The decline of spam is usually attributed to legal prosecution against botnets (including by major tech companies like Microsoft), faster reaction times by network providers, improved blocking, and better filtering. The main goal is to make the business less lucrative: If you can slash profit margins for a spammer, you can slash spam itself.This is great news for not just email users but companies that are dedicated to fighting spam. Their business isn’t going away anytime soon, but they are making progress.
Other findings in the report, which talks about not just spam but security overall, include:・57.6 million new malware variants were created in June, up from 44.5 million pieces of malware created in May and 29.2 million in April.・Ransomware attack has increased for the second month in a row and crypto-ransomware has reached its highest levels since December 2014.You can read Symantec’s full 19-page report here:
同レポートはスパムだけでなくセキュリティ全般をカバーしており、その他の報告は以下。- 6月の新型マルウェアは5,760万、4月の2,920万、5月の4,450万から増加している。- ランサムウェアによる攻撃は2ヶ月連続で増加しており、暗号化ランサムウェア数は2014年12月以来の最高レベルに達した。Symantec社のレポート全体は19ページで、閲覧はこちらから:
After 10 breakthroughs and $3B in research, IBM announces tiny 7-nanometer chipsIn semiconductor chip research, IBM has been racking up the breakthroughs for decades. And now it says that work is paying off with the creation of the first 7-nanometer chips. This means that the miniaturized electronics are so small that transistors on the chips are only 7 billionth of a meter in length. That’s 1,400 times smaller than a human hair.
And these chips will ensure that industry progress, summarized as Moore’s Law (after a prediction made in 1965 by Intel chairman emeritus Gordon Moore that the number of components on a chip would double every couple of years), will continue for at least another generation. Once the chips proliferate in the market, we’ll see faster, cheaper, and better electronics products out in the marketplace, from faster computers to smarter “Internet of things” devices, or everyday objects that are smart and connected.
そしてこれらのチップは、ムーアの法則に要約される業界の発展が少なくとも次の世代までは持続されることを確かなものにするだろう。(ムーアの法則とはインテルの名誉会長Gordon Moore氏が1965年に立てた予測であり、数年おきに半導体チップ上のコンポーネントの数が倍増するというものである。)このチップが市場に出回るようになれば、より高速、安価でより良い電器製品、より高速なコンピューターからよりスマートな「モノのインターネット(Internet of Things、IoT)」デバイス、またはよりスマートでインターネットに接続された日用品などが市場に出てくることになるだろう。
IBM said that this latest milestone is the fruit of a $3 billion, five-year investment in chip research and development that the company announced last year. In a way, the announcement is bittersweet. For while IBM still does leading-edge chip research, it agreed to sell off its chip manufacturing business to GlobalFoundries last year (the deal was finally approved last week). IBM also credited ten different breakthroughs over decades that made the 7-nanometer transistors on the chips possible.IBM said that its systems business will continue to use the most advanced semiconductors based on IBM research innovations, but those chips will now likely be manufactured by GlobalFoundries.
Now, you could argue that this is exactly the problem: Too much email marketing is making email useful only for marketing. But I think the reason email marketing works so effectively is because, at the end of the day, people are still very attached to their inboxes.We may complain about email. We may suffer from crappy email clients and all-company email threads that never end. Our inboxes may never get close to zero.But if the current crop of messaging apps really did succeed in killing off email, I think we would all start to miss it pretty soon.
さて、これこそは問題だと論じることができるだろう - 溢れかえるEメールマーケティングはEメールをマーケティングにしか役に立たないものにしている。しかし、私が考えるにEメールマーケティングが非常に効果的なのは、結局のところ人々が未だにEメールの受信箱をとても気にしているからである。Eメールについて文句を言うことはできる。ちゃちなEメールクライアントソフトや終わることのない会社のEメールのスレッドに悩まされてもいる。決してEメールの受信箱の未読メール数がゼロに近づくこともない。しかし、もし流行のメッセージングアプリが本当にEメールを葬り去ることができたとしても、皆あっという間ににEメールが恋しくなることと思う。
It’s not just me — I’ve seen people get enraged at each other over a seemingly innocuous intra-office email thread that suddenly escalates like an international border incident. But when those people get together face to face, the anger and the tension dissipate in minutes. The problem in these situations is clear: It’s the way email enforces a kind of formality, combined with lack of nuance. The combination can be toxic.
No wonder people are fleeing to messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Kik, and beyond. And on the enterprise side, no wonder Slack’s business is booming: If you can get your internal company communications off email and onto a fun platform that encourages productivity, shareability, and searchability — while supporting GIFs and emoji — it’s a win for everyone.Yes, there’s no doubt about it: Email is an unholy hack, a broken mess, an ever-growing floating island of garbage and dead fish swirling around in some forgotten part of the ocean. It needs to die, and the sooner the better.And yet.
人々がWhatsApp、Facebook Messenger、Snapchat、Kik等々のメッセージングアプリに逃げていっているのは無理もないことである。企業の側でもSlackの事業が成長著しいのも当然のことである。社内コミュニケーションにEメールを使うのをやめ、楽しいプラットフォームで生産性があがり、情報共有しやすくなり、検索性があがるのであれば、そしてGIFファイルと絵文字がサポートされるのであれば、誰にとっても良いことだからである。そして、これは疑いようのないことである。Eメールはひどいツールであり、壊れて散らかっているも同然であり、大きくなり続けるゴミの島であり、海の忘れられた場所でぐるぐる回る死んだ魚のようなものである。Eメールは死ぬべきだし、それは早ければ早いほど良い。そして、
Let’s just imagine a future without email — maybe just a few years hence, when these messaging apps are widespread enough that you could legitimately say “I’m deleting my email account” and not be seen as strange or experimental. And, more importantly, when you could do that and still be confident that the right people could reach you, whether that’s by Twitter DM or Facebook or Slack.
Eメールのない未来を想像してみよう - ほんの数年先には、メッセージングアプリが十分に浸透し、堂々と「Eメールのアカウントを削除しました」と言って、それがおかしいとも実験的とも思われないようになっているかもしれない。そしてさらに重要なことは、それができるようになっている暁には、TwitterのDMにせよFacebookやSlackにせよ、あなたにとって必要な人々があなたに連絡を取れると確信しているということなのだ。
First of all, none of the messaging apps have anywhere near the market penetration and reach of email, which reaches 2.5 billion people today, according to the Radicati Group. So you’ll probably need to keep a few messaging apps: Facebook Messenger for your friends using that, Snapchat for your other group of friends, Slack for work, and so on.
まず第1に、 Radicati Groupによればメッセージングアプリの市場浸透度はユーザー数が25億人に到達したEメールとは比べものにならないほど少ないということである。従って、恐らくメッセージングアプリを幾つか持つ必要があるだろう。Facebook Messengerを使っている友人もいれば、Snapchatを使っている友人もいるだろうし、職場ではSlackといった具合である。
Second, these messaging apps all have their own ways of doing things, so each one has its own rules and its own interface. Lest you think that’s a small problem, just look at how often people mistakenly send private direct messages to all their Twitter followers. Even the CFO of Twitter made that mistake, and who can blame him? It’s ridiculously easy to do this. So you need to use extra caution with Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and whichever apps you’re using, to ensure that you are using each one the right way, and not committing some horribly embarrassing (or business-threatening) mistake.
Third, they’re not interoperable. Each messaging app has its own separate platform, its own notifications on my mobile devices, its own list of my friends. You can’t send a message from Messenger to your friend on KakaoTalk, and you never will be able to. There’s no incentive for these companies to open up their message platforms to all comers.
3つめとして、これらのアプリはインターオペラビリティがないということである。それぞれのメッセージングアプリは独自のプラットフォームを持っており、モバイルデバイス上でも独自の通知があり、友達リストも独自のリストになっている。メッセージをMessengerからKakao Talk上の友達に送ることはできないし、決してできるようにならないだろう。これらのアプリの会社にとってメッセージプラットフォームを全面的に開放するインセンティブがないのである。
Fourth, these platforms often lack fundamental features that are actually quite useful. Slack, for instance, still doesn’t have threaded messages. If you don’t reply to someone’s post super quick, you might as well forget about it, because someone else is going to start another conversation and then no one will know what you’re replying to. (I know there is a workaround, but it’s kludgey.) Or how about filters and folders? It’s often quite useful to filter messages from a certain person — your boss, for example — into a special high-priority folder, where you can give it special attention, or save it along with all the other messages that person sent.
Fifth: Spam. You may not have noticed it, but if you’re a Gmail user, outright spam is getting rarer and rarer in your inbox, thanks to ever-more sophisticated spam filtering. Google has spent more than a decade honing its spam algorithms, and the result works pretty darn well. Twitter, by contrast: If you missed the old days of X10 camera spam and offers for green card lawyers, just turn on the setting that lets anyone send you a DM even if you’re not following them. Google’s spam mechanism has the equivalent of a Ph.D., while Twitter’s is still in kindergarten.
Finally, there’s one more angle to consider: Email, from a marketer’s point of view, actually works, with an ROI of 38 to 1, according to one estimate (.pdf). There’s a reason that Twitter and Slack, despite being their own messaging platforms, still send daily emails to people. For many Internet users, email is still the way they’d prefer to be contacted, and companies are happy to oblige, because engagement levels are so much higher than in other media.And email marketing companies are thriving — Campaign Monitor, to name one example, raised $250 million last year.
最後に、もう一つ別の角度から考慮することがある。マーケターの視点ではEメールは実際機能しており、ある推定(.pdf)によればROIは38対1ということである。TwitterやSlackは自分自身がメッセージングプラットフォームであるにも関わらず、未だに人々に毎日Eメールを送っているのには訳があるのだ。インターネットのユーザーの多くは未だにEメールを企業からコンタクトされる手段として好んでおり、他のメディアに比べてエンゲージメントが断然高いため、企業も喜んで対応している。そして、Eメールマーケティング企業は好調である。一例としてCampaign Monitorを見てみると、昨年2億5000万米ドルを昨年調達している。
a mistake, I did not get the lens. I thought last week that the lens would already be in my city. I started to monitor the load on the number you gave me. It was found that the lens is indeed already here.No message from the mail I got. And neither by phone, nor by mail.Today, the department decided to go to EMC. There I was told that I came too late and they sent yesterday lens back to you.I want this lens !!!How can I solve this issue? Could you send it again. Now I will watch over every day.
I have no problem with the way you are speaking, if anything I should apologize for knowing no Japanese. Your efforts are very much appreciated and effective.We will be shipping the products on pallets as opposed to in cardboard, because of the volume of the order the pallet is the most cost effective method for shipping. The most compact shipping method is to order 4 units per one size of an item, our products ship most efficiently in case packs of 4. We will include minimum annual orders (as opposed to smaller single orders) for exclusive distribution and pricing in the agreement, once agreed upon your pricing will be set in place at any order size This sounds good, we look forward to reviewing the agreement.
Backed by industry heavyweights“We’re creating something that even New York’s biggest hedge fund manager would want to use, and think is comparable to professional systems — but is easier,” Cynthia Siantar, Co-founder of Call Levels, said in an interview.Siantar was previously a Hong Kong-based equity capital markets associate with HSBC for nearly three years, and also a Singapore investment analyst with Mercer Investment Consulting.
業界の有力者の後援「私どもはニューヨーク最大のヘッジファンドのマネージャーでさえ使いたいというものを作っております。プロフェッショナルのシステムと同等でありながら、より簡単に使うことができます。」とCall Levels共同設立者のCynthia Siantar氏はインタビューで語った。Siantar氏は前職で、HSBCで香港エクイティキャピタルマーケットのアソシエイトを3年弱勤め、Mercer Investment Consultingでシンガポール投資アナリストを務めた経験を持つ。
Her co-founder, Daniel Chia, has roughly seven years experience as a Vice President at Ortus Capital Management, and prior to that as an Investment Manager at the Government of Singapore Investment Corp.Put simply, Call Levels provides real-time financial monitoring and notification service on the cloud, covering more than 5,000 assets including US equities, Forex, Futures — and now Bitcoin.Users can set a call level — an industry term that means “call me when the price hits a certain level” — and be notified instantly through a mobile notification. A premium automated phone calling service is planned to be rolled out soon.
Siantar氏の共同設立者Daniel Chia氏はOrtus Capital Managementで約7年間Vice Presidentを務めた経験を持ち、以前にはGovernment of Singapore Investment Corpでインベストメントマネージャーを務めていたこともある。簡単に言えば、Call Levelsはクラウド上でリアルタイムフィナンシャルモニタリングと通知サービスを提供し、米国のエクイティ、フォレックス、フューチャーズ、そして今やビットコインを含む5000以上の銘柄をカバーしている。ユーザーはコールレベルをセットでき、モバイル通知を通じて即時に通知を受けることができる。コールレベルとは業界用語で「価格があるレベルになったら呼んでください」という意味である。プレミアムの自動電話呼び出しサービスも近日リリース予定となっている。
Partnering with a Bloomberg service providerThe startup has partnered with itBit, a global bitcoin exchange and the first of its kind to be fully regulated under the New York banking laws, which inked a deal to provide Bloomberg’s 300,000 terminals globally with real-time Bitcoin monitoring.“When the Swiss Franc crashed, we informed our professional users faster than any other system out there,” Chia said. The crash, which came in the middle, caught many traders off-guard.