Second, the round includes investment from Felix Capital, a London-based VC firm that just launched with a $120 million fund. The partners include French VC Frederic Court, who handled the La Ruche investment. If there’s one thing the country needs, it’s more French VCs.
第2に、本ラウンドはFelix Capitalからも投資を受けていることだ。Felix Capitalはロンドンに本拠を置くベンチャーキャピタル企業で、1億2000万米ドルのファンドでローンチしたばかりである。同社のパートナーにはフランス人ベンチャーキャピタリストのFrederic Court氏がおり、同氏がLa Rucheの投資を担当した。もしフランスに必要なことが1つあるとすれば、もっと沢山のフランス人のベンチャーキャピタリストが必要だということだろう。
Thursday: Over the past few months, I’ve had a couple of opportunities to sample the booming power of the new Phantom wireless speakers from Paris-based Devialet. Starting at $2,000 each (and they recommend you buy at least two), the quality of the sound and the design are squarely aimed at audiophiles.This week, the company announced it raised $20 million, and would start taking preorders in the U.S. After almost 10 years in development, and now armed with a total of $50 million in VC raised, Devialet is about to find out if it can become a global player.
木曜日: ここ数ヶ月にわたり、パリに本拠を置くDevialetの製品でパワーが人気のPhantomワイヤレススピーカーの新製品を試す機会が数回あった。1個2,000米ドルからで(そして2個以上での購入が推奨されている)、高い音質とデザインはオーディオファンを真っ正面から狙っている。今週、同社は2000万米ドルの調達を発表した。そして米国でプレオーダーの受け付けを開始する。10年近くの開発を経て、また今やベンチャーキャピタルから調達した計5000万米ドルもあり、Devialetはグローバルプレーヤーになれるか否かのところにいる。
Facebook is pursuing unsupervised learning presumably to do a better job of some of the tasks where supervised learning can already be applied: image recognition, video recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition. But should it move ahead further, whole new uses could be dreamed up.For now, Facebook is very simply conducting “pure research,” Facebook research scientist Rob Fergus told VentureBeat in an interview.
Facebookは教師なし学習を追求しており、画像認識、動画認識、自然言語処理、音声認識など、教師あり学習が既に適用可能な処理の一部で、より大きな効果を発揮すると推定している。さらに先を見れば、全く新しい可能性の夢が広がっている。現段階では、Facebookはただ「純粋な研究」を行っているだけである、と同社リサーチ科学者のRob Fergus氏はVentureBeatのインタビューで述べた。
And that “pure research” is utterly fascinating. Google this week demonstrated that its neural networks can generate downright trippy representations of images — Fergus said they “look super cool” — but fundamentally that work “doesn’t get you any further in solving the unsupervised learning problem,” Fergus said. It’s much harder, he said, to generate images that look real that images that look psychedelic.To do this, Facebook is using not one but two trained neural networks — one generative, and one discriminative. You give the generative one a random vector, and it generates an image. The second one decides if the output image looks real.
The resulting system can produce tiny 64-by-64 pixel images.“The resolution is enough to have a lot of complication to the scene,” Fergus said. “There’s quite a lot of subtlety and fidelity to them.”Naturally, the researchers will be training the system to work with larger and larger images over time.Read the paper (PDF) to learn about the research in detail. Facebook will release its new code for the work under an open-source license, probably by the end of next week, a spokesman said.
Dick Costolo’s 5 years as Twitter CEO: The good, the bad, and the ugly mess he leaves behindIn early Oct. 2010, then working as a columnist at the San Jose Mercury News, I asked a simple question after the announcement that Dick Costolo was taking over as Twitter CEO:Is the new Twitter CEO the right person for the big job ahead?The column listed the big challenges Costolo then faced replacing cofounder Ev Williams. He was going to be Twitter’s third CEO in the four years since its founding, an unusual turnover in Silicon Valley where visionary founders are worshipped like deities.
Twitter社CEOとしてのDick Costolo氏の5年間:良かったこと、ダメだったこと、そして醜い混乱の置き土産2010年10月上旬にDick Costolo氏のTwitter社CEO就任が発表されたとき、San Jose Mercury News紙のコラムニストだった私は次のような題名でコラムを書いた。Twitter社の新CEOは待ち受ける大きな仕事にふさわしい人物なのだろうか?コラムには、Twitter社共同設立者Ev Williams氏の後任となるCostolo氏が直面することになる大きな課題を一覧にした。Costolo氏はTwitter社設立後の4年間で3人目のCEOとなり、ビジョナリーの創業者が神のように崇拝されるシリコンバレーにあって通常はあり得ない交代劇だった。
Going back and reading that column now, I would say that Costolo overall has done a remarkable job. At the same time, he’s hardly leaving on a high note, having missed first quarter earnings, failed to convince Wall Street that he’s got a plan, and even triggering the mother-of-all-love-hate-blog-post-critiques from angel investor and major shareholder Chris Sacca.With that in mind, here are some thoughts on Costolo’s tenure and how he answered my original question:
今になってコラムを読み返してみると、全般的にはCostolo氏は並外れた仕事をしたと思う。だが同時に、同氏は高い評価を残すのも難しいと思う。第1四半期の利益目標も未達成だったし、ウォールストリートを味方にすることもできなかった。しかも、エンジェル投資家や主要株主のChris Sacca氏による、ブログポストを通じた愛憎入り交じる批判の引き金も引いてしまった。これらを踏まえ、Costolo氏の在職期間について、そして私の元々の疑問にどう応えたのか、次のような考えが浮かぶ。
The goodIn Nick Bilton’s “Hatching Twitter,” he quotes Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as saying:“[Twitter is] such a mess – it’s as if they drove a clown car into a gold mine and fell in.”The site was still constantly crashing. Indeed, it crashed the day Costolo was appointed CEO. It hadn’t figured out how to effectively monetize its rapidly growing user base. Just months after its first developers’ conference, the company had a confusing message about which services it would build and what would be left for third parties.And on a fundamental level, Twitter was still quite confusing for new users.
良かったことNick Bilton氏の著書「Hatching Twitter」の中で、Facebook設立者のMark Zuckerberg氏による次のようなコメントを引用している:「(Twitterは)大いなる混乱だ - 彼らはまるでピエロの車で金山に向かい、勝手に転落しているようなものだ。」サイトはしょっちゅうクラッシュしていた。実際、Costolo氏がCEOに指名された日もクラッシュした。急速に成長するユーザーベースをどのようにすれば効果的にマネタイズできるか分かっていなかった。実際、第1回デベロッパーカンファレンスの数ヶ月後に、どのサービスを自社開発し、何をサードパーティーに解放するかにてついて混乱を招くメッセージを発したりもしていた。そして非常に根本的なレベルで、Twitterは新規ユーザーにとって非常にわかりにくいものだった。
Rather than going out and hiring a seasoned executive, like an Eric Schmidt at Google, Twitter promoted its then chief operating officer, Costolo. While he had previously been a CEO, Twitter was already bigger than the three companies he had personally founded.At the time, I wrote: “There are several things about Costolo that give me reservations about his ability to run a company now valued at more than $1 billion by its investors.”
社外から経験豊富な幹部社員を雇用するのではなく(GoogleはEric Schmidt氏を採用した)、Twitterでは当時COOだったCostolo氏を内部昇格させた。同氏はCEOを勤めた経験があったが、Twitterは同氏が設立したことのある3社よりも既に大きかった。その当時、私は「投資家から10億米ドル以上の企業価値と評価されている会社を経営する能力がCostolo氏にあるか、いくつか不安がある」と書いていた。
Since then, I think Costolo has proven himself more than worthy. Downtime is rare. He harpooned the #FailWhale. He steered Twitter through another big era of growth, if never quite as big as expected. He expanded the advertising revenue significantly. He grew employment from 300 to 3,900.And, of course, he took Twitter public.Marc Benioff @BenioffCongrats @dickc! While CEO grew shareholder value from $1b to $24b. There are not many CEOs who delivered 24x over their tenure. Well done.
以来、Costolo氏はCEOに値するという以上のことをしてきたと思う。業績不調はほぼ無かった。同氏は#FailWhaleに銛を打ち込んだ。Twitter社の舵をとり、期待されることのなかった規模まで大きく成長させた。広告収入を劇的に拡大した。社員を300人から3900人にまで増やした。そして、もちろんTwitterを上場した。Marc Benioff@Benioff氏おめでとう @dickc! CEO在職中に株主価値が10億米ドルから240億米ドルに成長した。在職期間中に24倍の成長を実現するCEOはそうはいない。お見事でした。
After receive the documents, I met the custom yesterday to ask about receiving food additive. And belong to their answer, I think that we can receive the FA easily but not fast. Because after receive the agreement, the food administration will check directly from the cargo you sent to sure that it's the same with the FA we registered. So we are not sure now what's exactly time we can have FA in our factory.If your visit purpose is checking along our production for the first cargo, in my opinion, it would be better if you wait until we can sure the time we receive the FA, so that you won't waste your time here.
I want to be sure that you understand…The remaining 1400.00 is only the deposit amounts required to start the layaway and hold the babies for you) The full costs of each doll is 2899.00 for River, 2899.00 for Lennon and 2499.00 for Lincoln2. The deposit amounts do apply towards the total cost. Once the deposits have been paid on each doll, then you can make monthly payments. The dolls do not get shipped until they are completely paid for. Please let me know if you understand all of this.
ご理解頂けたか確認させて下さい。。。 残金1400.00は購入予約受付と赤ちゃん人形を取り置きするためのデポジットです。人形の代金はそれぞれ、Riverが2899.00、Lennonが2899.00、Lincoln2が2499.00となります。デポジット頂いた金額は総額に充当されます。それぞれの人形に対してデポジット頂いた後は、月々のお支払いとなります。人形の発送は全額お支払い頂いた後となります。ご理解頂けたかご連絡頂きますようお願い申し上げます。
I have received from PayPal the two payments (365.00 and 200.00). This will cover the cost of Anna and her shipping fee. Anna’s cost was reduced on the condition that you are buying the larger dolls, Lennon, River and Lincoln, I will ship Anna to you immediately when you have paid the deposits on the other dolls. You said you would be paying those deposits next month. (the remaining 1400.00)When it is time to ship the dolls, I can mark the contents and paperwork to say value is 200.00 but I can only insure the package then for that amount. The shipping fee is 90.00 on the larger dolls because they weigh more and require a larger box. Anna is less to ship because she weighs less and will be in smaller box.
PayPalでお支払い2件(365.00 and 200.00)を受領致しました。これでAnnaの代金と送料がカバーされます。Annaのお値段の値引きの条件は、LennonかRiverまたはLincolnのいずれかの大型の人形をあわせてご購入頂くことになっております。他の人形のデポジットをお支払い頂いた後、速やかにAnnaを発送致します。大型の人形へのデポジット(残金は1400.00になります)は来月お支払い頂くとご連絡頂きました。人形を発送する際には、梱包と書類上の金額を200.00に設定致しますが、保険のカバーもその金額までとなります。大型の人形の送料は重さと梱包の大きさの関係で90.00となります。Annaの送料がそれよりも安いのは重量が軽いのと梱包も小さいためです。
Life as a Public CompanyRule #1 is “Always under-promise and over-deliver” —If you over-promise and under-deliver as a public company, you soon get on a track where your management isn’t trusted. And it’s hard to recover from that. But if you start off by under-promising and over-delivering, then it has the opposite effect — you’re building long-term credibility.
Three of the most important people you need when you’re running a public company are — An Investor Relations (IR) head, internally, who can communicate with analysts in the coded, nuanced language they use. Second, you need a very good external Corporate PR advisor, who will help you convert your investor message into a press message, because press sentiment can massively influence investors. Third, you need at least one trusted advisor (probably one of the brokers), whom you can bring into your inner circle and talk to about anything.
How to build a world-class team without fundingStartup founders are resource-constrained at every stage of their company, but nothing stings more than the inability to add amazing talent to your team at critical points. The difference between a successful startup and a sad failure is often a VP of engineering who can help raw, young talent scale. Or a genius designer who can transform the way your product looks and feels. Or an advisor with deep relationships in your market.
Unfortunately, this caliber of team is tough to acquire. Employees are well compensated at big companies and are beneficiaries of perks that make Disney World look dull. They have wide latitude to pursue projects of interest, and the best of them have multimillion-dollar retention packages.Likewise, influential advisors are in demand, have their pick of projects, and can’t be moved with the usual levers.Meanwhile, you’re offering an Ikea desk and a promise.
Still, recruiting top-caliber employees is possible, even before the first dollar of VC hits your bank account. If your target isn’t used to the world of startups, starting them as an advisor is often a way to test the waters. They often dream of the autonomy, fame, and riches the best startups can provide but aren’t quite ready to trade in their cush gig for a startup, even with seed funding.
The first step is understanding who you’re trying to add to the team and why. There are three main types of advisor you can add:
1. Legacy builders with star power: This is a well known person in the field that lends credibility to your business. They might have been on magazine covers or shepherded a company through an IPO. Except in rare cases like John Carmack joining Oculus, this person will not likely join your team in a full-time capacity. You’re recruiting this person to lend credibility or perhaps serve as an independent board member.
1. 名の通ったレガシービルダー: 業界でよく知られた人物で会社の信用度を上げることができる。雑誌の表紙に載ったことがあったり、会社をIPOさせたことがあるような人達である。 John Carmack氏とOculusのようなレアケースを除き、この手の人物をフルタイムで雇えることはない。会社の信用度を上げてもらうか、恐らく、社外取締役をお願いすることになるだろう。