greene 翻訳実績

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greene 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

Historical data is one of the most used sources for personalization — especially for service-dynamic, personalized web content or products. Search and on-site activity are most often used, although social activity is surprisingly high. Communication and transaction histories are high as well, as they entail clear indicators of interest.

Many companies calculate key metrics that are particularly important indicators of company health. Among these, loyalty and lifetime value (LTV) are particularly important for personalization, presumably to segment out those customers who are most valuable for remarketing campaigns.




greene 英語 → 日本語

Question 6: Should the founders keep the money or return it, as Maris has stated they should, according to a post on The New York Times “Bits” blog? Would the venture firms have given the founders a bonus comparable to the amount of their cash-out if, in lieu of failing, the company had grown exponentially instead, with through-the-roof valuations that let the VCs make a killing? If not, why should the founders return their money?

Question 7: Will the founders use that money to launch something new? The second time around, the founders would have the benefit of the greatest teacher of all — experience — to remind them of just what a recipe for disaster early VCs can be.


問6:創業者はお金を返すべきか否か?The New York Timesの“Bits”のブログによれば、Maris氏は返さなくて良いという立場をとる。事業が失敗せずに急速な成長を遂げ、天井を突き破るようなバリュエーションになりベンチャーキャピタルを大儲けさせた、、、ベンチャーキャピタルは手にしたお金に見合う報酬を払ってくれただろうか?もし答えがNoであれば、なぜ彼らにお金を返す必要があるだろうか?

問7: 創業者は次の新規事業の立ち上げにベンチャーキャピタルからの資金を使うか?2回目になると、創業者は優秀な教師の資質の全て即ち「経験」を手にしており、早い段階でベンチャーキャピタルからお金を借りるのは災難のもとであることを思い出すことであろう。

greene 英語 → 日本語

Final Thoughts
Some view the failure of Secret as “just another day in Silicon Valley” — simply one more example of the uncertainty of venture capital investing. Yet, whether or not the failure was indeed part of business as usual in the Valley, the question still remains: Would we see fewer such days if the current VC funding model were overhauled? The answer is clearly yes!

Jenny Q. Ta is founder of Sqeeqee and has 15+ years experience in the world of VC funding and finance. She previously founded and managed two full service broker dealer firms on Wall Street, which controlled upwards of $250 million dollars in assets and were successfully acquired prior to her current transition into the world of tech.



Jenny Q. Ta氏はSqeeqeeの創業者で、ベンチャーキャピタル投資と財務の分野で15年以上の経験がある。以前はウォールストリートで総合証券会社を2社起業・経営し、運用資産残高は2億5千万米ドルを超えた。2社とも成功裏に売却し、現在テクノロジーの世界に転身中。

greene 英語 → 日本語

“It’s always been our philosophy that associate and junior folks look to start their own companies down the road […] they work with us on a two or three year cycle, and then we encourage them to start or join a startup as part of their journey,” says Lim. Both have been with the firm for a year plus.

Sutardi left to start an online customized furniture store called Fabelio. As for Jung, Lim will only say that he’s working on “a few ideas.” Lim further clarifies that Jung was a full-time partner and a rung below founding managing directors Lim and Peng Tsin Ong in terms of decision-making power.



Sutardi氏はFabelioと言う名のオンラインのカスタム家具用品店を始めるということで辞職した。Jung氏について、Lim氏は「いくつかの案」に取り組んでいると述べるに留まった。Lim氏は、Jung氏がフルタイムのパートナーで、意思決定においては創業マネジングディレクターのLim氏とPeng Tsin Ong氏の直下の役職だったことを明らかにした。

greene 英語 → 日本語

IoT developers: including students, startups, and traditional independent software vendors who want to expand their solution portfolios or add value through IoT, will receive proof of concept support, can consult experts for advice and attend training sessions and will be able to accelerate their development of IoT solutions through cloud services and tools.

“Our collaboration with Microsoft Hong Kong to create the IoT Innovation Platform and Data Analytics environment at Hong Kong Science Park, is a testament to Hong Kong’s unlimited potential as an Internet of Things hub,” said Allen Ma, CEO, HKSTP.



「Microsoft Hong Kongとの協力でHong Kong Science Park内に立ち上げることになったIoTイノベーションプラットフォームとデータ分析環境は、IoT(Internet of Things)のハブとしての香港の無限の可能性を証明するものです」と HKSTPのCEO、Allen Ma氏は述べる。

greene 英語 → 日本語

Gary Sun, General Manager, Microsoft Asia-Pacific Technology Company Ltd. (MATL) said, “The economic and social benefits that come with the development of the IoT industry in Hong Kong are numerous. With MATL’s IoT expertise, which is the best in the world, and our experience in helping Mainland China customers to succeed in the IoT industry, we’re very excited to collaborate with HKSTP to re-energise traditional industries in Hong Kong and create big data job vacancies in the next five years. I’m confident that this collaboration to create the IoT Innovation Platform will take the technology industry in Hong Kong to the next level.”


Microsoft Asia-Pacific Technology Company Ltd. (MATL)のGeneral ManagerのGary Sun氏は、「香港にIoT産業を育成することによる経済的そして社会的なメリットは非常に大きなものがあります。我々MATLは、世界最高を自負するIoTの専門スキルと、中国本土の顧客をIoT産業で成功に導く支援の経験があります。今回HKSTPと協力し、香港の従来産業を活性化し、向こう5年間ビッグデータ分野での雇用創出に取り組む機会を得て非常に気が引き締まる思いです。この協力関係がIoTイノベーションプラットフォームを立ち上げ、香港のテクノロジー産業を次のレベルに持って行くことは間違いないと確信しております。」と述べている。