hiPrices in shops are the same then?!when you order on Amiami how you pay on the Japanese territory?In any case, careful photographs that I gave you, that's all that is most interesting as I'll refer others to you is not too expensive as I do not hesitate mean, you take a photo of the figurine in the store are made calculation and I'll say it again if it's interesting.j saw a lot of things already in your photos, appendix leo, aquarius surplice and otherfor products that interest you, you do it whenever you want even when you warned me so I receives your package.
こんにちは、出店販売の値段と同じですか。あみあみで注文する時、どのように支払いですか。とにかく、前に送った注意が深い写真は、すべて一番面白かったです。だから、ほかにも高くないで紹介しようと思います。あなたは店に撮った塑像の写真が確かに計算ができますが、それは面白かったら、また言います。あなたの写真にたくさん物を見ました。それは、聖闘士聖衣神話 レオ、アクエリアス サープリス(冥衣) など。あなたは好きな時に面白いと思う商品をやってください。そして、私に教える時には、あなたのパッゲージを受け取ります。
Hello. I am sorry to make you confused.I am interested in two of your boots.I bit on the boots size 8 that I want to buy as it is using my favourite forwarding company for American products. And I also decide to buy the boots size 10 if its shipping charge to Japan is confirmed at a cheaper price.However, the bid was accepted to another one when my bid has been being held because of an unclear shipping charge.I regret for the boots size 10 but I am looking forward to the arrival of the boots size 8.Thank you very much.
私は日本でバイク販売店を経営しているAMUSE MOTOR VEHICLEの姫田といいます。USヤマハのアクセサリー、その他商品を卸値で販売してもらうことは出来ますか?可能でしたら条件など教えてください。発送先はアメリカの住所になります。いいお返事をお待ちしています。
My name is Himeda. I am running a bike business named AMUSE MOTOR VEHICLE in Japan.Would it be possible to get the sales of US Yamaha accessories or other products at the wholesale price?If possible, please suggest your requirement.The address of delivery is a American address. I am looking forward to your reply.