調査テーマ前回の記事で少し触れましたが、 iBeaconの通信距離はNFCよりも長く最長 50mとも言われています。情報収集していても「理論値で50m」と紹介されている記事をよく目にしますが、「本当に? 50mってどっから出てきた数字なの?」という疑問が頭をもたげます。「50m届くか調べてみた」というような情報も見つからないし、これは事実を明らかにする必要があると感じました。そこで今回の調査はiBeaconの通信距離にフォーカスを当てて実験をおこないます。
The theme of an examinationIt is even said that the communication distance of "iBeacon" is a maximum of 50m long, which is longer than "NFC", as I mentioned it a bit in the previous article.While I collect information about it, I often see articles which says that it's thoretical value is 50m long. However, I am sceptical about the figure. I really wonder where the figure, 50m long, comes from.So far, I can not find any information that somebody has cheked if it could reach 50m. I felt that it is neccesary to make clear the fact.So, I will conduct the experiment focusing the communication distance of "iBeacon" this time as our survey.
The terms and conditions on our Amazon website will inform customers that they may withdraw from their Amazon orders within 14 days. In addition, as we already do in each shipping confirmation email, we always remind customers of their rights to cancel orders. We will also provide a model cancellation form that can be used for any order placed on Amazon.If Amazon customers place orders with you, they will be able to find the legally required cancellation form on our website and cancel orders through the Amazon Return Centre. You must then determine your obligations according to the CRD and, if required, work directly with the customer to issue their refund and coordinate return shipping of their order.