Just got notified that spanish post made an error , now they confirm item is not delivered, it s at spanish customs. will organize to get it to my hands. regards
スペインの郵便局がミスをしたと連絡を受けたところです。今彼らが確認したところによると、商品は配達されておらずスペインの税関にあります。すぐに取りに行く手配をします。 かしこ
If you’ve spent any time in a work environment, you’ve probably run across this low-EQ individual. Characteristics may include lack of self-awareness, bullying, backstabbing, and egotism. Not every workplace has an office jerk, but those that do suffer the consequences. After all, a company is only as strong as its weakest employee. My experience as CEO has taught me how businesses can avoid the negative impact that unpleasant employees can unleash on the workplace and, moreover, how leaders can and should cultivate an environment of trust, reliability, and collaboration in their startup.
Having a rude, demeaning representative setting the first impression does not reflect the kind of brand image we all strive to convey.Using Hidden Strengths to Discover CharacterThroughout the hiring process, businesses should make a point of digging deeper into potential candidates’ personalities to uncover hidden talents. Executives are often trained to quickly unearth key workplace skills or industry expertise, but it’s your employees’ secret strengths that may be the real indicator of their success.
Discovering that a QA engineer is a champion yo-yo expert (we actually have one of these on staff) tells us that she possesses the patience and flexibility needed to work alongside different teams. Knowing that a software engineer feels confident heading out for a five-day backpacking trip in the wilderness demonstrates his planning skills as well as his ability to adapt to unforeseen changes or challenges. Conversely, skilled chess players are able to display high levels of concentration and ignore distractions around them, so they should be considered a resource when looking to solve highly technical issues that take a great deal of focus.
Take the time to go beyond the norm, and you’ll find you have lots of secret weapons in your arsenal that you never knew were there.A workforce made up of happy employees who work well together and trust and rely on one another is essential to a startup’s success. Work environments like this lend themselves to easier collaboration, brainstorming, and problem solving, which all benefit a business’ bottom line.
Countering the Inevitable ObjectionSome of you may be thinking, “surely there are many cases where jerks actually are good for business.” We’ve all read the stories about mercurial individuals whose jerkiness seems to be interwoven with their greatness. But, as Tony Schwartz, the productivity expert who runs The Energy Project, recently stated in The New York Times, employees perform better when they feel their needs are being met. As Steve Jobs’ biographer Walter Isaacson wrote, “Nasty was not necessary. It hindered [Jobs] more than it helped him.”
避けられない異議に反論するあなた達の中には、「確かに、不愉快な人が実際にはビジネスにとってはいい場合が多くあります」と考えているかもしれない。私たちはみんな頭の回転の早い人達の話を読んだことがある。そして頭の回転の早い人達の馬鹿さ加減は素晴らしさと織り交ざっているように見える。しかし、The Energy Projectを経営するTony Schwartzが最近The New York Timesで述べたように、従業員は必要が満たされたと感じる時によりよい業績を上げる。Steve Jobsの伝記作家であるWalter Lssacsonはこう書いた。「悪質さは必要ではなかった。それは、彼(Jobs)の助けになるどころかの妨げだった」
Structuring teams that work and communicate efficiently with each other goes a long way in the quality of work produced. It’s crucial to workplace morale and your bottom line that both human resources and the entire executive team have clear insight into your work culture so they can successfully find and cultivate candidates who possess qualities that help your success — not hinder it.Brad Wiskirchen is CEO of Kount.
互いに効率的に働きコミュニケーションを取れるチームを構築することは、作り出される仕事の質に大いに役立つ。それは職場のモラルにとって、またあなたの肝心要となるものにとって極めて重大だ。あなたにとっての肝心要とは、人材と全体の重役チームの両方が職場文化へのはっきりした洞察力を持つことであり、そうすることでチームは、邪魔になるのではなく、会社の成功の助けとなる能力を持つ候補者を首尾よく見つけて啓発できるようになる。Brad WiskirchenはKountのCEOだ。
For the time being, these types of controllers are the best we have, at least until technology reaches the point where controllers morph into usable gloves. But where the industry really needs to be headed in terms of the most lifelike immersive experience is some form of eye tracking. After all, isn’t this how we take in everything around us in real life? We identify what’s interesting through our eyes and then decide if it’s something we want to interact with.Fove raised about $490,000 this summer to create a head-mounted display with eye-tracking capabilities.The two biggest advantages to eye-tracking as a navigation and interaction tool is that it removes unnatural head movement and frees up viewers’ hands.
That’s kind of a sucky state of affairs. And while Didi might not so easily get away with this kind of behavior in a country like the U.S., the reality is that Uber is fighting a war on enemy territory.Being banned on WeChat is increasingly going to be a headache for any company — foreign or local — that wants to benefit from that powerful and almost unparalleled channel to more than 600 million tech-savvy Chinese consumers, many of whom have credit cards linked to their WeChat account.
But if Uber wants to have a real shot at stealing market share from Didi in China — and I don’t see why it shouldn’t have a real shot based on its current projections and the endless money that it’s throwing at the problem — it will clearly have to move away from any kind of strategy that involves reliance on or expectation of good will from a defensive competitor that controls powerful gateways to local consumers.Especially when that competitor is a homegrown answer from a country as notoriously difficult for foreign tech companies to navigate and win in as China.
しかしUberが中国のDidiから市場シェアを奪うために本格的にやってみたいと思うなら、-Uberの現在時点の見通しや市場争奪に投げつけている、限りない資金に基づけば、Uberは本格的な展開にでるべきでないとする理由は私には見当たらないー Uberは、地元の消費者への強大なゲートウェイを取り仕切る、受け身の競合への依存や善意の期待を必要とするようなどんな戦略からも、明らかに遠ざからなければならないだろう。その競合が、中国のように上手く交渉を進め勝ち取るのは、外国のハイテク企業とっては難しいことで有名な国の現地の対応策となっている場合は特にだ。
I received the item today. Thank you very much. I have given a full refund from PayPal. Let me ask a question. I inspected the lens, but it has no apparent abnormalities. Did you try to use the lens with a camera that does not have a lens drive motor? Please reply to me. Thank you.
【放送まであとわずか!】9/6(日)WOWOWで6時間におよぶ倖田來未特集番組を放送!倖田來未デビュー15周年イヤーを記念し、9/6(日)にWOWOWで特集番組が放送されます!最新ライブ「倖田來未 15th Anniversary Live Tour 2015 ~WALK OF MY LIFE~」に加え、ミュージックビデオ特集、これまでのライヴヒストリー、ドキュメンタリーの4番組を合計6時間にわたり一挙放送します。
【Only a few days left until airdate!】 Kumi Kouda’s 6-hour long Special goes on WOWOW on September 6th (Sun)!To celebrate on the 15th year as a singer for Kumi Kouda, her special will be broadcast on WOWOW on September 6th (Sunday)!A 6-hour long special that consists of four different programs, needless to add, her latest live performance, “Kumi Kouda, 15th Anniversary Live Tour 2015 ~WALK OF MY LIFE~,” music promotional videos, past live performances and documentary, will go on air back to back.
NHK「MUSIC JAPAN」の観覧募集スタート!NHK「MUSIC JAPAN」の出演が決定しました。NHKでは番組収録の観覧希望の方を募集をしています。日時:9月28日(月)場所:NHKホール(東京都渋谷区神南2-2-1)観覧申込:入場は無料ですが、お申し込みはNHKネットクラブのプレミアム会員に限ります。(NHKネットクラブの概要および登録はこちらからhttp://www.nhk.or.jp/netclub/)
Audience for NHK “MUSIC JAPAN” Wanted Now!Performers for NHK “MUSIC JAPAN” have been selected.NHK is now in need of audience for taping the show.Date: September 28th (Monday)Place: NHK Hall (2-2-1 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 150-800Audience Registration: Admission is free, but only NHK Net Club premium members are allowed to register.(For more information of NHK Net Club and registration, please visit http://www.nhk.or.jp/netclub/)
メールを頂きましてありがとうございます。残高分のお支払いを行いたいのですが、どのようにお支払いをすれば良いのでしょうか?お支払方法を教えて頂けないでしょうか?メール内に記載されていたのですが、こちらはどちらの住所でしょうか?(TRMS2201 Westlake Ave, Suite 500Office #780.11Seattle, WA 98121)私の販売したいアカウントは(ca.amazonexport.14.09.07@gmail.com)です。宜しくお願いします。
Thank you for your email.I would like to pay the balance of the payment. How do I do it? Would you mind telling me how you want me to pay?I found the address in your mail. Whose address is it?(TRMS2201 Westlake Ave, Suite 500Office #780.11Seattle, WA 98121)My business email account is ca.amazonexport.14.09.07@gmail.com.Thank you.
I received the item.Thank you for your quick response.Regarding the refund process, Amazon has the limit of the shipping cost to refund.You will see the refund page shows $74.42 as the amount of the refund.So we are in the process of contacting Amazon so that we can give a refund of $150.84 + $ 84.56 to you.We will give you a full refund without fail.Please kindly wait a little longer.We will refund of $235.50 = $150.84+$84.56.
御担当者様御世話になります。「Rent Referrals」で100人レンタルしましたが、2日たっても誰もクリックしません。(2日たっても2人しかクリックしません。)クリックをしない人が、100人もいるのは酷すぎます。それに、日数だけが消化されていきます。100人いて誰もクリックしないのは、そちらの設定上の手違いですか?リサイクルするにも100人全てに費用が掛かるのは酷くありませんか?解決するにはどうすればよいでしょうか?宜しく御願い致します。
To whom it may concern,I appreciate your business.I participated in the “Rent Referrals” and I rented 100 referrals, but nobody has clicked for two day. (Actually, two people clicked for the past two days.)It is terrible that 100 of 100 people don’t click. Days go by vainly.Does your wrong setting cause no clicking by 100 referrals?Is it not fair that I would have to pay for 100 referrals if I decide to recycle them?That’s not right.What do I need to do to solve this matter?Please let me know.
I sent you a re-chipped cartridge instead of a used one because the re-chipped one has a better sound. As you pointed out, it was not what you ordered.I understand you want to resolve this issue in accordance with the PayPal policy. I agree with you.According to the policy, I will give you a full refund and please return the item to me. (According to the return policy of eBay and PayPal, a buyer has to bear the shipping cost for a returned item.)I will give a full refund to you as soon as I receive the item from you.Thank you.
売上金の受取口座についての証明書類はRequired Documentsにアップロードしたこの書類で十分ですか?以前、アマゾンukの担当者の方に教えていただいた銀行の口座です。私は会社を法人設立した時に、個人口座からを法人口座に変更してもらい、口座開設後に届いた書類がこの2枚の書類です。必要な書類の提出が9月16日までというお知らせのメールが届きましたので、書類のアップロードを急ぐ必要があるのですよね。お忙しいところすみません、よろしくお願いいたします。
Will you check to see if I uploaded correct proofs for the account to receive proceeds from sale to the Required Documents? The bank account is the one I opened in the past with the help of Amazon UK. When I started my own company, an Amazon rep helped me change my personal account to my corporate account. The two pieces of the proofs that I uploaded are the same documents that I received after my corporate account was set up.I was informed by an email that I was required to submit necessary documents by September 16th. Uploading the document is needed to be done quickly. Am I right?Thank you for your valuable time.
Thank you for calling me and I know you are busy.I am sorry I could not respond because I don’t speak English. It took me a while but I clicked the “Select Appeal” button to send.I strongly hope that I will be able to sell on Amazon Canada again.I look forward to doing business again.
I deeply regret what I have done to Amazon Canada. I feel embarrassed and miserable.If you give me another chance, I will never cause you any trouble anymore. I sincerely apologize to you.And, I put my phone number on it, but I am not able to communicate well because I don’t speak English at all. I am very sorry.