せっかくですから、日本語の挨拶についてすこし共有します。初めて会った人に対しては「はじめまして」が使われます。英語のNice to meet youに該当します。基本的には朝昼晩で言葉が変わります。朝は「おはよう」でGood morning、昼は「こんにちは」で〜、夜は「こんばんは」で〜になります。「おはよう」については、目上の方については「おはようございます」になります。ぜひ日本人を見かけたら声かけてみてくださいね。きっと喜ぶと思います。
Since I'm here, I'll share the expression of greetings of Japanese with you.To whom you meet at the first time, you say ”Hajimemashite". This means "Nice to meet you." in English.Basically, you will say differently in morning, noon and night.In the morning, you say "Ohayo" which means "Good morning", "Konnichiwa" for noon and "Konbanwa" for night.In regard to "Ohayo", you say "Ohayo-gozaimasu" for superior.Please speak to Japanese when you see them. They'll be glad.
URATA NAOYA LIVE TOUR 2014 -UNCHANGED-URATA NAOYA LIVE TOUR 2014 -UNCHANGED-新潟、高崎、神戸、広島、仙台公演 一般発売中!福岡以降の公演も先行受付中!チケットぴあhttp://pia.jp/t/uratanaoya/ローソンチケットhttp://l-tike.com/uratanaoya/イープラスhttp://eplus.jp/uratanaoya/
URATA NAOYA LIVE TOUR 2014 -UNCHANGED-URATA NAOYA LIVE TOUR 2014 -UNCHANGED-Tickets for general seats for Niigata,Takasaki,Kobe,Hiroshima and Sendai NOW on SALE!Advance reservation for/after Fukuoka stage being accepted NOW!Ticket PIAhttp://pia.jp/t/uratanaoya/LAWSON Tickethttp://l-tike.com/uratanaoya/Entertaiment Plushttp://eplus.jp/uratanaoya/
皆様もお元気でお過ごしであることを願っております。ご指摘の内容につきましては、こちらで最終確認を行い間違いが無い状態で納品しています。しかし、本日納品した「KOMPLETE 10 」において、リンクの"▶"マークを適切な場所に記載したにもかかわらず、"▶"マークが自動的に違う場所に移動してしまい、いくつかの"▶"マークを適切な場所に記載することができませんでした。よってこの問題は、AGITOのシステム上の問題と考えられますが、対応をお願いできますか?よろしくお願いします。
I hope you are doing well.Regarding what was pointed out by you, we made a final check and delivered without any errors.However, on "KOMPLETE 10" which we delivered today, although we put "▶" on a proper place, it was moved to wrong place automatically. And several "▶" were not able to be put on proper places.Therefore, we think that this is a systemic problem on AGITO. Could you please check?Thank you very much for your support in advance.
Thank you very much for sending me the document.I will go through it before the meeting.I will give you feedback within next week.
Your August order is ready for you. We understand it might take a long time for you to pay the additional amount.We are willing to send you the current order for $1440 for the order, $140 for the express shipping and $300 payment towards the money you owe us. Total would be $1980.Please confirm if you are interested.
8月にいただいたご注文の準備ができました。 追加のお支払にお時間がかかることは理解しております。現在のご注文分1440ドル、速達での発送手数料140ドル、未払いとなっている300ドルを合わせまして合計1980ドルとなります。ご興味があるようでしたら、ご注文の確定をお願いいたします。
Please reply without fail.I have been e-mailing several times, but I' sending you again because of no response from you.Regarding the length of stay, I was told by you that I would not need to revise it. However, as I contacted the embassy of Uzbekistan in Japan, they told me that I would be granted a visa which would enable me to stay only for 1 day. With my current status as stated above, I cannot cover the competition. Therefore please extend the period of my stay at soonest.I have not much time left.I also attach here the amended application form again.