aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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RichMediaAds lets anyone create interactive ads that act like websites-within-websites

Malaysian serial entrepreneur Alvin Koay wants to stand up for the little guy. His first tech venture, MobileApps, strove to help developers rise above the din and get discovered through interactive ads.

Now, with his new startup RichMediaAds, a self-serve ad creation platform, he hopes to enable anyone to make ads that are more clickable than even professionally made ones.

Alvin’s bet is that by turning ads into actionable and interactive mini-websites, advertisers can generate far more bang for their buck while publishers can charge higher rates.



マレーシアのシリアルアントレプレナーAlvin Koay氏は力の弱い人を援護することを望んでいる。同氏が最初に手がけたテクノロジー関連ベンチャーMobileAppsはインタラクティブ広告によって、ノイズを取り除いて開発者が人々から発見されることに真剣に取り組んだ。



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Making banner ads more attractive and eye-catching is a potential solution. In recent years, many startups have tried to do this, and in addition they tack on ad creation tools to make generating ads much easier.

So RichMediaAds is definitely not a rare species in this space. Amobee has PULSE Create, which lets marketers create rich media and 3D mobile ads. 2359Media has Mobdis, a similar solution but without the 3D component (yet). Perhaps the most similar startup to Alvin’s is, which integrates web apps into its ads.



だからRichMediaAdsはこの業界において希少種ではないことは明らかだ。Amobeeはマーケッターがリッチメディアと3Dモバイル広告を制作することを可能にするPULSE Createを持っている。2359MediaはMobdisという、似たような、しかし3Dコンポーネントにはまだ対応していないソリューションを用意している。おそらく、Alvin氏のスタートアップに最もよく似ているのは、ウェブアプリケーションをその広告に統合するFlite.comだ。

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But all these services have a problem, says Alvin.They’re too specialized for the general public. PULSE Create and Mobdis are targeted at marketers and hence offer more advanced features. Meanwhile, Flite is too costly as it serves top 20 publications.

In essence, RichMediaAds targets what Alvin calls “entry-level advertisers”, which are your restaurants, spas, smaller brands, freelance designers and small agencies. In other words, the DIY creators.

On the publisher side, bloggers and website owners can white-label the solution for free and offer it to advertisers. They can even create ads themselves on behalf of brands, earning more from the creative work.


しかし、これらすべてのサービスは問題を抱えている、とAlvin氏は述べる。それらは一般の人たちにとってあまりにも専門的なのだ。PULSE CreateとMobdisはマーケッターにターゲットを絞られており、したがってより高度な機能を提供する。一方、Fliteはトップ20の企業にサービスを提供しており、あまりにも高価なサービスとなっている。



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All this sounds good in theory, but it’ll be some time before RichMediaAds can prove that its platform works. It’s currently in public beta, so it could go under the surgical knife a few more times before hitting the sweet spot in product/market fit.

Much of the technology used to build RichMediaAds is based on MobileApps, Alvin’s previous failed venture. Apparently, standing up for the little guy can have its perils, especially if the market — mobile developers in this case — is too small and niche.

RichMediaAds is standing in an interesting crossroads as far as digital advertising is concerned.





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First is the rise of mobile devices and the fact that more eyeballs are migrating to smartphones and tablets. Ads created on Alvin’s platform are based on HTML5, which makes it iFriendly. He made an interesting choice of not focusing on native ads at this point — but that’s something he could go into later.

Second is an increasingly boisterous camp that insists that banner ads will be history. These startups — Kiip and Gimmie among them — believe that the future of advertising lies in offering users something tangible, perhaps a reward or coupon, and making it an integrated part of an app experience, mobile games being a good example.




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If all you want is follower retweets, having money is enough. You can partner with the platform, you can buy big retweet numbers, you can buy opinion leaders, you can give prizes out for retweets…but do your followers want the same things you do? And is your money unlimited? When you make an investment, you need a return, right? So you need to think clearly about what you want to do on social networks, that’s what’s most important. If you’re not sure what your goals are, then don’t be in any hurry to get into social media.



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The foundation is already set. We’ve learnt today that SingTel-owned HungryGoWhere, Singapore’s leading food portal, has partnered with mobile loyalty startup Perx (which has over 700 locations and 400,000 chops so far) and restaurant reservation service to integrate their services into the site.

The team behind HungryGoWhere is also involved with, SingTel’s very own lifestyle portal. So Perx and will get visibility on inSing too. In addition, Perx will see action on TableDB, HungryGoWhere’s very own restaurant reservation service.




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A young but promising startup on our radar is Hastify, which aims to eliminate the need to wait in line when ordering food takeouts. One of HungryGoWhere’s founders, Hoong An, recently became an angel investor and mentor of the company, so a HungryGoWhere-Hastify tie-up is probable.

Other companies to watch out for include food delivery companies like Dealivery and Rocket Internet’s FoodPanda, as well as TickTok, an intriguing startup with an app that gives queue times for over 9,000 food places islandwide.

While these companies can choose to build rival services and cross into each other’s territories, they could benefit more by leveraging on each other’s resources and expertise instead.


我々のレーダーは、まだ若いが有望なスタートアップを1社、捕捉している。そのスタートアップはHastifyという名前で、人々が食べ物のテイクアウトを注文する際、並んで待つ必要をなくすことが同社の目標である。HungryGoWhereの創業者の1人であるHoong An氏が最近、同社のエンジェル投資家、そしてメンターとなった。したがってHungryGoWhereとHastifyの提携もありそうだ。

注意して見るべき他の企業には、DealiveryとRocket InternetのFoodPandaのような食料品運送会社が含まれる。さらに、TickTokというおもしろいスタートアップは、島全体で9,000軒以上の食料品を扱う店舗で発生している待ち時間をリアルタイムでユーザーに伝えるアプリを扱っている。


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So there’s an incentive in there to go for a major Alibaba Group IPO – including all its sites, like China’s huge Taobao and Tmall online stores – which is rumored to actually be in the cards in a few years’ time.

Alibaba’s founder and CEO, Jack Ma, said:

The completion of this transaction begins a new chapter in our relationship with Yahoo. We are grateful for Yahoo’s support of our growth over the past seven years, and we are pleased to be able to deliver meaningful returns to our shareholders including Yahoo!. I look forward to working with Marissa Mayer and her team in our continued partnership.


したがって、TaobaoやTmallオンラインストアのような中国の巨大なサイトをすべて含む主要なAlibaba GroupのIPOにはインセンティブがあるというわけだ。これは数年のうちに実現しそうだと噂されている。

Alibabaの創業者であり、CEOのJack Ma氏は次のように述べた:

この取引の完了によって、Yahooと我々との関係における新たな時代が始まりました。我々はこれまでの7年にわたるYahooの我々の成長に対するサポートに感謝しています。そして、我々はYahooを含む我々の株主へ有意義な報告をすることができてうれしく思っています。私は引き続きこの提携関係において、Marissa Mayer氏とそのチームメンバーと共に働くことを楽しみにしています。