As for monetization, as I understand it, is the ‘freemium’ model that the group compared to that of Dropbox. Larger networks and more people to scan would cost more than for example, if you only had 100 people.Website:
Train-i Train-i (or Train eye) is a service that helps users see ads on the walls of crowded trains when their field of vision might be blocked by fellow passengers. I’m not exactly sure how this works. It appears to be a sort of AR application, though I don’t know where they would be pulling ad information from. But the function of letting you see the train map (or how close you are to your stop) seems useful.Website: train-i[Written with contributions from Masaru Ikeda who was emcee for the event]
Train-i 満員電車で他の乗客に視界が遮られて車内広告を見ることができない。そんな時に役立つのが「Train-i」(Train eye/トレイイン・アイ)サービスだ。どのような仕組みなのかは正確にはわからないが、一種のARアプリケーションのようだ。また、広告情報をどこから取り出してくるのかも不明だ。しかし、このサービスで路線図が見れたり、下車駅までどれくらいなのかがわかるのは便利なように思える。ウェブサイト: train-i[本イベントの司会者であるMasaru Ikeda氏よりの寄稿による記事] The winner of the ‘Most Innovative’ prize this weekend, (the AR = Augmented Reality) is an app that aims to help you in the unfortunate event that you’ve forgotten someone’s name. Say you’re in a crowded room, and you see a face you recognize, but you just can’t put your finger on where you know them from. By holding up your phone’s camera and viewing the room through the app, will scan the faces and compare them against people in your network (Facebook, in particular). If all goes well, it will tell you who that mystery person is. You’ll ‘never be embarraseed again,’ it proclaims.
2kenme Everyone has a favorite date restaurant. But finding a venue for a second date is more difficult. 2kenme (read Nikenme) helps you find one by sharing evaluations for restaurants, diners or bars with other people, it aspires to give you lots of great options to entertain your companionNikenme was the winner of the ‘biggest surprise award’ for SWT.
2kenme 誰にもデート用のお決まりのレストランの1軒ぐらいはあるものだ。しかし、二度目のデートのレストランを見つけるのはより難しい。2kenme(二軒目と読む)が、レストラン、食堂、バーに関する評価を他の人々を共有することによりそれを見つけるのを助けてくれる。2kenmeは、デートのお相手を楽しませるための多くの素晴らしい選択肢を提供してくれる。NikenmeはSWTの「最高の驚き賞」を獲得した。
India Facebook Users Growing Fast, May Overtake IndonesiaWe often hear this, but it’s true: “Indonesia is the second largest Facebook nation in the world.” Cool to know, but it might not be true much longer. India, the second most populous nation in the world, is loving Facebook and the number of users there is spreading like wildfire.According to SocialBakers, India now has 32.6 million Facebook users, which puts it in third place worldwide, about 7 million short of Indonesia. The charts below show the user growth rate of each country and clearly, India is experiencing a surge while Indonesia’s growth is pretty much stagnant.
Venkky said that India gained 2.2 million additional Facebook users last month, and in contrast, Indonesia has only gained 32,000. This is just the beginning for the social network platform in India though. Its penetration rate is only at 2.78 percent and there is lots of room for growth. This growth comes will bring new opportunities and perhaps we will see many start-ups riding on the Facebook wave very soon.Of course, the rise in Facebook’s popularity has attracted the attention of brands in India. Venkky told me that KRDS’s business in India has been very good so far. “We get plenty of requests for Facebook brand campaigns,” he said.
Are you saying along with the one you just purchased that you want another? If yes, then I can send you an invoice through paypal for you to pay. It will only be $250, because of the 7 that I owe you as well as the combined shipping.
今お買い上げになったものに加えてもう一つご購入なさりたいということでしょうか? その場合は、paypal経由で請求書をお送りできます。「7」の借りがあるのと、また、まとめて発送しますので250ドルとなります。
Lindoc: A Textbook Noting System That Aims To Change Learning In JapanE-books combined with social notes are a dream come true for geeky students. And Lindoc is a Japan-based start-up working to meet that vision.The service is a PDF e-book distribution platform with a social learning element, and it allows you to share textbook notes with other users reading the same book. It somewhat similar to Social Books in the US but Lindoc is focusing specifically just on e-textbooks, at least for now.I had a chance to speak to Akinori Machino, the CEO and founder of Lindoc. Here is our conversation below as he shares more about his business.
「Lindoc」教科書メモシステムが日本における学習方法を変えるソーシャルメモ機能付きの電子書籍はオタク系の学生にとって夢のような話だ。株式会社リンドックは、この夢をかなえるための開発に取り組んでいる日本の新興企業だ。同社は、ソーシャルラーニングの要素を持った、PDF形式の電子書籍提供配信プラットホームを提供している。このサービスによりユーザーは、教科書に書き込んだメモを同じ本を読んでいる他のユーザーと共有することができる。米国の「Social Books」とやや似ているが、少なくとも現在のところ株式会社リンドックは電子教科書に対象を絞っている。株式会社リンドックのCEO兼創業者である町野明徳氏より詳しい話を聞くことができた。町野氏は事業について以下のように語ってくれた。
What types of user privileges can we set on shared notes?"There are three privilege levels: For yourself only, group and all."Can we ping our friends via social media networks when we publish textbook notes on the platform?"Sure thing. It can be shared via Facebook and Evernote. You may also mail it to your friends, and print it too."
When does the service goes public? Are you planning to make it available worldwide?"We’re currently working very hard on it, and it’s now mostly in the final phase. I think we can release it in September or October. The fundamental technology and interface used for the service has no language barrier, we just would like to make it available worldwide and set up an e-textbook store distribution platform on a multilingual basis."Sounds great. I’m looking forward to your service. Thank you!"Thank you."
Prior to the mandatory migration of all Facebook Games to Facebook Credits as their sole payment method, several incentives were offered to encourage developers to switch early and use Credits as their premium in-game currency. These incentives can be accessed by developers whitelisted though Facebook’s Credits Special Incentives program.
Facebookは、同社サイト上で提供されているすべてのゲームの唯一の支払い方法として「Facebook Credits」へ移行を強制的に行うが、これに先立ち開発者に対し早期切り替えを促し「Credits」を有料ゲーム内通貨として使用してもらうためいくつかの奨励策を提供していた。Facebookの「Credits Special Incentives」プログラムを通じてホワイトリストに登録した開発者はこれらの奨励策へアクセスが可能である。
Those with access can call $ret = $facebook->api_client->users_getStandardInfo($user_id, array('gamer_status')); to determine a user’s Gamer Status. Those tagged with a Gamer Status > 1 are users that monetize above average, including lucrative whales. The API respects user privacy by not sharing any details about their actual purchase history, just the fact that the make many purchases.
アクセス権があれば「$ret = $facebook->api_client->users_getStandardInfo($user_id, array('gamer_status'))」を呼び出し、ユーザーの「Gamer Status」を判定できます。「Gamer Status」が1より大きいとタグ付けされたユーザーは、平均以上の購入をしています。これにはゲームで大金を稼いだユーザーも含まれます。APIはユーザーのプライバシーを尊重しており、ユーザーが何度も購入をしていることだけを教えてくれますが、実際の購入履歴についての詳細については教えてくれません。
However, Facebook forbids developers from using the Gamer Status API to increase prices above their normal level for high monetizing users. Facebook also explicitly says, “You may not use gamer_status for any purpose other than internal and administrative purposes related to the operation of your game. For example, you may not use this information for marketing purposes.”
しかし、Facebookは、開発者が「Gamer Status」APIを使用して購入回数の多いユーザーに対する価格を通常以上に引き上げることを禁止している。また、Facebookは「開発者は、gamer_statusをゲームの運用に関連した内部的あるいは管理以外のいかなる目的にも使用することはできない。例えば、この情報をマーケティング目的に使用することはできない」と明確に述べている。
Gamer Status could also be used to drive retention. If paired with reengagement messages such as emails, developers may be able to lure previous users to start playing their game again with a signficant discount. Once these gamers have begun investing time in a game again, developers can return prices for them to normal. However, it’s currently unclear whether Facebook would allow these types of tactics given their policy statements above.
ユーザー保持率を高めるために「Gamer Status」を使用することも可能です。電子メイルなどの再エンゲージメントメッセージと組み合わせ、開発者は、大幅な割引により以前のユーザーを誘ってゲームを再開させることができるかもしれません。誘われたユーザーがまたゲームに時間をつぎ込み始めたら、開発者はそれらのユーザー向けの割引価格を通常価格に戻すことができます。しかし、上記Facebookポリシーステートメント考慮すると、Facebookがこのようなかたちの駆け引きを許容するかどうかは不明です。