We can understand that you would like to change the goods, but we can't get along with your request because we sold them long time ago.If you don't like them, we recommend you to put them on eBay. if you do so, you will find some buyers soon because they are popular brands. And when you need some photoes to sell them, you can uses the ones we already took.Thank you for your understandings.If you haven't decided whether to buy them, you can send them back to us at your expenses.
お問いあわせいただいていたカメラは売り切れてしまいました、すいませんしかしまだ在庫はあります使用にともなうスレ、傷はありますが大きなヘコミなどはありませんデータバック MF-14付きです(データバックに小さいへこみがありますが、機能に問題はありません)ファインダー内の状態は使用に伴う汚れ、ほこりはみられますが撮影に影響はありません液晶表示が薄くなっていますが、読み取ることは可能な範囲です製造番号は146万番台です他にも 50mm/1.2 のレンズやケースなどの商品もあります
We are sorry but the camera you've asked for was sold out, but still have ones in stocks. They have rub or scratch because being used but no signs of dents.Data-back MF-14 is attached, which has a minor dent but functions without any hitch. Inside its finder you could find some blot and dirt after being used, but there are no problems with its performances.The liquid crystal display has become faded but is in the range you can read. Their serial numbers are among 146 thousands.We have such commodities as 50mm/1.2 lens and its case.
A"聞いた?養護教諭の江本 昨日刺せれたって。""知ってる!刺したのうちの3年でしょ。""去年 卒業した先輩とも噂あったんだって。""じゃ 退院しても淫行でつかまるんじゃ。"B"加代子ってやっぱり違うよね。大人びてるっていうか..."みんな勝手にレッテルをはるから自分でもいつのまにかそういうフリをしてた。C悲しいのは血の繋がりなんかじゃなくて... バカみたいに単純な事なんだ。
A: Did you hear Mr. Emoto, medics teacher, was stabbed yesterday? I know! Someone, the third grade, did it, didn't it? They say he's been keeping love affair with a senior who graduated last year. Well then, he could be arrested for adultery after discharge.B: Kayoko, you look different from others, something like matured. I've just been pretending because everyone says so without thoughts.C: What I really feel sad is not a bloodline, it's just a trivial thing.