#tour caliber customsi could get for you if you where buying putters from me otherwise no sorry.i have the ss proto double bend but the rest are retail putters we have japan distributor for that.my job is high end gss and carbon tour only models.#cansorefI apologize for the delay in shipping your coins. I am currently awaiting a new shipment of coins to arrive. The shipment has been delayed for a bit, and I will mail you your package as soon as the new coins have arrived. I will also be more than happy to send you an additional coin free of charge due to any inconvenience the delay may have caused you.Thank you again for your purchase and you patience. I will let you know as soon as I have mailed your package.
・tour caliber customsもしお客様が当店でパターを購入されるならこちらで入手いたしますが、もしそうでなければ申し訳ございませんがお断りいたします。SSプロトのダブルベンドはございますが、その他の商品に関しましては小売のパターで、それ用の日本の販売業者がございます。当方で取り扱っているのは最高仕様のGSSとツアーカーボンのみのモデルになります。・cansorefコインをお届するのが遅くなり、申し訳御座いません。現在、コインの新たな発送品が到着するのを待っているところです。荷物の到着が少々遅れておりますが、新しいコインが届き次第、すぐにお客様へ郵送いたします。また、お届けが遅くなったことでご不便をお掛けしたかと思いますので、無料で追加のコインも送らせていただければ幸いでございます。ご購入いただき、またご辛抱いただきまして重ねて御礼申し上げます。お客様の荷物を郵送いたしましたらすぐにご連絡いたします。
This seems odd as the preamp has been used for the last few years by the most reputable repair tech in town (whom I am selling it for) without the issue you speak of. However, for the sake of my eBay reputation and since I did sell it as perfect working order and I can't view it in person to see the problem; I am ok with refunding an amount for repair cost however I feel the $150 estimate is rather high... I won't ask to meet in the middle ($75) but, I propose a refund of $100.Let's see if we can amicably work this out.Thanks!
As the end of 2014 quickly approaches, we are preparing for Chinese New Year and wanted to pass along cut-off dates for PO’s to be shipped before and after the holiday. Please see below and advise any questions as soon as possible.All orders to ship before CNY must be submitted by November 15- ETD for order placed by Nov. 15 should be approximately Jan. 9, with latest possible ETD being Feb. 6- ETD will depend on items ordered and what is in production between January-February- Both ETDs will be out before CNYFirst orders to ship after CNY must be submitted by December 15- ETD planned for March 20We have rough forecasts for which items will be in production when, although it is changing weekly.