I wanted to use expedited shipping, but there was not option to choose from, i wonder how much difference is between standard and expedited.Please contact me if there is any chance to receive the item quickly. 出荷前に検品したところ、商品が不良品であることがわかりました(ジッパーが開かない)残念ながら在庫はこれしかありません。あなたの力になれずすみません。すぐに返金します。
発送方法を一番素早い方法にしたいが、その選択肢はないようです。一般の発送方法とスピートポストの違いを教えてもらえますか?もし今のよりこちらに早く届ける方法がありますたらぜひご連絡をしてくがさい。We found out that the product is not in a good condition (the zipper does can not be opened) when we carried out the quality check before processing it to delivery. Unfortunately it is the last one in our warehouse, we apologize for the fact that we can not provide any solution to that. Refund will be made immediately.
Fukuhara Kaoru【Name】Fukuhara Kaoru【Nickname】Kaorin【Date of Birth】8th November 1986【eBlood ty】AB 【Experience on dancing】It is embarrassing to say, 11 years of not very intense、HIP-HOP【Hobbies】Aromatherapy, Mah-jong【Special skills】Puyo-Puyo(Game)【Qualifications】Ordinary driving license, Kanji Test Grade 3, STEP Eiken Grade 4, Aromatherapy Test Grade 2, Kohitsu Calligraphy1st Stage【Favourite Food】Spicy food,Ice-cream【Food I dislike】Water, Tea, Vegetable, Fruits, Raw Fish, Shell fish, Mushroom【Favourite moments】Asleep, Relaxing at home
【Things I dislike】Sports, Being betrayed, Staying alone【Favourite cartoon】Sailor Moon【Personality of opposite sex that like】Tenderness【How am I going to spend the reward if I won the lottery?】Purchasing a mansion, Saving for the future【B part of FUNCTION6ch】Everyone respects each other【Fun moments as a member of FUNCTION6ch】To able to share the satisfaction of finishing a piece【Please express the things that you want to appeal in a Chuunibyou (Middle-school 2nd Year Syndrome) 】”Hunhun (Rough laugh)…Oh you can see me…