aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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Well, I didn’t know how the guys above handle the situation but for me, knowing that even the big guys are having it rough can surely make me smile. So that’s one thing: Knowing that you’re not alone in this.

The second reason is… well I don’t know what the second reason is. But let me tell you a little secret about me, when building and running, I countlessly thought about quitting. There are days when I wanted to just pack all my stuff and get back to the corporate world. I can think of a thousand reasons to quit: lack of capital, member growth, revenue, petty arguments among founders, the accumulated stress, pretty much anything can be a reason.




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But every time I wanted to quit, I convince myself to go all out for one last time and the funny thing is that something always came along and saved the day. Be it another capital investment, another award we won, another partner that can help us, an external factor that smooth things up, solutions seems to appear out of nowhere. I cannot say that I plan the whole thing to the letter, all I can say is that I’ve worked my ass off as much as I can bear and hope for the best.

Maybe this is what’s happening in the (almost) last days of OMGPOP, Rovio and other startups. Maybe it’s just as simple as doing your best. I know it’s cheesy but what else can you actually do beside do what you can and hope for the best?




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What if you’re actually so close to your success but you decided to just quit it? What if you’re actually just a month away from your massive sales explosion or one game away from your “overnight” success? Would you regret it for the rest of your life for not trying harder?

I keep going because I know this is what I wanted to do with my life. I keep going because I’d rather do this than any other thing in the world. I keep going because I love what I’m doing.

There maybe a time when I would call it quit, but now is definitely not the time for that. How about you? What kept you going?





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But the shift from e-commerce to s-commerce has only just begun. Revenues for the social commerce market are expected to reach $30 billion by 2015. This is due to multiple factors, including consumers spending more time on social networks, brands targeting consumers in the news feed (as opposed to fan pages) and advances in technology, such as mobile geo-location shopping apps and enterprise marketing tools.

But who’s vying for this space and what are they doing right? Here are four startups that are making e-commerce social in revolutionary ways.




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E-commerce in China was huge in 2011, with over 750 billion RMB (or about $118 billion) spent in total. That figure is likely to be significantly larger this year. But given online market places are far more accessible than many real world ones, it makes sense that many people with physical disabilities would make the most of such an opportunity — especially when discrimination can still be a problem for many hoping to enter the workforce in China. Xinhua quotes paralympian Yang Bozun on this point:

We have to admit that there is still discrimination against the disabled in getting a proper job. Sometimes we are being looked at differently. […] The Internet, somehow, provides an easy solution.


中国のEコマース市場は巨大で、 2011年には総額7500億人民元(約1180億米ドル)が費やされた。この数字は今年にはさらに大きいものとなりそうだ。しかし、オンラインのマーケットが現実のマーケットよりもたいていはアクセスしやすいことについて考慮すると、身体に障害を持つ多くの人々がそのような機会を最大限に活用することは筋が通っている。とくに、中国で働きたいと願う多くの人々にとって、差別を受けることが未だ問題となるならば当然のことだろう。新華社通信はここでパラリンピック選手Yang Bozunの言葉を引用している。


kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

But telecom operators probably aren’t too upset about the loss of wired phone users, because the industry’s total business has grown 14.8% compared to Q1 2011. In total, the industry did more than 419 billion RMB ($66 billion) in business this quarter.

Anyway, while most of those billion mobile phone users are still on feature phones, mobile app developers should get coding right now. The plethora of cheap smartphones China’s likely to see over the next few years (like this one, or this one, or this one, or this one) means that China may well experience a corresponding explosion in smartphone users (whose numbers are already climbing rapidly anyway).



いずれにせよ、10億人の携帯電話ユーザーの多くはいまだフィーチャーフォンを使用しているが、携帯アプリの開発者たちは今すぐコーディングに取りかかるべきだ。中国が次の2、3年の内に経験することになりそうな、安いスマートフォンの氾濫(これと似たようなもの、もしくはこれ、あるいはこれ、それかまた別の似たようなもの)は次のことを意味している。これに対応して、スマートフォンユーザーの数の爆発的増加を中国は経験することになるだろう、ということだ (とにかく、その数はすでに急激に増加中なのである)。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Keep the initial call to 15 minutes and mainly focus on assessing cultural fit to figure out if you’d get on working with this person. This is also an opportunity to “sell” your startup to the candidate and get them excited about what you’re working on. If the candidate is a cultural fit, then reach out to arrange a follow-up call for him to speak to one of your engineers.

The follow-up call with an engineer will last roughly 15 to 30 minutes and center on getting a high level assessment of the candidate’s technical knowledge. During the call, they will agree on a time when the candidate would be free to spend roughly 30 minutes completing a technical interview question.




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When the candidate comes onsite, introduce him to the whole team, then have him work with different engineers through a series of engineering questions. Then give the candidate an opportunity to hang out with the rest of the team, perhaps over lunch. Review candidates based on this onsite interview.

2. Keep on Top of Your Hiring Pipeline

It’s no use having a structured interview process if you can’t keep track of what stage of the process each of your candidates is at. PipeDrive is a great way to manage various candidates and keep track of their recruitment process, but you could just as easily use Excel or Google Docs.



2. 採用プロセスをしっかりと把握すること

もし志望者がそれぞれプロセスのどの段階にあるのかについてあなたがきちんと把握していないならば、採用プロセスにスケジュールを設定しても無意味だ。PipeDrive は様々な志望者たちを管理し、その採用プロセスの記録をとるのに良い方法だ。しかしExcelやGoogle Docsを使っても簡単に管理することはできるだろう。