ibadora 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ibadora 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Adding to speculation that Apple is preparing the next generation of its iPad tablet computer, a new image has emerged that shows what looks to be a full-size iPad5's front panel,again showing design cues taken from the iPad mini.

The image showed up on Chinese site Apple.pro and shows the rear side of what appears to be the front casing for an as yet unreleased iPad 5. The panel bears all of the holes and markings that typify Apple's tablets — including a hole for the Home button and FaceTime camera — and the connector for the touchscreen component.

The panel bears the same thin bezel seen with Apple's iPad mini, which observers expect will serve as the design guidepost for the next full-size iPad.


Appleが次期iPadを準備中との見込みに加え、iPad5のフロントパネルのものとされるフルサイズ画像が登場しました。またも、iPad miniと似たデザインのようです。


このパネルの外枠はiPad miniと同じ厚さで、次期フルサイズiPadのデザインのプロトタイプとの見方もあります。