aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

With the shift in media consumption patterns, the Internet has allowed many online media outlets to start from a clean slate to disrupt the incumbents. Here’s an opportunity for journalist and writers to create world-class content on the internet and we’re already later than our American counterparts.

I personally think the work of Singapore’s technology publications like TechinAsia, e27 and SGE are important as their success would mean that future technology startups in Singapore can disseminate information at a regional level and gain a head start. I’m heartened that many are working on multi-lingual dissemination and local partnerships with regional markets to grow their readership base.




kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Fenbi, chalk in Chinese, is “an interaction platform between professional training teachers and learners” as it describes itself. It takes the micro-blogging format that students can follow teachers/schools, reading notes/materials they post as timeline feeds, access learning materials uploaded by teachers/schools, or taking part in Q&As. The platform covers all kinds of exams a Chinese’d probably come across in a lifetime. Founded by Li Yong, former editor-in-chief of Netease news service, and his colleagues. It raised A round of funding, 10mn Yuan, from IDG, saying they won’t be worried about monetization in two years.


Fenbi(中国語で「チョーク」の意味)は、「専門職業教育に携わる教師とその学習者たちの間の交流プラットフォーム」だ、とのことである。ミニブログ形式で、学生たちは教師や学校をフォローし、タイムラインに投稿されるメモや資料を読み、教師や学校がアップロードした学習資料にアクセス、あるいは質疑応答に参加する。このプラットフォームは、中国人が一生のうちに受ける機会のあるあらゆる種類の試験をカバーしている。通信社NeteaseのLi Yong前編集長とその同僚たちによって創業された。シリーズAの資金調達ラウンドで1000万元をIDGから集めており、2年間はマネタイズについて心配しなくてよいだろうとのことである。