I would like to explain about No.004(Software modification) at the regular meeting tomorrow, so please make an appointment with the people in charge.As we need to replace the software, I think the person in charge is probably James.Thank you in advance.(As for the software, the compiled software is already offered.)
こんにちは。私の名前は、-----です。今回、商品を数点購入させて頂きました。さらに2-3点追加購入予定です。Item no. ---Item no. ---Item no. ---今回まとめて購入いたしますので値引きして頂けますでしょうかまた私は、小さな店を持ってます。今後私の店舗であなたの商品を販売したいと思ってます。卸価格で購入できますでしょうかその時の取引条件などありますか?ご連絡お待ちしております。
Hello.My name is -----.This time, I bought several items from you.I will buy a few more.Item no. ---Item no. ---Item no. ---I am going to buy them at once, so, can you please offer some discount?And, I am operating a small shop.From now onwards, I would like to sell your products in my shop.Can I buy them for wholesale price?Do you have any condition for that?I am waiting for your reply.Thank you.
I think most people have never heard of part number DT550. We can see DT400 in IBANEZ 1996 catalog, but not DT550. However, it exists for sure in spite that it is not seen in the catalog.Very few pieces of DT550 were produced, and they are rarely distributed except Japan.The biggest feature is that mahogany is used for its body, and it plays brilliant sound.From its serial number, it turned out that it was made by Fujigen in 1995.
スタンダードサイズのブルーのピローケースが、先月からバックオーダーのままになっており、中々購入できません。どうにかこのピローケースを2枚欲しいのですが、在庫はないのでしょうか?我々のお客さんで、全てブルーで揃えようとしている人がいるので、どうしても購入したいのです。Aを購入したいのですが、御社のウェブサイト上でバックオーダーと表示されます。送ってもらった在庫表にはin stockと書かれているのですが、どちらが正しいのでしょうか。
I cannot buy the standard size blue pillow case, because it has been remaining being back order since last month.I anyways want 2 pieces of his pillow cases. Don't you have them in your stock?As one of our customers is trying to get all of blue pillow cases, so we definitely need to buy blue ones.I would like to buy A, but it is displayed as "Back Order" in your Web site.In the inventory list you had sent to us, it is described as "in stock", which is correct?
We are very sorry for having and intellectual property right owners caused a lot of trouble due to our careless putting items on show.We understand the problem this time as follow. We put the items up on without obtaining the approval of intellectual property rights. And, we did not stop putting them on show in spite of the warning from, resulting in the fact that our seller account was suspended. We realized the serious situation right after the account was suspended for the first time, then we had following recovery actions as follow.
まず、Amazon.comの出品リストから分かる範囲で知的財産権の許可を得ていない商品を削除しました。その後、Amazon.comから指示のあったメールアドレスに対してお詫びとお願いのメールを出しています。メールアドレスから分かる範囲でホームページにあるContact Us経由でも連絡をしています。また、メールアドレスからわかったことは、そのうちのいくつかについては自ブランドではなく、ブランドプロテクトを仕事とする会社があったことです。
At first, we removed the item without approval of intellectual property right from the item list of, as far as we could identify. After that, we sent apologizing and request emails to addresses which had specified to us. As far as we can see from those email addresses, we had sent messages to them via "Contact Us" link. And, what we learned from those addresses, some of them are not their own brand, but there were several companies whose business was to protect the brand.
As the brand protected by those companies are not clearly known, we also additionally had requested them to tell us which brand we had violated the intellectual property rights in parallel.We sent these emails and messages on 1/14, 1/15,1/16,1/18, 1/19, 1/21, 1/22, 1/25, 1/28, 2/2, 2/6, 2/7 and 2/8. During this period, we submitted the appeal to, and made phone calls twice to apologize and to discuss the recovery plan.Why did we put items without approval of intellectual property rights on show?
Now we are regretting this so deeply, but we think that was due to the fact that we had very poor awareness on intellectual property rights at that time. As the awareness was not enough at all, we put the items on show, and we could not improve the situation even after receiving the warning.By seller account suspension, we renewed our awareness. That is, we decided to perform sales activity with the awareness that we should not violate intellectual property rights from now onwards. Particularly, we assign a person in charge of checking brand in advance of putting items on show, and let the person check all of the new items before putting on show. And we try to obtain the approval from each brand for selling items.
We expect that we can avoid most of violation of intellectual property rights by means of these recovery activities. If by any chance we put the item in show in case the check cannot catch, and if sends warning to it, we promise we immediately improve the situation (withdraw the item, or apologize and recovery report to intellectual property owners and protectors).From now onwards, we would like to use And we would like actively to use FBA, which we could not do so in the past.
We truly would like you to understand our effort, and to remove the suspend.We would like to submit appeal again, but can you please tell us how to submit it again? And, we think you received several emails from the address you pointed out, but it seems that they are not reflected. Please tell us accurately which mail address remain. Thank you in advance.
Nikkei WOMANKUMI KODA appears in the relay essay, "To my younger sisters"!
『Kyoto Recommends』第3号 『Kyoto Recommends』第3号(PDF形式, 8.05MB)Adobe Reader の入手 PDFファイルの閲覧には Adobe Reader が必要です。同ソフトがインストールされていない場合には、Adobe 社のサイトから Adobe Reader をダウンロード(無償)してください。
"Kyoto Recommends" the 3rd issue."Kyoto Recommends" the 3rd issue. (PDF format, 8.05MB)How to get Adobe Reader.In order to browse PDF file, you need Adobe Reader. If Adobe Reader is not installed on your computer, please download Adobe Reader from Adobe download site. (Free.)
ファンド3とファンド4の契約書の違いに関する資料を送ってくれてありがとう。追加でお願いがございます。日本のVCの場合のSubscription Bookletの記入例を送ってもらえないでしょうか。記入内容が複雑なので記入すべき箇所を示していただけると助かります。今週中にこのドキュメントを御社に提出したいのでご協力いただけると助かります。3/7ー9でロンドンに行く予定にしております。もし時間があればお会いしたいと考えておりますが、いまのところご都合はいかがでしょうか。
Thank you for sending me the document materials about the difference between fund 3 and fund 4.I have additional requests.Can you please send an example of description of Subscription Booklet in Japanese VC?As the contents to fill are so complicated, I appreciate if you clarify the places to fill in.I would be happy if you help me, because I want to submit this document by the end of this week.I am going to London from March 7 to March 9.If it is convenient for you, I would like to see you. What about is you plan? Is it convenient for you?
It covers all information about nursing room and diaper change tables in Japan.It is very helpful because you can check it before you go out in advance.As for nursing room information, you can check whether hot water or microwave is available or not.It is also designed for fathers growing their babies to find suitable places for diaper change.You can add your favorite the nursing room into your favorite list, or share the information with other mothers or fathers, with your evaluations.I would be vary glad if this application helps in increasing good nursing room and diaper change tables.
About your order.I sent you my order email the other day, have you kindly confirmed it yet?Just to make sure, my order is as follow.I have been asking about the set without steal karabiner, but I would like to order 8 pieces of single point hammock with standard karabiner.The color is Aqua for all of those 8 pieces.Please ship them to following delivery address.Please let me know your PayPal payment URL.Thank you.
(1) Words lie (especially in case of famous people where a lot of money is involved). But action never lies.(2) Jake is likely to be here. What a bummer!(3) "Drama" which Bob means is the triangle love affair of Jake, Naomi and Bob, I think.(4) There is a background that they have to ply the "Drama", I guess quite complicated money is involved in it.(5) We'll find the clue by remembering back by two years.(6) For example, who has the copyright of "Flute" now?(7) All of Bob's "words he tells" and "acts he takes" are completely opposite.
これは最終確定のメールです。何度もメールして、混乱させて申し訳ありません。現在処理中の全ての注文を速やかに発送してください。すでにキャンセルされた、注文番号○はキャンセル扱いでお願いします。3つ質問があります。1. クレジットカードの本人確認は毎回行われるのでしょうか?2. これからも商品をたくさん購入する予定なのですが、割引などはありますか?3. 土日は、発送業務はお休みですか?
This is the final confirmation email.I am very sorry for having made you confused by sending emails too many times.Please ship all of the items I have ordered, whose work in progress, as soon as possible.As for the order number ○ item which was already canceled, please treat it as canceled.I have 3 questions.1. Do you do identity confirmation every time?2. I am going to buy a lot of items from now onwards, but can you offer any discount?3. On Saturday and Sunday, is delivery operation is closed?
こんにちは。あなたの会社のWebを繰り返し見ていますが、あらゆる8m/mのリールが"OUT OF STOK"となっています。是非、当社で購入したいので、予約をすることは可能でしょうか?宜しくお願いします。
Hello.I looked at your company Web page repeatedly many times, but all of 8m/m reels are shown as "OUT OF STOK".As we really would like to buy them from you, can we make reservation for them?Thank you in advance.
When 24bit bit depth of PCM sound source, which is most widespread use in High resolution music, is replayed, these three DAC models in this series can transfer the original 24nit data as is, while other general DAC transfers data in 32bit data width with complementary 8bit. That is, the amount of data size is three quarters. The size of this DAC is small enough to carry with, but it has RCA terminal as well, so that we can treat this DAC as a stationary DAC, rather than a portable DAC, beyond its size.
The most attractive feature of this DAC we feel is the richness of WASAPI (exclusive mode) interfaces. In WASAPI exclusive mode, in almost all of the cases, only 32 bit, or only 16bit and 32 bit is prepared for bit depth used in transferring DATA to DAC driver. But, these three DAC models in this series can transfer data in all of three bit depth supported by HYSOLID , which are 16bit, 24bit and 32bit.