If you are communicating with other departments to gather information, please do so then submit all information pertaining to that project via one message with the corresponding attachments.
I would also appreciate your taking the extra time to compile all your information and submit it within one request if at all possible. As an example, I have 8 e-mail messages for one job that went back and forth between sales, service and parts before the actual quote was ready to be sent to Salesinfo, then to the customer.
Regarding your question on the transfer payment for the goods and the jap yen. I am not sure what it means.I can only deduce that you wanna do funds transfer. But since I am there, payment can be by cash.As for jap yen, the currency is at an advantage here. When I quoted you the amount, the rate was at 100yen equals to SGD$1.58. Now it is at SGD$1.54 as compare to last year's SGD$1.40.The more stable rate would be at SGD$1.55.
Any resemblance between characters in this work and real persons, living or dead, is entirely unintentional.
I currently have a monthly subscription to the "Yaru Jyan" mobile game.Please could you inform me how to cancel this service and the subscription charge.Thank you for your help with this matter.
現在、モバイルゲーム「やるじゃん(Yaru Jyan)」を月極契約しております。このサービスの解約方法と支払うべき使用料の金額をお教えください。何卒よろしくお願い致します。
The reference of a cataphoric pronoun is specified later, as in the sentence "If you want it, there's milk in the fridge."
"If you want it, there's milk in the fridge.(もし欲しいなら、ミルクは冷蔵庫にありますよ。)"という文で指示内容の"milk"が代名詞"it"よりも後に出現しているように、代名詞の後方照応表現では代名詞の照応先が代名詞より後ろの方で指定されます。
If you find yourself bored by a book that well-informed people regard as important and readable, be honest with yourself and confess that probably the difficulty is not in the book but in you. Often a book which now seems dull or difficult will prove easy to grasp and fascinating go read when you are more mature intellectually.
When you have lived as long as I have, you will discover, I hope, that it is not what one sees on the outside, so much as what is in the inside of a man, which makes him happy and contented, or the contrary.
she is referring to the akatuschi runoff, red tropical soil that washes off farms and construction sites and ends up in the sea, cutting off the coral's necessary oxygen and light. furthermore, the biggest shadow hanging over the reef's future is Okinawa's three-decade-old plan to build a new airport at Shiraho village. The initial 1979 natioonally financed proposal to build directly on the reef was opposed by local residents;
if ever our request is more than the company allowed then its up-to-them to adjust it.
Ahh, so lovely, a world, it would be if we lived in harmony, loving one another, just as if its family instead of the killing and hate won't you me send someone 'cause I just can't do it alone.
Against to the force stand and faceBlind darkness of the mindStand my ground taste no fearI control your black fateThe will to fight in my bloodStand and taste keep my wayEnter the chaos of the damnedTurn my back on lost god
抗え 立って 向かい合え無明の闇我に寄りて 恐れるなその暗い運命を御してやるこの血にたぎる戦う意思立ちて 味わえ 我に背くな忌まわしきものどもの混沌に入りて忘れられた神に背を向ける
Understanding the variety of gestures and signs that people use would help, too. If scientists succeed, one day a robot will be able to understand that a smiling human is probably happy, while an angry-looking one usually is not. One of the most effective ways to overcome communication challenges, it turns out, is to help robots talk to each other. Two robots sharing data with each other would be able to combine information about humans to understand what they want.
For this reason, scientists are trying to give robots the ability - other than just understanding individual words - to understand the whole of what people are telling them. One new technology is intended to help robots understand the relatioinships among humans. For example, robots could be programmed to note how long people spend with each other in a room and to take into account friendships among people when communicating with them.
Their challenge is to create robots that can actually communicate with people. To make robots more human, several functions should be added to them. One of them is getting robots to understand real-life human speech, which may be the hardest job of all. More specifically , separating spoken words from background noises and understanding language at the same time has proved to be a big problem.
While engineers in most of the world try to make robots that perform specific and usually unpleasant tasks, Japanese engineers are trying to make machines more human. Japan has been the leader of the industrial robot market for the past two decades, and engineers are now working on a new generation of robots that will serve as friends, pets and social workers. their goal is to create an intelligent environment in which robots and humans can interact in everyday life.
Don't worry about a thing'Cause ev'ry little thing gonna be alrightSingin', "Don't worry about a thing,'Cause ev'ry little thing gonna be alright."Rise up this morning,Smiled with the rising sunThree little birds pitch by my doorstepSingin' sweet songs of melodies pure and trueSayin', "This is my message to you-u-u."Singin'..."Don't worry about a thing,'Cause ev'ry little thing gonna be al-right."
何かあっても心配するなよつまらないごたごた 何だってきっとうまくいくから歌ってればいい「何かあっても心配いらないこんな小さな出来事も いつかきっと片が付く」って今朝おきて朝日に微笑んで玄関先に小鳥が3羽 きれいな声で きれいな本当の歌を歌ってる「これはきみへのメッセージ。受・け・取・れ」って歌ってるつまらないことに こだわらないであれも これも きっとうまくいくから
Additionally, yellow sand slows down the rate of global warming by absorbing sulfur dioxide, emitted when fossil fuels such as coal are burned, and turning the gas into sulfur mist. Just like clouds, sulfur mist reflects sunlight back toward the sun, effectively cooling the Earth. Once disliked as a bad guy, yellow sand rides on westerly winds and serves as a good guy in remote places. This shipment from the silk road tastes sweet or bitter, depending on where it lands.