I might have sent you this mail earlier but since I'm not sure whether I've really sent it, I'm re-sending it just in case.I'd like to apologize in advance if I've sent this twice.Attached is the profit plan and actual sales report of A product line for FY2016.For this term, the sales amount is over JPY 7 million at present while the profit plan is JPY 5.5 million. We expect the sales amount will be somewhere around JPY 7.5 million in the end.
■NYショーまた、来るNYショーのA商品群の弊社でのブース展開のイメージをおしえてください。基本的にはUSで発売する商品のサンプル展示のみですよね?オリジナルは東京本社の日本でのヒット商品ということがわかるような展示をする予定はありますか? NYショーにくる東京から役員が気になっているようなので、あなたのチームの計画をおしえてください。わたくしも飾り付けに日から会場にいきます。そしてまだ間に合いますので、追加展示準備物など、何か手伝えることあればリクエストください。
■Show in NYAnd could you outline how you set up the booth for product A group at our company for the coming show in NY?I assume you display basically only samples of the products to be sold in US but is that correct? Do you plan to display the products claiming they are originally hot sellers by Tokyo headquarters in Japan?It'd be great if you let us know your team's plan since our executive from Tokyo who's going to attend the show has a great interest in it.I myself will go to the venue from ..... to decorate the booth. We still have time so please let me know if you need any help such as bringing additional displaying items.
Attached is the travel reservation for your trip. Please review the itinerary for accuracy and confirm we can ticket the flights by 1/13/17 or reservation will cancel. Please reply ALL with your response.