商品が無事に到着致しました。ありがとうございます。しかし、出荷時に貼り付けてあるCommercial Invoiceの価格が正確ではありませんでした。ファイルをアップロードしますので、ご確認下さい。また、次回以降「Commercial Invoiceに正確な価格を記入して下さい。」と台湾の出荷担当者に再度お伝え下さい。
I have successfully received the item. Thank you very much.But the price on the Commercial Invoice that was attached when shipped was incorrect.Please check the file I uploaded.In addition, please make sure to point out the Taiwan shipment personnel again to fill out correct price from the next time.
Before WWⅡ, Japanese personal-use energy self‐sufficiency ratio was very high. That is because, Japanese energy resource depended on recyclable resources like forest-resource or hydroelectric power generation. Post WWⅡ Energy-Revolution brought variety of advantages, but on the other hand, it lowered Japanese energy self-sufficiency and made energy supply unstable.Moreover as chemical fertilizer come to be popular, necessity of forest-resource rapidly lowered. As a result of these factors, big cities come to be overpopulated and fuelwood forests located in urban area rapidly changed into housing sites. It is true that energy consumption efficiency of urban-area-family got better before WWⅡ, but these phenomenon was still spotty.