楽曲:No way to sayタイトル:キャンとスロチャン監督:宮崎光代出演:Sheryar khan、菜々緒、でんでん 他配信日:5月29日(木)楽曲: LOVE~Destiny~タイトル: 君を想う監督:門馬直人出演:倉科カナ、駿河太郎 他配信日:5月29日(木)今すぐ[ウーラ]を検索 uula.jp
歌曲:No way to say名稱:Kyan & Surochan監督:宮崎光代演出者:Sheryar khan、菜菜緒、Denden 其他發行日:5月29日(四)歌曲: LOVE~Destiny~名稱: 還是會想你監督:門馬直人演出者:倉科加納、駿河太郎 其他發行日:5月29日(四)現在就上[Uula]搜尋 uula.jp
It has been really nice doing business with you and we really appreciate the competitive discount you gave us. We tried to make a payment by Paypal only to find that the credit card was not proven due to the credit limits.We are really sorry about causing you any inconvenience. However, the credit rates will be increased by the day after tomorrow and we will make a payment as soon as it is increased.We appreciate your patience and trust. Thank you.
3. The deleted item in will not remain in the other people list. 4. Push Notification to everyone in the list when new item has been added.- The details in 2 ways: 1. "Day to go": will show the time left before the expiration 2. "Expiration day": will show the expiry date. - Color Bar Indicators: 2 kinds of color to show the time left. Red: the item is nearly expired (less than 3 days left). Green: more than 3 days left before expiration. Search Bar: search the items added easier. 2 Displays ModeList Mode: list the items in the details.Icons Mode: show the items in icons.Auto Complete the name and the location of the item added will be auto complete the next timeBackup the data with iCloud Backup
3.取消的項目不會出現在另外一張名單上4.新項目增加時會發通知至名單上的每一個人由兩個方法來細分1.有效期間: 顯示還有多久到到期日2.有效期限: 顯示到期的日期顏色指示 : 有兩種顏色指示來區分剩下時間的多寡紅色代表即期(剩下三天左右)綠色代表距離有效期限還有三天以上搜尋工具: 可以更簡單地搜尋到加入的項目2.版面檢視清單: 列出項目的細項圖示: 以圖顯示項目自動輸入文字系統下次會自動輸入新產品的名稱和位置可以在雲端上備份資料