Eureka: Get free talk-time for a few ads on your idle mobile screenIndia based Eureka Mobile Advertising enables brands deliver ads to mobile screens. The opt-in service gratifies subscribers with free talk time & discountsWith a very thin line dividing mobile advertising and intrusive communication, it is essential that brands design communications that do not come across as mere banner ads that come between the user and his device. Does this sound possible?Yes, says Rahul Jayawant, CEO and Founder, Eureka Mobile Advertising, a service that helps brands monetise the idle screen of a mobile phone to deliver marketing content in the form of images and billboard fashion through an app.
#1 エウレカ:いつもの携帯の待ち受け画面に少しの広告を出す事で、無料通話時間が手に入ります。インドに拠点を置くエウレカ・モバイルアドバタイジングは、会社のブランド広告を携帯のスクリーンに映すことができます。 オプト・インサービスによって、購読者は無料通話と割引を手に入れるとこが出来、満足へと繋がります。携帯電話へのアドバタイジングをする事は、一歩間違えばおしつけがましい通信機関になってしまいます。会社のブランドデザインコミュニケーションは、あくまで広告であって、携帯ユーザーと使用機器の間を邪魔するような事があってはいけません。はたして、そんな事が可能でしょうか?エウレカ・モバイルアドバタイジングの創始者、最高責任者であるラウール・ジャヤワント氏の答えは「イエス」です。価値あるブランドを、携帯電話の待ち受けにする事で売り出すコンテントのイメージやビルボードファッションをアプリを通じて表示させる事ができます。
But can’t a client directly use the services of a telecom service provider to push advertising directly? Jayawant points out that Eureka is an opt-in service, which the user will get if he or she has subscribed for it and making it non-intrusive.How does it work?Users need to download the Eureka mobile app and create an account and select their favourites.
WeChat Launched Voice Open Platform and Speech Recognition SDKWeChat’s Voice Open Platform went live last night that would enable third parties to add speech-based features to their Official WeChat Accounts, or WeChat accounts for businesses or organizations.The platform was announced half a month ago and now only offers speech recognition SDK for iOS and Android. One developer currently is allowed to register up to ten WeChat-based applications.Third parties like China’s Merchants Bank and Tencent’s own services, QQ Music and Soso Maps, have integrated speech recognition and speech-to-text capabilities into their WeChat accounts.
同じ違反を起こさないための具体的な改善策:原因1の対策. 今後はこの商品の取扱を停止します原因2の対策. 仕入元は価格で選ぶのではなく、信頼出来る流通から購入します原因3の対策. 参加規約、及び出品規約を今一度詳細に確認します改善策を実施した場合の効果:・お客様に不快な思いをさせない、健全な運営を可能とします・「顧客満足指数」の向上改善策の実施期日:2013年12月16日までに実施改善策の効果が見込まれる時期:12月21日改善策実施責任者氏名:
Remedies to prevent previous violationProvision for #1, Stop dealing this products. Provision for #2 , Buy products from reliable distribution and not choose on products's price.Provision for #3, Make sure and go into details again about participation rules and entry rules.Result we operate the remedies:・Enable to do solid operation and not make customers feel unpleasant ever again.・increase 「Customer Satisfaction」Day we start to operate the remedies: by December 16th, 2013Day we expect to start seeing the improvement: December 21st, 2013Name of the management operation:
I have some questions about the "price" before the shipment.・Should I only put the exact amount for the product on "Price"? If there's any extra fee for domestic shipping, will it be added up on "price"?・If I agree without clicking the "confirm" button, any disadvantage or penalty?・After I fixed the ”Price", this message below came out.Please let me know how should I handle it.Would you like me to send a photocopy of the bill by e-mail?
This is follow up for the note,Please ask A for drawing the document I mentioned.It is confirmed that there was an argument between the person who's in charge of B and a customs broker who got offended by him. His anger makes the process slow. If you can not draw up the document, we will send the product back to you. In that case, please change the transportation company B to xx and have them reshipping to us.If XX can't send it to us, we need a refund.Using B for shipping takes time. A, a company in the US which we order products a few days ago,sent us products by using xx, and we already have the products.
Certainly! I will send it to your address which you mentioned after I finish with painting.would ESM shipping work for you? Though it costs a little more than regular shipping, I think it's better because it's faster and safer.If you have any particular shipping you would prefer or anything you need in Japan, please don't hesitate to ask.I'll send you e-mail when I'm ready for the shipping anyway.So, you're having baby! Congratulations and wishing your baby's health and happiness!Well, we can always have fun with making radio control parts, but the time you can see and enjoy, spend time with your child growing in NOW, and there will be never the same moment. I guess the radio control can wait,so we better postpone it for a while. LOL
Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to obtain all of the information necessary to comply with U.S. export regulations. There are two likely reasons for this delay:1.We have requested additional merchant invoices from you for specific packages, and we have not received them.OR2.We have requested information from the seller/merchant of the merchandise, and the seller/merchant either has not responded or has not provided the required information.
生憎ですが、私達はアメリカへの輸出に関する規定に応じるのに必要な情報を得ることが出来ませんでした。遅れてしまった原因には、このような2つの理由が考えられます。1、 私達は追加した売買仕入れ書を特定のパッケージとして貴方に求めましたが、まだ私達はそれを受け取っていません。2、私達は取引先と問屋に取引情報を求めましたが、そのどちらも連絡がとれないか、求めた情報をお送りしていただいていないかだからです。
You can assist us by providing the requested merchant invoices, if you have not already done so. If you have already provided all requested invoices, you also may contact the seller/merchant and ask that they provide the additional information we require for export. Customer Service can provide you with a summary of that additional information, if needed.If you choose to return this merchandise to the seller, please contact us to cancel the ship request. If we do not hear from you AND we do not receive the information required for export, we must cancel this ship request.Please reply to this email to provide any additional information or for further assistance.
心的外傷には先生の助けが必要です。両親の離別に対する子どもの思いは複雑で、友達にはとても相談で きません。先生が日頃から子どもの悩みを聞き、助言すれば子どもも頑張れるはず。宿題を出さなくなった、反抗的な態度になった、などの変化があれば親に知 らせ、先生と親が一緒に手を組んで乗り越えていくのです。 経済的に困った時には行政機関に頼ることもできます。子どもがいる場合の離婚は慎重に、そしてできるだけ多くの人や機関に協力を求め、子どもの受ける傷を少なくすることが大切です。
Healing the trauma needs doctors help. The child who is damaged from divorce of their parents has a very complex emotion and pain which he or she can not express to their friends or others. Doctor should be able to open up their mind, really listen to the child's pain and thoughts,and give him or her advise to support their life, so that the child could help themselves more.If doctor notice the changes of the child's behavior, such as being neglectful for homework or also being disobedient, doctor needs to inform that immediately to the child's parents. Doctor and parents need to help each other to heal the child's wound. They can ask for help to administration that assists financial problem if they need to do so. Divorce of a couple who has a child have to be prudent and they should ask advice from not only friends but administrations and organizations so that they can avoid their child have deep wound.
そして高校卒業前に妊娠、非常に年の離れた男性と結婚することになりました。 このように親の離婚が子どもの一生を左右することもあり得るのです。たとえ幼い頃の離婚体験であっても、年頃になってからの女子にその影響が遅延 効果となって現れるケースも指摘されています。人間不信から恋愛も結婚もうまくいかない、一生結婚せずに仕事に生きるという価値観を強く持つ、などがその 例です。 どうしても離婚を避けられない状況であるなら、子どもへの心的外傷を最小限にするための努力はしましょう。
Then she had pregnant before she graduated high school and had married with a man who is very much older than her. Like her case, divorce of parents could affect their children's lives tremendously. Even if it is happened in her infancy, it still could affect and shadow her life after she grow up, like many study said.For instance, having distrust for others by experience the divorce of the parents would keep her away from making intimate relationship, also not value marriage but career If you're in the situation and you do think it's inevitable, please put your best effort to protect your child's heart from traumatized.
他方、暴力的家庭や葛藤の高い結婚生活に終止符を打て、子どもはそこから解放される。親を支えようと早いうちから自立心が育つなど、離婚によって好影響を受けるケースもあります。子どもが受けるダメージの中で、特に心的外傷、つまり心の傷は外から見えない分、なかなか癒されません。 幼稚園~小学校低学年頃までの小さい子は、両親が別れるのは「自分のせいだ」と思い込む傾向があります。もし、母親が離婚の原因を父親のせいにしたら、父親を好きな子であったらますます責任を感じてしまいます。
On the other hand, there are children who positively grow up and overcome the mental damage from divorce of the parents even though it must be hard for them to accept the situation. Sometimes child would force to live in a house with Domestic Violence, the child relief from both physical and mental pain when the parents get divorced. Some study says the child would become more independent in order to support the parents.But still, It takes a lot of time to heal the trauma. the mental damage couldn't be seen externally, so it needs to be carefully taken care of.Especially in their infancy, small children have a tendency to think that they have a responsibility of the parents's divorce and start blaming themselves.If the mother tells the child that the divorce is all the father's fault, especially for kids who love the father most, it is heartbreaking thing to hear.
I can not wait for you any longer anymore, please refund and contact me after.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but unfortunately it appears your shipping address did not get through to us and we wanted you to verify it before we shipped your package out. If you could check it below and let us know what the correct address is that would be great!