aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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The app has matured beyond just GIFs, and now also features things like Instagram-style photo filters, and templates for a photo-within-a-photo (pictured below). The newest FotoRus thing is the animegram, which is a way to animate a single photo by drawing on it or distorting it in some fun way; the end result is a short video, not a GIF file [1]. So far that’s available only on the updated iPhone version, but we’re told that the Android FotoRus app will get animegram support by the end of December. But with 80 percent of the app’s users on iPhone, it’s understandable that they want to roll it out first for Apple’s platform.



kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Qihoo’s Search Engine Adds Music to its Repertoire

Ever since anti-virus maker Qihoo (NYSE:QIHU) first caused waves with the launch of its own search engine this summer, the company has been expanding its offerings. Today it has rolled out a dedicated music search feature at

Though 360 Music search is a challenge to China’s biggest search engine, Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU), with its Baidu Music service, Qihoo’s effort is actually just an aggregator of songs from third-party sites. Perhaps Qihoo plans its own music streaming service later. But for now, 360 Music links to smaller services such as Xiami and Yiting. So it’s a great traffic boost for those music startups.




360 Musicの検索は、Baidu Musicというサービスを提供する中国最大の検索エンジンBaidu(NASDAQ:BIDU)に対するチャレンジである。しかし、Qihooの取り組みは実際のところ、単なるサードパーティーサイトからの楽曲のアグリゲータとなっているに過ぎない。おそらく、Qihooは後に独自の音楽ストリーミングサービスを計画する。けれども今のところ、360 MusicはXiamiとYitingのようなより小規模のサービスとリンクしている。したがって、それら音楽関連のスタートアップにとっては大きなトラフィックの後押しとなる。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

A representative of the Wabang mobile ad agency told reporters that they advertised mostly on pirated apps, telling the journalists that this wasn’t a copyright problem because it hadn’t actually developed the apps itself, it was just serving ads and then splitting the profits with the copycat developers. That’s pretty unethical, but it pales in comparison to what reporters heard from the Yinggao ad agency representative: “This thing [our platform] is like having a tracking device installed on you. Wherever you go, we’ll know about it; as long as you’re connected to the network we’ll know.” The Wabang rep said that they could track clients too.



kenny2030 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

1.3 billion people. 20% of the world’s population.

The size of China’s population is a historical advantage that China has leveraged throughout its 5,000 years of history. This advantage enabled the construction of The Great Wall of China, a structural and engineering marvel that is one of the Wonders of the World. It enabled a quarter century of blistering economic development that pulled hundreds of millions of citizens out of poverty. China is projected to overtake the United States in GDP in 2016, but with a nation that has 4 times as many citizens, the per capita growth is still at its infant stages. Many may believe that China may lack in pure innovations.




kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

The truth is that China often harnesses the scale of human capital towards uniquely innovative solutions.

Many individuals in the United States enjoy the expedited services of Amazon Prime, offering 2nd day shipping in the United States. Amazon is frequently seen as the paragon of excellence for logistics – having strategically situated fulfillment centers and streamlining inventory to quickly deliver product to loyal customers. The United States benefits from a mature delivery infrastructure network, since the nascent days of the Pony Express. China’s rise to economic prominence has occurred only within the previous quarter century, with a relatively poor delivery infrastructure.



米国にいる多くの人々はAmazonの、米国内では2日で届くという迅速なサービスの恩恵を享受している。Amazonはしばしば、すばらしいロジスティクスの見本と考えられる。戦略上、重要な拠点に位置するフルフィルメントセンターを持ち、在庫を合理化して素早く忠実な顧客に商品を配達するのである。米国は、Pony Expressが始まった時代から、成熟した配送インフラネットワークから利益を得ている。中国が経済的に台頭するようになったのは、たった前四半世紀以内のことであり、配送インフラの質は比較的低い。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

There are so many limitations in each of these interest-based social media or tools. For example, forum engines don’t have the flexibility to create a new forum or sub-forum. This is determined only by the forum administrators and it is very hard for people to contribute because they need to know about the special code to upload pictures, videos and others. The other example is mailing lists that is being dominated by Yahoo and Google. These services are very visually boring. Using emails to communicate, there is no privacy between conversations since you reply to the sole group.. BlackBerry Messenger and Whatsapp groups have a limit of 30 people in each group.


これらインタレストベースのソーシャルメディアあるいはツールは、それぞれたくさんの限界がある。例えば、フォーラムエンジンは新たなフォーラムあるいはサブフォーラムを作る上で柔軟さに欠ける。これはフォーラム管理者によってのみ可能であり、そして人々がこれに貢献することは難しい。画像、動画やその他をアップロードするためには特別なコードについて知る必要があるからだ。他の例はYahooとGoogleによって独占されているメーリングリストだ。これらのサービスは視覚的に、非常に退屈なものだ。連絡を取るために電子メールを利用すると、グループ全体に返事を送ることになるため、会話にプライバシーがなくなってしまう・・。BlackBerry MessengerやWhatsappのグループには、グループメンバーの数が30人までという制限がある。