Hey there i play drums in BTE be sure to check us out and add me on Facebook! "Jarrett Hottman" cant wait to talk to you!!
どうも。僕はBTE(Before Their Eyes)でドラムをやってる。必ず俺たちをチェックしてFacebookで友達に登録してくれよ!ジャレット・ホットマン(俺)はみんなと早く絡みたいぜ!
However, it is not only the design that distinguishes the Curved service from its Braided counterpart. In contrast to the Blue Flower Braided design, the main bouquet on the Blue Flower Curved service is asymmetrical, and surrounded by only three sprays. For example, the main bouquet can be bound around a tulip, rose, poppy, carnation, marguerite or aster depending on the preference of the porcelain painter.
しかし、「カーブド(Curved)」の商品ラインナップが「ブレイディッド(Braided )」の商品ラインナップと違うのはデザインだけではありません。「ブルー・フラワー・ブレイディッド」のデザインとは対照的に「ブルー・フラワー・カーブド」の商品ではメインのブーケが非対称となっており、わずか3つの植物の枝がブーケの周りを囲んでいます。例えば、メインのブーケは陶磁器の絵師の好みにより、チューリップ、バラ、ケシ、カーネーション、マーガレット、アスターのブーケになっています。-------1行目で「違いがデザインだけでない」と言っているのに、それ以降はデザインの違いを説明しているようなので、なんか違和感を感じました。(英文の解釈がおかしいのかもしれません)「わずか3つの植物の枝がブーケの周りを囲んでいます。」サイトを見ると、皿の絵柄でメインのブーケの周りに一本ずつ計三本の葉っぱのついた枝が囲んでいるお皿のデザインがありますが、そのことを言っているのだと思います。sprayというのは、「つぼみや花、小さな果実をつけた枝」のことなので、「植物の枝」と訳しました。ただ、他のサイトで見ると「ブルー・フラワー・カーブド」の商品でも3本の枝がブーケの周りを囲んでいないものもあり、商品説明としてどうなのかなあと思いました。正直、この部分の翻訳はあまり自信がないので、参考までにということで。
The painter can choose from among 15-20 different bouquets.Blue Flower is painted completely by hand, and right from the outset the decoration had a freshness and grace that was lacking in similar European blue porcelain painting in the 18th century.
To this day the technique and the hand painting remain the same, although the decoration has undergone some inevitable changes, as it is human beings that paint flowers on the porcelain each day, and true to tradition the porcelain painter has the artistic freedom to put together the bouquet as she wishes. That is why every piece is unique - you will never find two exactly the same.All pieces are assembled, painted and glazed by hand.
Just used http://twilk.com to put my Twitter followers on my Twitter background. Check it out!
I wonder if translation will really be done on 140trans?
My daughter smiled at my 3 times today. What a good day. Boy does my heart melt for that.
i just finised show.thank u so much for coming to make the show special.audience are amazing and really thank for suppor
is among other celebrities that are urging G8 leaders to reach Millennium Goals to save women and newborns
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at mail13.chicappa.jp.I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.<outsider@i.softbank.jp>: failed after I sent the message.Remote host said: 552 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size: 1048576 bytes
こんにちは。こちらはmail13.chicappa.jpのqmail-send プログラムです。残念ながら私は以下のアドレスにメッセージを届けることができませんでした。これは解決できないエラーです。ですので、私はあきらめました。うまくいかなくてごめんなさい。<outsider@i.softbank.jp>:私がメッセージを送った後、 が失敗しました。リモートホストによると、552メッセージのサイズが定められた最大サイズを超えています。:1048576 バイト
On many fronts good.
HAHAHA As for me, I was astonished by the size of supermarkets in U.S. Bottles of milk and soft drink sold there are also big. I was also surprised that you can wheel a shopping cart to the parking lot.
Hi, everyone.Mr. Ashizawa is giving a lecture to us about marketing in the meeting this week.It's important so I need everyone to participate in the meeting. Thank you in advance.
Joe W - Japan was amazing. Getting to be surrounded by a new culture whilegetting to play music for new fans was a dream come true. I just want tothank Masa and all of the Kick Rock crew for putting our trip together andof course to all of the fans for always supporting us. I’m ready to comeback and see my new Japanese friends and to make even more. Arigato!!!
ジョーW - 日本は最高だったよ。新しいファンのために音楽をやる機会があると同時に、新しい文化の中に身を置くことができるなんて、夢がかなったという感じだった。僕達の旅を取りまとめてくれたマサやKick Rock (キックロック)のメンバーみんなに感謝したいし、もちろん、いつも応援してくれるファンのみんなにも感謝したい。またいつでも日本に戻って来て、新しいファンのみんなに会いたいし、もっとファンを増やしたいよ。ありがとう!
Maika - Beyond The Blue 2010 was our 2nd annual trip to Japan. It was muchmore enjoyable this time around, since we got the shock factor of being inanother country playing music on the previous visit. We could pay much moreattention to detail and really take time to admire Japanese culture and theway our fans react over there.
マイカ - Beyond The Blue 2010 (ビヨンド・ザ・ブルー2010)は2度目の日本への旅だった。今年の旅はさらに楽しいものだった。なぜかというと、前回日本に来た時は違う国で音楽をやるという状況の中、ショックに見舞われたから。僕らはもっと細かいところまで注意が行くようになったし、日本文化をじっくり味わう時間もとれたし、僕らの日本のファンの反応の仕方も堪能できた。
We are developing a strong following ofdedicated and passionate music lovers called JapanForTomorrow. These people and everyone KickRockInvasion are gonna be the reason we keep returning for years to come. Until next time, sayonara!
Ok guys...had my nose to the grindstone for forever...and on Thurs Im finally flying SOMEWHERE for a little vaca! Guesses?!
They served to tell people who could not read of what goods or services they could get in those shops. If we go back far enough, there was a time when writing had not yet been invented. Yet people managed to get messages through to one another without speech even then. Today, people still manage to convey messages without either speech or writing. Consider, for instance, your system of traffic lights. At a street intersection there is no policeman system of traffic lights.
Let's cast a glance at all those systems of communication in which speech plays no part. First and foremost among them, of course, is writing. In modern society, writing has become such an important and widespread means of getting your ideas across to others. It was not always so, however. Not too long ago, there was a time when most people did not know how to read and write. Curious reminders of that not very distant past are the barber-shop poles and cigar-store Indians.
As Japan becomes a society of longevity,there will be new choices ti make.