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Your item was shipped today. Our apologies for delayed shipment. The overall shipment was delayed caused by huge orders due to summer vacation season last week. We enclosed pokemon cards which are not available in the market as our appreciation of your understanding. I hope you like them. It usually takes a week or two for item delivery, so it should make the Estimated Delivery Date. Thank you very much for your purchase this time. If there is any question, please feel free to contact us.
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The message like above gets displayed and I cannot edit each item of "○○" even I am trying many times. How can this be resolved? Browser is Chrome or IE.
Telegram now delivers 10B messages every day, up from 1B just 8 months agoTelegram, the encrypted messaging app backed by VKontakte founders Nikolai and Pavel Durov, announced today that its users send 10 billion messages per day. That’s up from 1 billion daily messages in December.That’s impressive, considering that people on Facebook, Messenger, and WhatsApp send a combined 45 billion messages each day, as Facebook said in April. WhatsApp on its own delivered 30 billion messages a day as of January.
Telegramは今や1日あたり100億メッセージを配信、つい8ヶ月前の10億から増加暗号化メッセージアプリでVkontakteの設立者Nikolai Durov氏とPavel Durov氏を後ろ盾に持つTelegramは本日、ユーザーが1日あたり送信するメッセージが100億となったと発表した。これは12月の1日あたり10億メッセージから増加している。Facebook、Messenger、WhatsAppを合計したメッセージが1日あたり450億であることを考えると、これは印象的である。1月時点ではWhatsApp単独のメッセージ送信数は1日あたり300億だった。
“We launched our iOS app exactly two years ago,” Telegram wrote in a blog post announcing the news. “Now we’re delivering over 10 billion messages daily — that’s roughly the number of push notifications that are sent by Telegram each day. All thanks to you.”In addition to its web app, Telegram has apps for many platforms, including Chrome OS, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.Other encrypted messaging apps include BitTorrent’s Bleep, Confide, Open Whisper Systems’ Signal/TextSecure, Peerio, and Wickr.
このニュースを発表するブログ投稿の中で「我々はiOSアプリを2年前に立ち上げました」とTelegramは書いている。「今や我々は1日あたり100億を超えるメッセージを送信しています。これはTelegramが毎日送信するプッシュ通知の数とほぼ同じです。すべて皆様のおかげです。」ウェブアプリに加え、Telegramはたくさんのプラットフォーム向けアプリがあり、Chrome OS、Windows、Mac、iOS、Android、Windows Phoneなどを含む。他の暗号化メッセージングアプリにはBitTorrent’s Bleep、Confide、Open Whisper Systems’ Signal/TextSecure、Peerio、Wickrなどがある。
UPQ also offers a 50-inch 4K display for JPY 75,000 (US$602), a 14MP full-HD action cam for JPY 15,500 (US$124), a three-axis electronic stabilizer for cameras and smartphones up to 5.5 inches for JPY 37,500 (US$301), and rolling luggage with a built-in battery and charging ports for JPY 29,000 (US$233).There are also a variety of wired and wireless earphones, Philips Hue-like connected lightbulbs, Bluetooth speakers, and more. Each device is available exclusively in UPQ’s custom “Blue x Green” color. Even its only non-electronic product – a retro “egg chair” straight out of the 1960s – comes with Blue x Green cushions. You can see the full product lineup here.
他にもUPQは50インチの4Kディスプレイを75,000円(602米ドル)で、14MPのフルHDアクションカムを15,500円(124米ドル)で、カメラや5.5インチ以下のスマートフォン向けの3軸電子制御スタビライザーを37,500円(301米ドル)で、組み込みバッテリーと充電ポート付きのキャスターバッグも29,000円(233米ドル)で提供している。他にも色々な無線・有線イヤホン、PhilipsのHueに似た電球、Bluetoothスピーカーなどなどを扱っている。各デバイスは全てUPQの「青 x 緑」のカスタムカラーとなっている。唯一の非電化製品であり、1960年代さながらのレトロ「エッグチェア」も青 x 緑のクッションが付いてくる。全製品ラインアップはこちらをご覧下さい。
Inspiring the competitionUPQ has already raised an undisclosed amount of funding from investors that Nakazawa declined to name. A source with knowledge of the deal tells Tech in Asia that the amount is just shy of US$1 million.While Nakazawa has no immediate plans to bring UPQ overseas, all 24 products are FCC and CE certified, and thus can be sold in the US and EU.When asked if she’s trying to become the Xiaomi of Japan, Nakazawa deflects. “Big Japanese tech companies are in trouble,” she says. “I want to change the way Japanese people approach making new products.”
競争喚起UPQは既に投資から資金調達している。金額は非公開で、またNakazawa氏は投資家の名を明かすことも控えた。この案件に詳しい筋がTech in Asiaに伝えるところによれば、金額は100万米ドルを少し欠ける程度だったという。Nakazawa氏はUPQすぐに海外展開する計画はないということだが、全24製品は既にFCCとCE認定を取得済みであり、従って米国とEUで販売可能である。日本版のXiaomiを目指しているのかと聞かれた際、Nakazawa氏ははぐらかした。「大手の日系テクノロジー企業は苦境にたっています」と彼女は言う。「私は日本の人々が新しい製品を作るアプローチを変えたいと思っています。」
Nakazawa firmly denies wanting to overthrow Japan’s waning consumer tech giants. It might sound crazy, but she’s more interested in inspiring them than beating them:“I don’t think of [companies like Sony and Panasonic] as rivals, because no one in Japan is doing what we do. Even if they try to move fast like us, competition is good, because it makes everyone work harder to make better products. I don’t care if they kill my business, as long as they do it better than me.”For such a peaceful founder, Nakazawa likes moving fast. Her next step?“Bigger products,” Nakazawa says with a smile. “I’m thinking an electric car.”
@@様 お買上げありがとうご注文の商品が日本から届きました。お気に召してもらえましたか。もしも、郵便事故などで壊れていませんか?そんな時は、すぐ連絡してね 保険つけてますから、迅速に対応します。他にも日本に有る物で、手に入れにくい物が有ったら教えてください。直接連絡して購入して貰えるならイーベイの手数料分は値引きします。もしもアイテムが注文品と違う場合の返送先@@@私からのお願いです、アイテム到着をメールやフィードバックなどで連絡してね。よろしくお願いします。
Dear @@, Thank you for your purchase. The ordered item has arrived from Japan. I hope you like it. Isn't there any issue like the item damage during transit? Should there is any issue, please let me know. The item is covered by an insurance so I will help you out quick. If there is any other item available in Japan but not easy for you to buy, let me know. If you directly contact me and buy from me, I will give you discount for the amount I have to pay to ebay as their handling charge. Should the item is different than you looked for, here is the return address. @@@If I could ask you a favor, please let me know your receipt of the item via email or feedback. Thanks,
Sorry for inconvenience but please cancel the item you won. I found the item Mr. JYO is looking for, so please confirm. It's in very nice condition without any color fading nor noticeable scratch. Neither it has any alternation as it is in genuine original specification, very minor wear on frets, it's very nice item in both its condition and for play. The price is 2,560 US dollar, including shipping charge. Please understand this item is not stocked in our store, so it could be sold.
Thank you for letting me know that the item has been shipped. For the balance amount of $112.91, I appreciate your favor and will pay at next time. Thank you and best regards,
As I said for a number of times, our products are genuine. I told you why I can say that for a number of times before, so I don't think I need to mention it this time. ebay also agrees that so. And how can you tell it is counterfeit just by photos?You cannot tell that so even for products carried by the official retailer. There might be some differences by year of make or manufacturing locations. And we are procuring our products through the special route and inspect them, so we can offer them at discounted price. You can see that by just checking the feedbacks from other buyers. If you don't agree and don't trust us, you better go other retailers. We also want to avoid troubles.
I would figure up business models that makes you feel "running business is such a fan!" from your heart and propose in a way that we would jointly grow them. Looking forward to hearing from those who are interested in Japanese hospitality or culture, or any business planning international expansion. Let's work together!
Because I wanted to be myself who contributes to society for enabling a spiritually rich lifestyle. In today's world, it's not just money, but in reality, vast majority of things can be resolve with money. Also, when you want to do something, it's my belief that wealthy economy could provide freedom of choice. I am still immature but I am thinking to spend a part of revenue for contribution to society. Not as a corporation, but in fact as an individual, I have been donating 12,000 Yen annually to an association for 26 years in row.
気付けば自分の体には、ポリープができ、また最も最悪の時には、白血病疑惑まででるほどの体力の消耗ぶりでした。奪い合い、競争の社会でなく、融合し共創の社会を、私が作ってみせる!そう思ったのが、起業へのきっかけでした。競争して蹴落とすような社会ではなく、共存してお互いが融合しあえるような環境であるべきだと強く思ったのです。その後、ウェブスクールにてHP制作、SEOなどの技術を取得。会社名にもありますように、Enrich the Quality of Life 略して、EQL イコル
I found myself so debilitated that I got polyps, and also at the worst time, I was even suspected to be leukemia. Whoelse if not me can build a conciliatory and co-creative society, rather than competitive one nor the one where people are ripping off each other! That's where I started my own business. I thought the society should become where letting people coexist and get integrated each other, rather than people compete each other and kick others out. Then I obtained skills for homepage building and SEO at web school. As the name of the company, Enrich the Quality of Life, or EQL for short.
My hometown is Shinagawa ward in Tokyo and after graduated a junior college, I was engaged in many types of business including international trade at a foreign affiliated company for 15 years as well as working experience at an international NGO which specializes in child support. I have experienced and overcome many challenging realities like sudden termination of employment contract for twice, parents' diseases, my own deconditioning and so forth. Also, intracompany faction, talking bad things about others whenever employees get together, getting in each other's way, complaints about CEO, and so on and on... I want to get away off this kind of situation!
The post office still can not find my package, here is the information of the post office and supervisor, if you or or Japan post need for insurance claim, he knows my situation.
Y Combinator-backed Prayas Analytics aims to help retailers increase salesAlways be testing.That’s certainly an important part of running a business, no matter whether it’s a digital company producing hardware or software or if you have a traditional brick-and-mortar store. While there are plenty of tools for the former, testing can be expensive for physical stores to execute. But Prayas Analytics has an offering that might take care of that.
Y Combinatorが支援するPrayas Analyticsが小売店の売り上げ拡大を狙う常にテスト調査を実施せよ。ハードウェアやソフトウェアを製作するデジタル企業であろうと、従来型の実店舗であろうと、それが事業経営にあたって重要であることは間違いない。前者には沢山のツールがあるが、実店舗にとってテスト調査の実施はコストが高くなり得る。Prayas Analyticsはその課題を解決できるかもしれない。
Y Combinator-backed Bitcodin turns your films into ‘Netflix-quality’ videoIf you’re a developer, agency, or online video platform that lets users upload video content to share with their friends, one of the things you may worry about is how to make sure that it’ll render in high quality and also encode at a rapid pace. Should you be encountering this problem, Bitcodin wants to let you know that it’s here to help.Backed by Y Combinator, Bitcodin says it enables fast playback of videos, optimizes the streaming quality, and supports buffering. It claims that it’s going to be able to provide video encoding at speeds a hundred times faster than similar services, while also providing Netflix-grade quality streaming.
Y Combinatorが支援するBitcodinがあなたの会社でも「Netflix品質」のビデオを提供可能にユーザーにビデオをアップロードして友達と共有できるようにするオンラインビデオプラットフォームや、デベロッパーやエージェンシーにとって、どうやって高い再生品質や高速なエンコードを確実にするかということは心配事の一つだろう。万一この問題に遭遇したら、Bitcodinが支援できるかもしれない。Y Combinatorが支援するBitcodinは、ビデオの再生がすぐに始まるようにでき、ストリーミング品質を最適化し、バッファリングをサポートしていると述べている。同社は類似サービスに比べて100倍高速なビデオのエンコードを提供し、その上Netflix級のストリーミング品質を提供可能だと主張している。
Thank you for your contact. We didn't notice any strange noise on the manual focus during our acceptance. Our apologies. You may return and refund but we afraid it costs shipping charge as well as some effort on your end. So, we would like to suggest that we refund a part of your payment so that you could cover repair charge with it. What would you think? For the partial refund, we would like to refund you 50USD. Please let us know your if you would like to proceed with this.