Then in 2008, Akio left to start his own fund with two partners which is now Infinity Venture Partners. It is a private fund focused on early stage consumer mobile and internet in Japan and China. “We are supported by an interesting family of LP’s (limited partners) such as SNS’s Mixi, DeNA, the second largest operator in Japan- KDDI and the largest advertising agency – Dentsu, we are an industry backed fund, also with connections to Gree.”Last year, Infinity Ventures seeded what later became Groupon Japan, “we built from zero.”Investment philosophy – search and conquer
そして2008年、アキオ氏は現在Infinity Venture Partnersの2人のパートナーとともに自身のファンドを開始するために退職しました。日本と中国で初期段階の消費者携帯とインターネットを中心とする民間ファンドです。「我々は、LP(有限社員)の興味深いファミリーにより支援されております。たとえばSNSのMixi、DeNA、(例えばSNSのMixi、DeNA、日本第二位の電話会社KDDI、最大手の広告代理店電通、我々は産業に支援されたファンドで、Greeともつながっています。」昨年、Infinity Venturesは、後にGroupon Japan、「我々はがゼロから作り上げた。」になったものに種をまきました。投資哲学 – 捜して、征服してください
“Knowing what happened in Japan over the past 5 to 10 years in the internet and mobile industry, we realize certain market opportunities. For example we knew that the Groupon business was still blue ocean in Japan, so if we had the right team behind it, we could take over the market so we created the company. This year we are launching a classifieds service like CraigsList or, because no one has filled that space. So we have a specific market segment that we know we want to go after and if there is already an existing early stage company doing it, we try to work closely with them. If we can’t find the team, we create it. We are super hands on initially, and then we become hands off.”
The team repeated the same strategy two and a half years ago, when they knew that the social game wave was coming to Japan. They saw that the players in Japan were too small to scale but liked what they saw in China, so consequently invested in Rekoo. “We took them to Japan to launch with Mixi and now they are the number one social game company in Japan. Now they are 350 people and the next largest competitor in Japan is only 50 people.”
What we look for in entrepreneursSome experience – “We like people who have start-up experience because if you have worked in an internet company that has gone through some growing pain that is valuable. For example, the reason my partner invested in Gree’s founder was because he was already part of a successful e-commerce company called Rakuten in Japan, so we knew this guy wasn’t a fresh entrepreneur.”Young -less than 30 years oldProduct and market focused – “because it is very important to get the intitial product launch”
企業家に期待するものいくらかの経験 – 「成長していく苦痛を味わったインターネット会社で働いたことがあるのなら、我々は起業経験のある人物が好きである。たとえば、私のパートナーがGreeの創設者に投資した理由は、彼がすでに日本で楽天と呼ばれている成功した電子商取引会社の一部であったからであり、この人が新しい企業家ではないということを知っていました。」若者-30才未満製品と市場は焦点に合わせる – 「最初の製品を投入することが非常に重要であるので」
China investmentsThe company has invested in a social mobile MMORPG called Moca, which was also recently invested in by Tencent. They launched a game on Tencent’s platform which has become phenomenally successful with several million users, good ARPU, profitable and one of the most successful 3rd party games on Tencent’s platform. Tencent also later became a strategic investor in Rekoo.
Is there another internet bubble?“I don’t think there is a bubble like in 2000/2001 because the Chinese companies still have strong fundamentals. I really like the e-commerce plays here and game companies have a strong revenue base. On the VC side with private companies, some of the valuations are going crazy right now especially with series A and B. When you are seeding companies, you don’t have that issue.”
別のインターネットバブルはあるか?「私は、中国の会社がまだ強い基盤を持っているので、2000/2001ののようなバブルがあると思いません。私は本当にここでの電子商取引の策略が好きで、ゲーム会社は強い収益基盤を持っています。民間企業によるVC側で、評価額のいくつかが現時点で特にシリーズAとBでおかしくなりつつあります。Seeding Companyならば、問題になりません。」
so you send the bide back to me and I send you between 30 and 50 dollars to your pay pal account?
Please provide a phone number for the compnay where the preamp is to be shipped.Please send me your shipping address and payment. The following payment methods are accepted: PayPal.
Please can you confirm which Bacsac pot and quantity and we will obtain an accurate quote for you?
You have opened a case for this transaction.We're sorry there was a problem with your purchase. The seller has been notified and a case has been opened for you in the Resolution Center.We encourage our sellers to do their best to work things out directly with you. Please wait for the seller to respond to the case before taking further action.If the seller does not respond within 7 days, or if the seller does respond but you still can't work things out, you can ask eBay Customer Support to review the case and make a final decision.
お客様はこの取引の訴訟を始めました。私どもはお客様の購入について問題があったことを遺憾に思います。売り手に通知し、訴訟を判決センターでお客様のために公開しました。私どもは、売り手がお客様と直接問題をうまく解決するよう最善を尽くすことを、奨励しております。さらに行動をする前に、売り手が訴訟に応じるのを待ってください。もし売り手が7日以内に応じないならば、あるいはもし売り手がお客様とうまく問題を解決すること以外に応じないのであれば、お客様はeBay カスタマーサポートに訴訟の再調査と、最終的な決定をするように依頼することができます。
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These pieces are discounted 25% due to slight imperfections. In most cases, these pieces work very well with older or frequently used sets!
A Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) is a third party administrator of prescription drug programs. They are primarily responsible for processing and paying prescription drug claims. They also are responsible for developing and maintaining the formulary, contracting with pharmacies, and negotiating discounts and rebates with drug manufacturers. Today, more than 210 million Americans nationwide receive drug benefits administered by PBMs. Fortune 500 employers, and public purchasers (Medicare Part D, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program) — provide prescription drug benefits to the vast majority of American workers and retirees. There are less than 100 major companies in this category in the US.
薬剤給付管理(PBM)は、処方薬プログラムの第三者管理機関です。PBMは、主として処方薬クレームを処理し、支払いをする責任を持ちます。彼らも、開発すること、処方集を維持すること、薬局と契約すること、製薬会社に割引やリベートの交渉をすることに対しても責任を持ちます。現在、全国で2億1000万人以上のアメリカ人は、PBMによって管理される薬剤給付を受けています。フォーチュン500雇用者と公的購入者(メディケアパートD、連邦公務員医療保障プログラム) — 処方薬給付大多数のアメリカ人労働者と退職者に提供します。米国の100未満の大手企業が、この範疇にあります。
Thank you for your email. The $296.66 is the amount that was received from DHL for the claim filed. Claims are filed for the declared value of items and the shipping cost. This amount has been credited to your account.
I had a DHL representative here friday. He came to advise me on this situation. And the only way realy is that your postoffice handels the clock over to DHL Japan and DHL Japan must send it back to DHL Germany. I will send some documents to you email adres. You can print those and deliver them together with the clock at you local post office. I am sorry but there is no other way, they are required to do so. Otherwise we can't get further.
unit shopprice is 108 usdand i am selling them at item soldisexactly asdescrideb (in quantity andquality).
Dear Taira,Thank you for contacting eBay in regard to the Vintage Otto Link (Item # 160569829249 ) that you recently purchased. After reviewing the case, I understand that you received the item that you question the authenticity of, and you contacted the seller about it and has responded. I know how frustrating it is to receive an item that doesn’t match the seller’s description, but I’d like you to know that we are committed in solving this case.First, I want to thank you for your patience, let me apologize if you have not received an email from us. Please know that your concern is always important to us.
Taira様、先日ご購入されたヴィンテージオットーリンク(アイテム番号# 160569829249)についてeBayに連絡していただき、ありがとうございます。事例を再調査したところ、あなたがアイテムが本物であるか質問を受け、あなたはそのことについて売り手と連絡をとり、返事をしたことが分かりました。私は売り手の説明と合わないアイテムを受けることが、どれほどイラつくことなのかわかりますが、我々がこの事例を解決することに関係しているということを存じ上げてください。まず最初に、ご辛抱とご理解に感謝致します。あなたが我々から電子メールを受け取らないのであればらば、謝罪いたします。お気づきの重要な点があれば、お知らせください。
Just thought you'd like to know "Mr. Rebates", Inc. sent you $104.00 USD.Once the money's there you can: Spend the money online at thousands of stores that accept PayPal. Transfer it to your bank account (takes 2-3 days). Get a PayPal Debit MasterCard. Don't see the money in your account?If you haven't confirmed your email address with us yet, you won't see the money in your account until you do. Confirm your email address now (You'll need your confirmation code: ***********)When that's done, the money will show up in your PayPal account and you'll be able to see the complete payment details. (It sometimes takes a few minutes.)
「Mr. Rebates」社はあなたに104.00ドルを送金いたしましたので、お知らせいたします。残金があれば、次のようなことが可能です:何千ものPayPal取扱い店で、オンラインでお金の使用すること。銀行預金口座(2-3日かかります)への送金。PayPalデビットマスターカードの取得。口座に残高を確認できますか?あなたがまだ電子メールアドレスを確認していなかいのであれば、確認するまで口座の残高を確認できないでしょう。あなたの電子メールアドレスを今確認してください(あなたの確証コードが必要となります:***********)。終了すると残高はPayPal口座に現れ、完全な支払いの詳細を見ることができるようになります。(2、3分かかることもあります。)
Here is a nice Phonograph crafted by Edison. It has the patent date of 1906 with the serial number 274467. It is in the classic oak box with the Golden Scroll logo "Edison Home Phonograph." Comes with a witch hat horn, belt, and lid. THE EDISON DOES NOT HAVE THE REPRODUCER OR CRANK. Measures 12 inches tall, 16 inches wide, and 9 inches deep. In excellent condition. There is some some light wear and scuffs common from the years. Belt has some light cracking from age. Runs smoothly. It will be shipped in 2 boxes.
For fitness center or brands, the benefit of joining SixReps is to get maximum exposure for their brand in targeted audience. Besides the exposure, they can engage their customer directly, talk to their customer, give product samples and free trial.SixReps Passport also acts like your SixReps membership ID. Member can print out their SixReps Passport, bring it to our partner (fitness center, shop, business, etc). Show it and gain some perks. For brands, they can offer anything including free trial gym and discounts for people who bring SixReps Passport to their place.
フィットネスセンターやブランドにとってSixRepsに加入する利点は、ターゲットとなるファンに、そのブランドを最大限に公開することにあります。公開の他に、直接顧客を取り込むことができ、顧客と話をすることができ、製品サンプルと無料トライアルを提供することができます。SixReps パスポートも、SixRepsメンバーシップIDのように扱います。メンバーは自分のSixReps パスポートを印刷でき、我々のパートナー(フィットネスセンター、ショップ、企業、その他)に、それを持って行くことができます。それを提示し、いくつかのサービスを受けます。ブランドにとって、SixReps パスポートを持ってくる人々に無料トライアルジムと割引を関することは何でも提供することができます。