Thankyou for your suggestion, we have already tried what you suggested but it hasn't changed the situation. As agreed in us renting your place for the month, free wifi was included and currently you are not providing this adequately. We are working very hard during this month and are needing the wifi for our communications overseas and here in Nagoya. We have been patient discussing this with you for a few days now and trying your suggestions but they aren't working, and this is creating problems for us.
You will need to pay for more data in your plan to take us through the next 3 weeks of our renting, this is the only adequate solution and we need it done immediately please to meet what we have agreed when I paid you the months rental fee. As I wrote, we have only been here 12 days and have not used the full 7G in this time which means it was used up previous to our arrival. We need the data available to us while we are here, from today till we leave on the 25th and so cannot have you wait till the start of next month. You will need to increase the data on your package for this month immediately please so we can continue comfortably here.
This is an issue related to an iOS 10 fix that we implemented to prevent any damage to your [A], but no worries we will get you paired.Try these steps in order for me please.1. Force close the app.2. Go into the Bluetooth settings on your phone.3. Under my devices click on your [A] which will have a few numbers next to it and select "Forget Device." If you have more than one [A] be sure to forget both devices.4. Turn Bluetooth off and then back on.5. Now go back into the app and re-pair. The new app will walk you through the steps!We hope this will address your pairing issue : )If it has not please let us know.
これは、あなたの[A]がダメージを受けることを防ぐために導入された、iOS 10の改善に関する問題ですが、ペアリングが出来るようにするので、心配なさらないでください。下記を、書いてある順番通りに実行してください。1.そのアプリを強制終了してください。2.お使いのスマートフォンのBluetoothの設定画面にいってください。3.デバイスの下に出てくる、あなたの[A]をクリックしてください。名前の横に、数字が2、3個でてくるはずです。そうしたら、「このデバイスを忘れる」を選択してください。もしあなたの[A]以外に他のものが表示されていれば、それも同じ工程を行ってください。4.お使いのスマートフォンのBluetoothをオフにして、またオンにしてください。5.また先ほどのアプリに戻って、再度ペアリングをしてください。新しいアプリが、必要工程を行ってくれるはずです。こちらで、ペアリングの問題は解決するはずです。もし解決しない場合は、連絡をお願いします。