはそのゲームエンジン製品ngCoreで運営する25のゲームがある。7月のモバゲーの発表時、DeNA/ngmocoはモバゲーiOSバージョンのもっと多くのゲームをリリースし、Mobage Globalをより多くの市場へ拡張すると述べた。明らかに、ここにはいくつかのライバルがあり、それぞれの企業が焦点を当てるモバイルソーシャルゲームスペースが与えられる。
OpenFeint Announces Replacement for UDIDs on iOS 8/26On the heels of Apple’s decision to phase out developer access to the UDID (unique device identifier) on iOS devices, mobile social gaming network OpenFeint is offering up a an alternative solution. The company announced today that it’s launching a single sign-on system for social game developers that will replace UDIDs on iOS.
OpenFeintはiOSでのUDIDの交換を発表 8月26日デベロッパーがiOSデバイスでのUDID(ユニークデバイス識別子)へのアクセスを段階的に禁止すると言うAppleの決定に続き、モバイルソーシャルゲームネットワークのOpenFeintは、代わりとなるソリューションを提供している。企業は今日、iOSでのUDIDの代わりとなるソーシャルゲームデベロッパーのためのシングルサインオンシステムに乗りだしていると発表した。
Developers interested in early access can sign up to participate in the new program here.OpenFeint has now over 6,900 games on its network and over 115 million registered users. It was acquired by Japanese mobile gaming company GREE in April for $104 million.
Activision's CFO says it will invest in mobile and social development 'methodically' 9/9Activision CFO Thomas Tippl has spoken out regarding the future of Activision and its upcoming moves into the mobile and social market.At Citi 2011 Tech Conference in New York, Tippl highlighted Activision's intentions to conduct its mobile and social games business in a disciplined manner and also how it intends to expand beyond its current games portfolio.
ActivisionのCFOはモバイルとソーシャル開発において「系統的に」投資すると述べている 9月9日ActivisionのCFOのThomas Tipplは、Activisionの将来と、これからのモバイルとソーシャル市場への参入について話している。ニューヨークでのCiti 2011 Tech Conferenceにて、TripplはActivisionのマナーを持てモバイルとソーシャルゲームビジネスを運営するためと、現行のゲーム有価証券を越えどのように発展させるかの意向を強調した。
Activate"While our goal is always to be number one in anything we do, even if we only get to half of our fair share in mobile and social over the next three years, it will still represent a significant upside, given that the mobile and social gaming markets have finally reached critical mass," Tippl said
"I expect it to grow at a double-digit clip for the foreseeable future. We are certainly expanding the reach of our franchises through the platforms that are emerging.," he added.He also said that while Activision had been exploring the genres using its existing licences, in future it would be looking to new properties to broaden its reach. But Tippl was quick to stress these future forays wouldn’t appear in app stores and browsers overnight.
"... it's going to be done in a thoughtful, methodical way, and in a way that will tend to create value for our shareholders, as opposed to venture capitalists and private equity firms [that are contributing to] what I would call a bubble valuation," he said.
Rounding errorThis approach echoes previous statements made by Activision chief executive Eric Hirshberg, who urged a cautious approach to the mobile market, dubbing it a "double-edged sword".Indeed, as pointed out in May, at the moment, mobile is a rounding error within Activision's $4 billion annual turnover.
丸め誤差このアプローチは「諸刃の剣」と称してモバイル市場への周到なアプローチを促進した、ActivisionのチーフエグゼクティブのEric Hirshbergによって作られた以前の声明に反映する。実際、PocketGamer.bizが5月に、今のところモバイルはActivisionの$40億の年商内の丸め誤差であると指摘した。
Tencent Looks to the West for Third-Party Game DevelopersSeptember 9th, 2011 No.2There are currently five parts of the Tencent platform. First, there’s QZone, a virtual identity or avatar network, which has 530 million monthly active users. This is one of the two parts of the platform that Zynga decided to launch its Chinese version of Cityville one.
Tencentはサードパーティーゲームデベロッパーのために欧米に目を向けている2011年9月9日 No2現在Tencentのプラットフォームの5つの部分がある。まず、仮想アイデンティティもしくはアバターネットワークのQZoneがある。月間アクティブユーザー数は5憶3000万である。これは、Zyngaが中国バージョンのCitiyvilleを発表する為に決定したプラットフォームの2つのうちの1つである。
Second is PengYou, which is the company’s foray into real-name social networking, an area it hasn’t historically done as well at. Still, because it’s China, it has a very sizable audience with 250 million registered users and 132 million monthly actives who have posted an update or played a game. The developers doing 10 million renminbi a month are working off Qzone and PengYou.
Third, there’s QQ Games, the company’s bigger gaming-focused platform, with 780 million registered users and 260 million monthly actives. Fourth, there’s also Weibo, which is Tencent’s microblogging platform (a version of Twitter, if you will). It has 200 million registered users, but it’s not as well-known or as widely used as rival Sina’s version of the service. Lastly, there’s Tencent’s original chat client and the premium version of it, QPlus, which boasts more than 701.9 million active accounts.
When Tencent chief executive Pony Ma announced the platform back in June, he set an ambitious goal of allowing developers to earn 20 billion renminbi (or $3.1 billion). That’s more than the $2.5 billion Apple has officially announced it’s paid out to developers since the launch of the iOS platform.
TencentのチーフエグゼクティブのPony Maがこの6月にプラットフォームを発表した時、彼はデベロッパーが200億人民元($31億)稼ぐ事の出来る野心的なゴールを設定した。それはAppleがiOSプラットフォームの発表時からデベロッパーに支払ったと公式に発表した金額よりも$25億以上多い。
The Shenzhen-based company has been busy securing deals with large American companies like Zynga and other unannounced partners to bring their most popular gaming titles to Tencent’s platform. Since opening its platform earlier this year, Tencent is paying its two top casual game developers about 10 million renminbi ($1.6 million) per month after the revenue split from the company’s payments service, the platform’s general manager Peter Zheng tells us. About eighty thousand developers have registered so far with 40,000 pending applications
Shenzhenを拠点とする会社は、Tencentのプラットフォームに人気のゲームをもちこむZyngaのように大きなアメリカの企業や、その他発表されていないパートナーとの取引の緊締に忙しい。今年の早期にそのプラットフォームを開いてから、収益が会社の支払いサービスから分離した後、Tencentは上位2位のカジュアルゲームデベロッパーに月ごとに約1000万人民元($160万)支払っていると、プラットフォームのジェネラルマネージャーPeter Zhengは私達に話している。約8万のデベロッパーが、これまでに4万の係属出願に登録している。
Tencent Looks to the West for Third-Party Game DevelopersSeptember 9th, 2011Chinese Internet behemoth Tencent is looking to give developers a taste of its more than 700 million monthly active users.