Please note it is extremely important for you to fill out thedetailed seller rating after a purchase is made as this ratingdictates the price we are charged for listing items. The better therating, the lower we are charged to list items, which in turn, means abetter selling price to you. A 5 * in each category would be greatlyappreciated.Regards,
I'm sorry I sent the item to the wrong address.I resent the same item to your correct address via EMS.Please bare with me for a week or less. I apologize for the any inconvenience caused. I apologize for the delay. I just completed the shipment. Please wait for about 10 days until the item arrive.I apologize for the delay in delivery. I said this item will take 4 weeks for delivery on the site, so could you please wait for another 10 days?If you don't receive the item even after that, please let me know.
脳の深い場所が "何か" に反応する山本基(Motoi Yamamoto)による「塩」で作られた巨大な迷路。地球上の多くの生命維持活動に欠かせない白い存在。身近なところでは毎日の食事として、五感の中でも原始的な「味覚」に自分の涙や血を感じ、いつか「母なる海」へと繋がっていく根源的な神性を感じてか、我々日本人はそこに「穢れを祓い清める力を持つもの」と特別な気持ちを抱くようになった。
The deep part of brain react to "something".A maze made out of "salt" designed by Motoi Yamamoto. The white thing that cannot be missing from most of the creatures on the earth for their livings. In our daily life, we feel it through our meals. "Taste" is one of the primitive sense of our senses and we feel our tears and blood though it. Perhaps, we feel the primordial sanctity of connecting to "mother ocean", we Japanese have special feeling towards it as "something that has purify the fall".
Hello, ive noticed that you have purchased a Manta Ray tube recently. I'm trying to find one to buy and willing to pay $550 plus $60 postage to Ohio if the Manta Ray is unused. Let us know if your interested in selling it.Thanks for your time.
こんにちは。あなたが最近、Manta Ray tubeを購入されたことに気付きました。私もひとつ買いたいと思っていて、もしManta Rayが未使用なら商品の代金$550とオハイオまでの配送料$60を支払うつもりです。もし購入されたManta Rayを販売することにご興味があったらお知らせ下さい。宜しくお願い致します。
Hello. I'm Japanese and I would like to do some shopping at this site. It said the shipping fee is free if I purchase more than $300 but could you tell me how many days it will approximately take to ship to Japan? Also, how long would it take to ship the items after I place an order?I will look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
今回の取引で、私は多大な時間を費やし、その結果、あなたにとても迷惑を掛けられた。どんなにgreat な工具であろうと、それが使い物にならないなら、あなたは販売者として失格だ。あなたが商品を返品する事で話を進めたいなら、まず最初にあなたは、私が支払った410$をPaypal経由で返金しなければならない。そうすれば、私は返品する手続きに入ります。送付先の住所を教えてくれ。そして、返金をしなさい。あなたが誠実な対応をしないなら、私はebayに対してエスカレーションします。
I spent a lot of time on this deal and as a result, I experienced a lot of inconveniences. Even if it is a great tool, you disqualify as a seller if the item does not work. If you would like to proceed the return, you would need to refund $410 I paid via Paypal. Once I confirm the refund, I will proceed with shipping back the item to you.Please let me know the address and please refund. If you are not willing to take care of this in a sincere manner, I will request an escalation to ebay.
日本語でのサポート、今後の値引きキャンペーンなどを考えて高めの価格に設定しています。安い方がいいというお客様には、英語版のhome editionやprofessionalをすすめたりもしています。使い方は英語版も日本語版も同じなので。おそらく何人かの日本人が、日本語の体験版で操作を体験して、英語版のhome editionやprofessionalを購入されているかもしれません。
We set a higher price for the customer support in Japanese and the future discount campaigns. For the customers who prefer cheaper price, we recommend them the English version of home edition and professional since the ways they work are the same as the Japanese versions. Perhaps some Japanese customers may have tried the trial versions in Japanese and purchased the English versions of home edition and professional.
最近だと主婦の方に英語版のHome edition 2台をすすめました。このお客様は、個人利用なので少しでも安い方がいいとの要望でした。しばらくは現在の価格のままにしておこうかと思います。たまに期間限定の割引キャンペーンで値下げ販売しようと思います。販売状況(価格、数量)については定期的にエクセルファイルで送ります。よろしくお願いします。
Recently, we recommended two home editions in English to a customer who is a homemaker. She wanted to lower the cost as much as possible as she was going to use them for personal use. I think we will keep the pricing as it is for now. We might offer limited discount campaigns and sell them at cheaper prices. We will send you an excel file with sales figures (prices and amounts) at a constant base.Thank you.
The Kindle is only repeatedly showing the home screen (for 5 seconds) and the wooden screen with the progress bar. I tried to do the 30 seconds hardware reset for a multiple times but it doesn't work. Could you please exchange it? If we need to discuss, could we do it over the email as I cannot speak English?
You said the item was great but I strongly think that it is useless unless it works. I will take it to a repair store and I will show you the conditions, photos and invoice, so I think it will be the best if you could cover for the repair cost.I will not have the exact figure of the repair cost until I place an order.If you would like me to return the item, I will ask for the shipping cost and the refund.
Secondly, I contacted HILTI online support and explained to them that this tool does not work properly. However, they said they cannot find out the reason why it's not working unless I ship the tool to their center. That means, it's either I request a repair to HILTI and you cover for the cost or I return the tool to you. As you know, this tool is quite heavy and large. Also, it's been already shipped out of the country, so it will cost to ship it back to you. It will also cost to repair it.
Fist of all, I'm very disappointed with how this transaction turned out. As you suggested, I checked multiple times if it works after I received your email.I also drove and brought this item to the representative store of HILTI to have them check if it really doesn't work. I also checked if I'm using the correct pin. I placed the gas bottle and took out the gas bottle few times and tried it with a new gas but it never worked.
When you sent money to us last time, it was in Yen and I didn't think about the exchange rate as I did not do the invoice.Of course, you can set the selling price in Japan at any level you like as long as the customers are happy.I do not mind at all because from your spreadsheets we will get more money this time about Y87000 - so I will invoice in Yen.However, there is one thing to bear in mind that if customers look up on the Internet they might see that it is cheaper from our website.So from April 2012 onwards you can charge the customers cheaper prices if you like. Just let me know.
この度は、ご配慮ありがとうございます。 先ほど、Limchantaraさん宛てに10ドル宅急便でお送りしました。いつも、お世話になり感謝します。初めまして。竹村と申します。この度、PPWSAのブックビルディングの申し込みをしました。しかし、投資家IDを取るための、料金10ドルをまだお支払いしていませんでしたので、本日、貴社Limchantaraさん宛てに、宅急便でお送りしました。期限が迫っておりますが、是非間に合うようにお取り計らいのほど、宜しくお願いします。
Thank you for your kind consideration. I just sent $10 to Mr. Limchantara via mail.Thank you for your help. Hello.I'm Takeuchi and I submitted a request for PPWSA book building, but I haven't paid $10 for the investor ID, so I sent it to Mr. Limchantara via mail. The deadline is approaching, so I would appreciate it if you could help me to make it in time. Thank you for your help in advance.
Hello,the postage rate of £90 is an estimate of international postage to go all over the world, when you list an item you have to put one price for all the world, however as the saddle made a good price, and i have had some more quotes of slightly less at £145.65, i would be willing to pay towards some of the shipping costs, would you be willing to perhaps split the difference in the cost?many thanks.
I've been at the cafe since the morning to do my own business.I registered to Linkedin today to look for a translator. I'm looking for a Japanese and English native speaker.I would like to get a help on a project to translate 27 million Japanese letters to English but the material will be a novel. I think it is a love-it-or-hate-it material, so I don't know how it's going to go. I'm actually little excited. There are not many Japanese novels translated to English right now. It's only limited to a famous authors, so I'm hoping to get into that market.
Hi!What's up?You look great!Those high heels are awesome.Wow, you look nice in that mini skirt.Those leggings look nice on you.Your legs are so long.You're cute.You're pretty.You're cool.You look smart.Your hair is so shiny.Nice hair cut.Your smile is so pretty.You have a beautiful profile.Your eyes are attractive.You have a nice body.I'm sure a lot of guys are attracted to you. I see. You're full of life. I got it. You're sexy.I was wondering you would model for my photography.Can I take a photo of you?What kind of guys are your type?
Hello.I will check with Paypal on the next business day.When will you be able to refund me? It's been a while, so I'm getting worried.I will look forward to hearing from you.Thank you.
The PayPal payment did not work. I talked to PayPal and they said to update my email and have you call PayPal to cancel the first payment and have them send it again. Sorry about any delay. I will send an extra gift with the board for any inconvenience.
Re-contactingI need 12 jeans in total.(Last time I ordered, I needed w30 for 8E7 but I received w28 which was 2 sizes smaller. Please send me the right ones this time.)If I receive the items as I ordered, I will purchase more.As for shipping:Could you please ship a package with 6 jeans and another package with 6 jeans three days after the first shipping?I appreciate you help.I am a retailer in Japan.-How much would the shipping cost for the way I described it above?-How much would the shipping cost increase per an extra item?I would like to do business with you.