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日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
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GungHo for gaming

As for gaming developers, Japan was once again on top. GungHo Online, with its 14 games, was the outright top publisher by revenue on iOS anywhere in the world. Its Puzzles and Dragons title was a particular hit, helping to push GungHo’s market cap to US$3.3 billion – higher than that of Zynga, or compatriot gaming rival GREE. As GungHo’s own financials point out, it made $92 million in gaming sales in January 2013 alone – a figure that’s already 30 percent of its 2012 revenue total. GungHo also sells PC games and console games, but the company recently pointed out that it’s now making more from iOS and Android.



ゲームデベロッパーに関していえば、日本が再度トップに立った。GungHo Onlineは同社の14のゲームによりiOS関連での収益に於いて世界のどこでもトップのパブリッシャーであった。GungHo のタイトルPuzzles and Dragonsは大ヒットし同社の時価総額を33億ドルに押し上げるのに貢献した。この額はZyngaや日本のライバル企業であるGREEを上回っている。GungHoの財務諸表が示すように、同社は2013年1月だけでもゲーム分野で9200万ドルの売上を上げた。これは同社の2012年売上総額の30%だ。GungHoはPCおよびゲーム機用のゲームも販売しているが、最近はiOS、Android関連からの売上のほうが高くなっていると述べていた。

jaga 英語 → 日本語

Since Sina’s “Public Platform” is currently still in internal testing, it’s not clear what it will actually look like by the time it’s released — if it ever does get released. But one question raised by the folks over at TechWeb that’s worth pondering is whether media outlets will really be interested in engaging with a platform that doesn’t direct readers to their own websites. If users are reading full stories right in Sina’s app, that’s great for Sina, but it deprives those media outlets of website visitors, and thus advertising dollars. Aiming the Public Platform right at media outlets might make it a tough sell.

