aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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Whatever the thing is called, WeiboPay still has a lot of local competitors, with more established e-payments systems already in place from the likes of Alibaba (with Alipay) and Tencent (TenPay).

WeiboPay will soon get a new homepage at, but for now that redirects to the older branded site at the not-so-catchy But the remit of the online payment service remains the same, in that it can be used to pay for things like Weibi (Sina Weibo’s own virtual currency) which is used for in-game purchases in many of its social games. Plus it’s used to pay the developers who publish on the Weibo gaming platform.



WeiboPayはまもなく新ホームページWeibopay.comが公開される予定だが、今のところはそれほど魅力的ではない古い名称のままのへとリダイレクトされる。けれども、多くのソーシャルゲームのゲーム内課金で利用されるWeibi(Sina Weibo独自のバーチャル通貨)のようなものに対して支払うための利用が可能といった点で、同オンライン決済サービスが取り扱う範囲は同じままだ。さらに、WeibopayはWeiboゲームプラットフォーム上でゲームをリリースする開発者への支払いに利用される。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

One expansion in WeiboPay comes with its inclusion in the newly updated official Sina Weibo app – though for now its mobile usability is quite limited. But with rival Tencent looking to be taking its smash-hit messaging app WeChat into the territory of local deals and social payments, Sina can’t afford not to develop WeiboPay into a more broadly useful service on smartphones.

Though Sina Weibo now has over 400 million registered users, it’s proving hard to monetize, and Sina on the whole is over-reliant on revenues from advertising – a flakey business – on its web portal properties.


WeiboPayにおける機能の拡張は、新たにアップデートされた公式Sina WeiboアプリをWeiboPayが包含したことに伴うものだ。今のところ、同アプリのモバイルユーザビリティは非常に限定されているわけだが。しかし、ライバルのTencentは同社の人気メッセージ交換アプリWeChatをローカルディールやソーシャルペイメントの領域へ連れて行こうとしているようで、SinaとしてはWeiboPayをいっそう広く有用なスマートフォン上のサービスへと発展させざるを得ない。

Sina Weiboには現在、登録ユーザが4億以上いるが、これをマネタイズするのは難しいことが分かっており、Sinaは概して、同社が保有するウェブポータルサイト上の広告からの収入、すなわち不安定なビジネスに過度に依存している。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Build a Strategy. Passion can only take you so far.

At Simplify360, we are building a company that sustains. We are neither looking for quick revenue nor looking for a quick exit. So we build a strategy that builds a strong brand – a brand that is vibrant, valuable and strong. No short-cuts by lowering quality.

So we chose a strategy of keeping Slideshare as our focus. We planned to publish regular research reports, case studies, and white papers on the platform, and distribute through other social channels. Slideshare was chosen because the content on there does not die, and remains as an important document for a longer time. This is in sharp contrast to what happens on Facebook, Twitter, or blogs.





kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Business is a castle. Social channels are towers.

Some social companies believe that they can live only with Facebook pages. We agree that Facebook or other social profiles are important. However, we do not believe that one social profile, however powerful, can suffice all business interests.

We believe that businesses or company websites are the main ‘castle’ of a strategy war game. The castle is powerful but it is always good to guard it with powerful towers nearby. The benefit is huge – the powerful towers (in our case, the Slideshare channel) work as an indicator of territory ownership and create resistance for competitors.



