Mars16 (mars16) 翻訳実績

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IT ビジネス 技術 出版・プレスリリース 旅行・観光 マーケティング IR 財務
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mars16 英語 → 日本語

For the time being, these types of controllers are the best we have, at least until technology reaches the point where controllers morph into usable gloves. But where the industry really needs to be headed in terms of the most lifelike immersive experience is some form of eye tracking. After all, isn’t this how we take in everything around us in real life? We identify what’s interesting through our eyes and then decide if it’s something we want to interact with.

Fove raised about $490,000 this summer to create a head-mounted display with eye-tracking capabilities.The two biggest advantages to eye-tracking as a navigation and interaction tool is that it removes unnatural head movement and frees up viewers’ hands.




mars16 英語 → 日本語

TechNode Launched XNode Co-working Space, Driving Tech Innovation Across China

Right now in China tech, few words get a workout quite like innovation.
From government policy to the factory floor, the industry is turning itself inside out in an attempt to shift its rep from assemblers to innovators. The country is shaking off its copy-cat reputation to embrace new ideas in some of the fastest growing verticals in the world. Buoyed by a massive population, with an insatiable appetite for all things connected, Chinese entrepreneurs are behind some leading innovations in e-commerce, IoT and offline-to-offline services.


