Thank you for contacting eBay about the case for the Selmer Saxophone Mark VII (eBay item number: 270690462417) that you bought. I know how frustrating it can be to have bought an item and not receive it. We're here to make sure that this claim is not only decided correctly, but also in a timely manner. I am more than happy to assist you with this issue today. I am sorry for the delay in our response to you about this issue, we have had a higher than normal volume of emails and it is pushing back our response time.
購入なさったSelmer Saxophone Mark VII (eBay 商品番号: 270690462417) に関してeBayにご連絡ありがとうございます。購入製品が届かないことに、ご不満であることを深く理解いたします。当方では、確実に、クレームを正しく迅速に処理するように努力しています。この問題に関しては、本日中に処理いたします。この件に関して、返答が遅れまして申し訳ありません。通常よりもメールの数が多かったため、返答時間に遅延が発生しております。
I have reviewed the details on this situation and I have personally reached out to your seller about this transaction. I am placing a 3 days hold on the case to give your seller a last chance to resolve the matter with you. eBay will revisit the claim after this timeframe has passed. If your seller has not taken any steps towards resolving this with you, appropriate action will be taken on the claim.
I've taken a moment to review your account and I can see that you've been with us since 2007 with countless transactions behind you. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued use of eBay, thank you for coming back over the years and helping make eBay such a great place to buy and sell. In summary, I've placed the case on hold for 3 days and have asked the seller to either provide a tracking number or to refund you. If the seller has not resolved the case by the end of the 3 days, we will close the claim in your favor and refund you.Thank you for choosing eBay.Sincerely,Aubrey WeBay Customer Support
お客様のアカウントを拝見しましたところ、2007年から数え切れないトランザクションをなさっていることがわかりました。この機会に、eBayを継続してご利用いただいていることに心から感謝いたします。ご利用を繰り返していただくことで、eBayが商品売買の場として成長することにご協力いただいたことを大変嬉しく思います。繰り返しますが、この件に関して、販売者には3日間の猶予期間が与えられました。販売者はこの間にトラッキング番号を提出するか、払い戻しを行う必要があります。3日後に解決策が提示されていない場合は、ebayでは、本クレームをクローズし、そちらに払い戻しをいたします。eBayをご利用いただきありがとうございます。敬具Aubrey W (オードリー・W)eBay カスタマーサポート
A multinational clinical trialis currently under way to assess whether trypanocidaltherapy affects mortality and cardiovascularoutcomes in patients with chronic Chagas’disease without advanced cardiac involvement( number, NCT00123916).We presentedthis patient’s case to a panel of consultantsat the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionwho agreed that he met the criteria for treatmentand provided nifurtimox to us. We were requiredto obtain approval from this hospital’s institutionalreview board for compassionate use in orderto dispense the medication to the patient.
世界各国を対象としたクリニカルトライアルが、抗トリパノソーマ薬治療が心障害のない慢性ジャガス病患者の心血管系の病気と死亡に関与するかどうかを現在調査中である。( 番号、 NCT00123916)この患者のケースを連邦防疫センターのコンサルタント委員団に提出し、そこから治療の基準を満たしていることの同意を得た後、ニフルチモックスが提供された。治療薬を患者に投与するためには、この病院の施設内治験審査委員会のコンパッショネートユースに関する評議委員の承認を必要とした。
i dont see any, i just looked it up and it was very expensive. please, this looks old and faded, i dont or cant see any chips or cracks. i have tried to take good pictures. i have about a hundred or so of this lladro and i dont plan to sell these on ebay, i bought the whole lot as contents of a garage.
Oakley 04-117 X Metal Juliet Polished Rare Collector. The photo showes both lenses but the left one is missing and the right one has scratches. 100% Oakley with serial number.Discontinued model, so get this while you still can...only here! LIMITED EDITION COLLECTORS ITEM - SPECIAL PRODUCTION ONLY – Serial numbered - 100% authentic and made in the USA!
オークリー(Orkley) 04-117 メタル ジュリエット ポリッシュド: コレクターズアイテム。写真は両方のレンズがありますが、実物は左のレンズがありません。また右のレンズには傷があります。オークリー純正品でシリアル番号が付いています。このモデルは製造終了となっていますので、入手可能なうちに、ここでお買い求めください!限定数のみのコレクターズアイテム。特別製造の品でシリアル番号付。米国製造の純正品。
Anyone who has ever wondered how certain fast-food restaurants get away with serving food that is so dramatically different than what they advertise will find bemusement in this clever ‘Fast Food: Ads Vs Reality’ photo expose.The photos put actual food items ordered from franchises like McDonald’s and Burger King next to their advertised alter ego, and the results are simultaneously pathetic and hilarious. Even to those who feel somewhat versed on the inherently disingenuous nature of fast food advertising, ‘Fast Food: Ads vs Reality’ is still surprisingly profound.
People around the world know fast food as one of the most reliable distributors of disappointment ever produced by the business world. We know that if we ever feel the need to complain about something, we can just grab a page out of a coupon booklet, adorned in pictures of juicy burgers, then go have a party.
Title:The Missing Native/Web App Link: Google Says Native Client Almost Ready To GoBody:We’ve written a number of things about the contrast between native apps and web apps. The common consensus these days is that the two will eventually converge — but that has been happening more slowly than some have been hoping, particularly in the mobile space where native apps dominate. On the more traditional side of things, the transition is happening faster, but something Google has been working on could be the real missing link: Native Client. And according to Google, it’s getting close to being ready for primetime.
Thank you for purchasing the product.I will ship it on Monday next week.I estimate it would take 5 days to be delivered.It should arrive on 24th, 25th or 26th to you.I hope you will enjoy opening it.By the way, do you like confectionaries, some kind of snacks?
But tax lawyers say the most difficult hurdle concerns restrictions around the choice of the investments. The “private placement” part means that the investor must be willing to choose, from a list preselected by the insurer, the bonds, stocks, hedge funds or other investments in which premiums will be invested. In other words, you can’t try to stuff in your separate hedge fund investment, a move that can run you afoul of the Internal Revenue Service. And you can’t stuff in paintings or other valuables, Mr. Waxman added. He said the policies were not good for those wanting to invest in private equity, because the latter can be difficult to convert to cash.
Gideon said the people who can buy them “are control freaks and tend to think they can invest better than anybody, including the hedge fund manager,” and thus often shy away from them. Though the policies require only a couple of premium payments, they are hefty. Insurers that sell them typically require at least a $1 million prepaid premium for a $10 million policy, and others require $5 million. Some policies have a value as high as $100 million or more, with the total premiums due ranging from $10 million or more each. Big sellers include MassMutual, the American International Group, New York Life, the Phoenix Companies in Hartford and Boston, Prudential, John Hancock and Crown Global Insurance.
But the various fees that can be owed in addition to the premiums are typically well below fees for other forms of investable insurance. They can include a one-time sales load charge, a required annual mortality expense, the monthly cost of insurance, a state premium tax and a deferred acquisition cost. If a trust or foreign corporation is set up offshore to house the policy, there are other fees, including one paid to the trustee of the entity that owns the policy. If the policy owns hedge funds, investors may also be required to pay the typical 20 percent cut of profits and a 2 percent management fee to the fund.
Credit Card Dieting (As unemployment rose and as credit card companies added fees and hiked interest rates, consumers were more likely to pay cash or sign up for the growing number of layaway programs. On Dec. 9, reported that ―Revolving debt, which is made up almost entirely of credit card debt, has been falling steadily as people pay down their credit card debt and limit their use of plastic. Outstanding debt has fallen for 13 straight months.)
Freebies (We saw marketers of all stripes deploy the 'f' word this year, from Harley-Davidson’s free-for-a-year offer to Stop & Shop’s free generic drugs promotion to restaurant chains like IHOP offering a free kid’s meal with purchase of a regular entree.)
フリービー(Freebies: 無料の商品やサービス)(今年は、マーケティング会社はこの「f」の付いた言葉を多用しているのが見られる。例えば、ハーレーダビッドソンのfree-for-a-year(一年間無料)のサービスや、ストップ&ショップ社のジェネリック薬品のプロモーションなどから、レストランチェーンのIHOPが通常の入場料で、free kid’s meal(無料のお子様用の食事)などを提供している。
Batteries not included. Exterior shows normal to light signs of use/wear to the surface, light surface marks, small light scuffs), nothing major. The top where the handle folds into has two melted areas, one 1 1/4" long and under 1/2" wide, the other 3/8" long and and under a 1/4" wide. Both appears as something was spilled here, see 9th photo. The battery cover has a surface area melted from heat?, does not affect function, cosmetic only, see 12th photo. Right rear bottom cover has a 1 1/2" long melted area,on the side of the BACK COVER, at the bottom.
Thanks for ordering! We'd like to send this out, but it needs to have registered mail put on it as we mention in the description. Orders over $75 are not safe to send internationally and need tracking to be secure. Normally, we would tack that on in the invoice, but since you paid immediately it's not showing up on your payment. Please send $13.75 USD to pay for registered via PayPal and let me know the PayPal transaction ID. Then, we'll get this item out into the mail as soon as possible for you!Thanks again for your patronage,
ご注文をありがとうございます。製品の発送ですが、説明にあったように、書留便で送る必要があります。75ドル以上のご注文は、国際便で輸送するのに不安があるので、念のためにトラッキングができるようにする必要があります。通常、これはこちらからのインボイスに記載しますが、支払いをすぐに済まされたので、そちらの支払いに記載されませんでした。書留便の費用として13.75米ドルをPayPalで支払って、そのPayPal IDをこちらに教えていただけますか。受け取り次第、できるだけすぐに製品を出荷します。お買い上げ、ありがとうございました。
Products were shipped in one large carboard box, which was made from conbined 2 small carbord boxes. The large box was filled with products. The weight was nearly 30kg. There was only a little cushionings at the bottom of the box, even though I had specifically asked for careful packaging because the products were fragile materials. Other products in another carboard box were not damaged. I guess tat the damaged products would have been intact if they had not created a large box by attaching 2 small boxes - this is unbelievable. I was so shocked and did not wanted to see the products.
Tは、Mの義父が2004年に亡くなるまで彼に飼われていたが、義母が動物嫌いなためM夫婦が世話のために同居し始めた。一緒に住んでいたA(コーギー、メス)は、義父が亡くなる少し前に親戚の家へもらわれていった。MがTに聞きたい質問は下記の通り:1. 亡くなって1年になるけど、天国での生活はどう?友達はできた?2. Aが東京に帰って来るかもしれません。Tが彼女を呼んだの?3. 一年経った 今、私たちに伝えたいことや言い残したことはありますか?
T was owned by M's father in law until he passed away on 2004. Because M's mother in law did not like an animal, M and her husband moved into her house to look after T. A (a corgy, female) who had been living with T was re-homed to a relative of M. M's questions to T were as follows:1. It has been a year since you had left us. How are you doing the other side? Have you made new friends?2. A might return to Tokyo. Did T call her?3. Do you have anything that you would like to say after one year, or do you have something that you wanted to say before you left us?
When I called T, he came to me from a distance. I felt his joy as he was running towards me. He did not show any concern or fear. I felt his genuine, friendly and warm energy. (According to M, he was not friendly to people except M's family.)