10東京ミチテラス2014とは東京駅周辺のメモリアルライトアップイベント。メインイベントでは東京駅丸の内駅舎を、100年前の開業時にちなみ“大正浪漫の色彩”でライトアップする。 本年は12月24日~28日に開催される。東京駅周辺はにホテルやファッションビルなども充実している。一流ブランドのお店や、ミシュランに掲載されているレストランも多数あるので、夕方からショッピングを楽しみ、少し早いディナーを楽しんだ後、ゆっくりイルミネーションを楽しむことをお勧めしたい。
10Tokyo Michi Terrance 2014 is a memorial light up event in the area around Tokyo Station. The main event is the light up of the Tokyo Station Marunouchi Station, in a recognition of a 100 years of the station's operation with the theme of "Color of Taisho era Romance" The event will be held from 24 to 28 December this year. Around Tokyo Station, there are an established numbers hotels and shopping malls, with several leading brands and Michelin restaurants. We would recommend you to do some shopping in the evening and to slowly enjoy the light ups after an early dinner in the area.
096. Experience the beautiful Christmas lights around Tokyo StationIn Tokyo, there are several Christmas light ups in places such as Roppongi , Ginza and Shinjuku. Two of the more popular light ups are the ones at Marunouchi and Tokyo Station called Tokyo Michi Terrace 2014.The Christmas lights at Marunouchi stretches over tens of meters, with historical buildings surrounded by skyscrapers, allowing you to enjoy both the modern and traditional. For this year, the light up exhibits from 11 November to 15 February.