I'd like my two reserved rooms to be adjoining rooms, please.
140transのドロップダウンの動作が若干おかしい気がする http://www.conyac.cc/140trans
The drop-down funcyion on the 140trans webpage (http://www.conyac.cc/140trans) doesn't seem to be working quite right.
Communication unfairness. E-mail lets senders place messages directly into receiver's inboxes.
That's truly a fancy dinner you have right there!!
he second dominant global fact is climate change.
You guys know what I miss.....the show Doug. So good. Oh btw........done with the album!
As soon as they can afford it, everyone in the global South is going to get air conditioning.
When you use this service, you should be aware of the following: that translators here are not professionals; that they do not posess the same cultural background as yours (so they may misunderstand the context of your sentences), and; that the vocabulary ranges vary depending on translators.
You should never underestimate the human resources, as human beings are capable of taking into consideration such facts as age and cultural differences so that they will be reflected in the translated texts. Even if an original sentence contains misusage of language, a translator can get the text right as long as the original sentence can convey the implicit meanings.
A translation service via Twitter. I see the number of translators indicated on the page...does that mean actual people are engaged in the translation process? (ちなみに質問の答えはYesです(^^))
I look forward to seeing how my sentence will be translated. I wonder what it's like...
First,I wanna live in harmony with nature.
The first thing I will do is to reform the forests in order to convert them into a habitat. Prior to embarking on this project, I will study the ecosystem of soil, trees, insects and microbes and list some distinct chracteristics in each area and environment, according to which I will analyze how each place can be utilized in a way that best suits its environment.
How much rain do we get here in June?
ツイッターユーザーは名前じゃなくてアイコンを見ています。 自分らしいかわいいモテアイコンで、好感度をアゲてみませんか?みんなも使ってるYO!
Twitter users recognize others by icons rather than by usernames. So if you wanna impress others, how about creating a cute, lovable icon that shows who you are? C'mon, everyone's got one!
The information to be acquired will be filtered according to the direction one is facing.
The ticket is no longer valid.
Rasputin's got nothing on this guy.
gettin ready for a SHOWDOWN!!!!!!