篠崎誠 (makocho) 翻訳実績

11年以上前 男性 50代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
makocho 英語 → 日本語

If the site is well chosen, the exterior can itself be used as an open-air theatre, a revolving stage, or for cinema club, documentary films, conferences, a library, etc. The whole scheme enables the public ‘to be exposed to' (to borrow an Americanism) the fascination of visualisation (to understand and to demonstrate) and to the fascination of action (to explain,to formulate, to invent, to love). This, therefore, is the programme of the Municipal Council of Ahmedabad, directed by Shri Gautam: a clear and succinct statement of the problems that have to he solved, prepared by farseeing town councillors who, in a country with the most ancient traditions, are seeking to take part in
the mechanistic evolution.



makocho 英語 → 日本語

Those who stand and wait for the art that is eternal can occupy the present time by taking photographs of such work and putting them away in a drawer to wait for the day when Sigfried Giedion will open the drawer and, by his comments upon them, establish the outlook for posterity!As we are at Marseilles, I will add that we equipped some places for the children of the project: places so small that one might think they were unusable –the remainder of the areas set aside for elevators. Here the children, if they are well guided, can take part in a multitude of clubs: photography, cinema, painting, sculpture, dance, orchestra, cooking, etc.



makocho 英語 → 日本語

Here the children of the locality can find conditions in which they can work and produce. There is a children's orchestra, a school of dancing, a theatre, studios for rural painting made by the children, sculpture, and guided tours round the museum exhibitions.Third example: in our building at Marseilles –the Unité d'Habitation designed for 1600 inhabitants -three of our architectural draughtsmen who were overseeing the site-work took advantage of the opportunity to paint some lively murals there (3 .66m×2 .26m). These paintings were made on
plaster panels which acted as fire screens: they required to be covered (and afterwards were covered) by wood panelling. The paintings disappeared.


ここで地方の子供たちは勉強をし、作り出すことができる環境を見つけることができます。子供たちによる管弦楽団、ダンス学校、劇場、子供たちによって作られた田舎の絵画のスタジオ、彫刻、そして美術館の展示品を巡るガイド・ツアーがあります。3番目の例ですが、マルセイユの私たちの建物である、1600人の住人のために設計されたユニテ・ダビタシオンで、現場を監督していた建築製図者のうちの3人が、そこでいくつかの生命感あふれる壁画 (3.66m×2.26m) を描く機会に恵まれました。この壁画はファイアー・スクリーンとして機能する漆喰の板の上に描かれました。この壁画は木材の板で覆いかくすことが求められ、( 実際にその後覆い隠された)その壁画は見えなくなりました。

makocho 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

The Advance Innovation Program showcases 25 select Australian startups to potential U.S. partners and investors

25 Australian startups have been selected into the Advance Innovation Program, through which they will pitch and showcase their ideas to potential investors and partners in Silicon Valley.

A lot of things seem to be happening on the ground in Australia. Twenty-five Australia startups were recently selected into the Advance Innovation Program, an annual initiative that showcases Australian innovations to the U.S., with the aim of connecting the next generation of Australian entrepreneurs and innovators with dynamic global networks, key business insiders and investors.





makocho 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

There are two sides to this coin. In China, the result is a lot of space for startups and mega-tech companies like Baidu to build for the local population. But they sacrifice a connection to the world. In Vietnam, startups have to compete with outsiders while also getting a little more globally connected – although many would argue people here are still very isolated. The end result may be that some Chinese tech successes are inflated because they have no “real” competitors beyond their borders; and Vietnamese startups are stunted because they can’t out-execute the big guys or regional startups who expand into the country.



makocho 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

Fountain Pen Nib Customizations
Most fountain pens are provided with standard stock nibs ranging in size from Fine to Medium to Broad, with Extra-Fine, Double-Broad, Stub, and Music sizes also common. (Experienced pen users can check out our tipping sizes page for exact comparisons among the pen lines we carry.)

Most standard stock nibs are designed to give a consistent, unvarying line. But some users, such as artists, calligraphers, or just anyone who wants to add more personality and distinctiveness to their writing, are attracted to fountain pens precisely for the ability to use customized nibs which provide for varying line-widths.



大抵の万年筆は、ファインサイズからミディアムサイズ、ブロードサイズまでの予備のペン先と一緒に提供されます。また、エキストラファインサイズ,、Double-Broad、 Stub、ミュージックサイズのペン先も一般的です(手馴れた万年筆ユーザーは、我々が用意する万年筆の筆跡を正確に比較するために、書いてみてペンの先端部をチェックすることができます)。


makocho 英語 → 日本語

According to a new report at the Wall Street Journal, Apple’s new management team dynamic, which includes design maven Jonathan Ive at the helm of both the hardware and software teams behind iOS, is seeing a new era of collaboration. ONe source familiar with the matter went so far as to call the exchange of ideas between Ive and human interface lead Greg Christie, known for his bluntness, as “pleasant and cordial.”

Sounds like things are changing over there at Apple, which is a good thing for proponents of Ive’s preference for a less skeumorphic design ethos. Having Ive watching the software along with the hardware may bring a flatter, more modern look to iOS 7, sure to be coming soon.


ウォルト・ストリートジャーナルの新しいレポートによると、活気に満ちたアップル社の新しい経営陣の中には、iOSの開発にハードウェアとソフトウェアのチーム両方を指揮するデザインの専門家、ジョナサン・アイブ氏 がいるが、そのアップルの新経営陣は新しい時代のコラボレーションを模索しています。この問題に詳しい情報通の一人においては、アイブ氏と無愛想で有名なヒューマン・インターフェイスの統率者、グレッグ・クリスティの間での考えの交換を「喜ばしい、本気だ」と捉えてさえもいるのです。


makocho 英語 → 日本語

This is a marked contrast from the earlier dynamic between the hardware and software teams, which was widely reported as secretive and somewhat contentious. The WSJ notes that the hardware design team at Apple, led by Ive, would frequently bring in favored software designers under intense secrecy to look at new hardware prototypes.

Now, Ive sits in with the software designers during regular review sessions to discuss current designs, say the sources for the WWSJ report. The human interface team, they say, is getting briefed on new hardware designs much earlier, as well.




makocho 英語 → 日本語

While Apple may not make radical changes to the hardware or software of its incredibly popular iPhone or iPad lines in the near future, we all will benefit from a collaborative approach that brings Ive’s award-winning design sense to the software that runs on the hardware he also designs.

The WSJ also reports that the collaboration between the Mac OS X and iOS software teams under Craig Federighi, another result of the recent management re-organization, is changing a bit more slowly, however. Federighi has mentioned that he plans to keep the different engineering teams separate for now, though there is typically quite a bit of collaboration between the two teams.


ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル誌はまた、最近の経営革新のもう1つの結果である、Craig Federighi 統率下での Mac OS Xと iOS ソフトウェアチームのコラボレーションが、かなりゆっくりではあるが変わってきていると報告しています。しかし、通常は2つのチームの間の若干のコラボレーションがあるが、さまざまなエンジニアリングチームは、今のところ別々のままでいる予定であるとFederighiは言及しています。

makocho 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

American Dakota fine aria
Daltonian and American Dakota work as partners in offering original rugs designed and manufactured in the United States of America.
All rugs are very resilient and made from long wearing premium nylon fibers.
The officers of American Dakota conduct business in a fair an ethical manor.
American Dakota rugs are made-to-order which translates to “No Inventory” for their customers.
The rugs are deemed Carpet and Rug Institute “Green Label Plus”.
The rugs are resilient, fade and stain resistant, anti microbial and can be cleaned easily with just water.

Being conscious of a higher calling we will also strive to champion causes that are in line with our belief system.




makocho 英語 → 日本語

Export laws require that products containing encryption be properly authorized for export.
Failure to comply could result in severe penalties.
For further information, click here.
Is your product designed to use cryptography or does it contain or incorporate cryptography?

Does your product qualify for any of the exemptions provided in Category 5 part 2?

You are responsible for the proper classification of your product; make certain that it meets the criteria of the exemption (listed here). Otherwise you may be in violation of the US export laws and could be subjected to penalties including delisting of your app from App Store. Please go through the FAQ page thoroughly before attempting to answer the question.




あなたは自分の品目を適切に分類する責任を有しています。必ず(ここに記載されている)適用除外品の基準に満たなくてはなりません。さもなければアメリカ合衆国の輸出法を犯すことになり、APP Storeからあなたのappを削除することも課せられる場合があります。質問に答える以前に、FAQページを十分に参照してください。