The requirement of directedness in successive contiguous scenes admits a choice of direction.
There couldn't have been a Malthus untill the world was the verge of becoming non-Malthusian.
He liked to make fun of the way I'd write down the Wiener process,then say"whatever that means".
In Hiroshima 2day. Coincidentally, it's Pearl Harbor Day. I hear from back home the pundits beating the drums again 4 war.
Let's enter the text that you want it to be translated.
Pealing a cap is killing you.
Technological takeoff was the product of a newly inquisitive, emprically-minded,scientific culture.
TweetPhoto is a real-time photo sharing platform for the social web. Instantly share photos on Twitter and Facebook.
Someone said your cake pan was put in the sink, but they don't know what happened to it after that.
To those of u who celebrate Thanksgiving, have a wonderful day with your families n friends. Love, Janet.
(see following picture).This screen contains five buttons described as follows:Cancel - quit the composition and return to the start screen;Object - choose the object you want to add to your picture;Opacity - choose the object's opacity;Mirror - Mirror the object horizontally;Preview - Show the object at final quality (this is the most important function of this screen - see following section);Preview - Show the object at final quality (see next section);
(次の絵を見てください。)この画面には5つのボタンがありますが、内容は以下のとおりです。キャンセル - 構成を中断し、スタート画面にもどる、オブジェクト - 画像に追加したいオブジェクトを選択する、不透過率 - 不透過率を設定する、ミラー - オブジェクトを水平に鏡映する、プレビュー - オブジェクトを完成版と同じ品質で表示する(これがこの画面の最重要機能です。次のセクションを参照してください。)プレビュー - オブジェクトを完成版と同じ品質で表示する(次のセクションを参照してください。)
Wangari Maathai is an environmental, political, and human rights activist. In 2004, she received the Nobel Peace Prize "for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace" including her work with the Green Belt Movement. Wangari was born in Kenya in 1940. Her parents were farmers. In her middle and high school years, her teachers were Catholic nuns, and their life of service to others impressed her deeply. After graduating from high school, she studied at universities.
ワンガリ・マータイさんは環境・政治・人権活動家。 2004年にはグリーンベルト運動を初めとする「持続可能な発展および民主主義と平和への貢献」によりノーベル平和賞を受賞しています。ワンガリさんは1940年のケニアで生まれました。ご両親とも農民でした。中学校・高校時代はカトリックのシスター達から教育を受けたことから、その献身の一生に深い感銘を受けました。高校卒業後も次々と複数の大学で勉強を続けました。
There were five glasses, not counting the broken ones.
The book is advertised as "English made easy."
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Japanese Christmas cake is a light, layered sponge cake frosted with whipped cream and decorated with a little fresh fruit.
The whole game often ends with a broken heart. And I really know how much a broken heart hurts.
“Oh, I’m not really good at dating,” she said.
「あぁ、私、年代鑑定はあまり得意じゃないのに。」と彼女は言った。「あぁ、私、いちいち日付を付けておくほどまめじゃなくて。」と彼女は言った。「あぁ、私、デートっていまひとつ苦手なの。」と彼女は漏らした。# 文脈によって解釈が変わると思います。3つほど載せておきます。
Always give a job to a busy man.
何か仕事を頼むなら、絶対、忙しい人に頼みなさい。# いろいろな仕事を整理し、時間を管理してこなしているからこそ忙しい、# 暇で、そういうスキルのない人よりずっと良い、というユダヤの格言ですね。
Doesn't it feel good to sleep in late and have a nice rest?