Sorry for the late reply.I'm sending you the new installer in English version.Please uninstall the old software and install the new one after rebooted your computer.After install the software, please overwrite copy the attached excel file to the place below.It is OK if the old file disappears.I reapaired a lot of bugs from the old version.The new feature are more file can be readed, recorded in the real time. You can also play it.Thank you.
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I’ll get to that in part two of this series, where we’ll look at some good frameworks and ideas for tackling early-stage growth from Andy Johns, Mat Johnson, and more experts. Stay tuned.Melinda Byerley is founder of TimeShareCMO, a data-driven digital marketing consultancy. She previously founded Vendorsi.com, and prior to that was CMO at Poll Everywhere and held various marketing roles at PlantSense, Linden Lab, eBay, PayPal, and Checkpoint Software.
このシリーズのパート2に入りますが、ここでAndy Johns、Mat Johnson、他のプロフェッショナルの早期の舞台での成長の幾つかのアイディアと構成を見えて来ます。チャンネルをそのままにして下さい。Melinda byerley はtimeshareCMO, データ駆動デジタル市場のコンサルタント、の創立者です。彼女は以前vendorsi.comを創立したが、その前にPoll Everywhere のCMO、及び、Plantsence、Lindenlab EBay 、PayPal とCheckpoint Softwareでのマーケティング役職を握りました。
Dear Olibia,Happy birthday !And Lisa, Congratulations on becoming mother for 1 year.Olibia, I always puts your photo on my room. And always feels full of happiness when see your photo.It has the wooden design toys with sushi shape in Japan. How funny!I hope you will love them. And hope you will have a wonderful year.Send love to all of you. Yuka
Thank you for your email. As I wrote in last email, i had a mistake about food.Because It takes a lot of time for arranging and sending a original food,how about if i will repay 67 USD from PayPal ?I am looking forward for your email. Best regards,