hikky 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
hikky 英語 → 日本語

Who cares about them, except their shareholders? Because it’s now possible to build a billion-dollar company without ever setting foot in a data center. You don’t have to care whether the datacenter is using HP and Dell hardware or some cheap commodity CPUs built to spec by the cheapest possible manufacturer. All you need are virtual servers you can spin up on a moment’s notice, the ability to deploy containerized apps into that environment, and support for the unstructured databases you need to handle the massive influx of bits you’re about to start collecting and will need to analyze.



hikky 英語 → 日本語

Netflix shows what that looks like, and why — for now — Amazon owns such a big piece of that future.

Neil Hunt, the chief product officer and vice president of engineering for Netflix, was speaking at the Engineering Summit on Infrastructure, which had been organized by Engineering Capital, a small, enterprise-focused VC fund. Hunt talked about Netflix’s longstanding use of Amazon Web Services, the market and technology leader in cloud services. But it’s not just Netflix, Hunt said: Everyone is moving toward AWS.

“AWS is now the basic layer of compute services,” said Hunt.



Netflixの統括生産役員であり、エンジニア部門の副部長であるニール・ハントは、Engineering Capitalという小さな企業専門のベンチャー・キャピタル・ファンドによって組織されたインフラについてのEngineering Summitでスピーチをしていました。ハントはNetflixの長年にわたるAmazon Web Servicesの活用と、クラウドサービスにおけるマーケットとテクノロジーのリーダーについて話しました。しかしそれはNetflixだけではありません。ハントは言いました:皆がAWS(Amazon Web Services)に向かって動いている。


hikky 英語 → 日本語

Netflix is not just heavily reliant on AWS — it’s about to become completely dependent. Hunt plans to power down his company’s last data center this year, at which point Netflix will be running almost entirely on outsourced cloud infrastructures, mostly operated by Amazon. (It’ll still run its own content delivery network — CDN.)

Note that this timeline is new. Netflix originally said it would shut down its last datacenter in 2014, and then again this past summer, but the future sometimes comes a little slower than expected. That’s one aspect of enterprise infrastructure that will probably never change.


